© Contragram
Click on the underlined numbers to see examples of the patterns (then use the "back" button of your browser to return to the patterns).

Click on the underlined verbs to follow references to other lemmas.






'iets gegeven of betaald worden' 

'se voir donner ou payer quelque chose' 

'to be given or be paid sth'


NP___NP van NP

NP___NP voor NP

NP___NP als C2

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP de NP

NP ___ NP pour NP

NP ___ NP comme C2

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP from NP

NP ___ NP for NP/Pger

NP ___ NP as C2


'een bericht gestuurd worden

'se voir adresser un message' 

'to be sent a message'


NP___NP van NP

NP___NP per NP

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP de (la part de) NP

NP ___ NP par NP

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP from NP

NP ___ NP by NP


'bezoekers verwelkomen of gasten onderhouden' 

'accueillir quelqu'un' 

'to welcome visitors or entertain guests'



NP ___ NP als NP

NP ___

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP comme C2



NP___NP as C2


'in het genot gesteld worden van een opleiding' 

'avoir le droit de suivre une education' 

'to be allowed to enjoy a particular education'

>>> krijgen


NP___NP (from NP)


'op een bepaalde manier op iets reageren'

'réagir d'une certaine façon à quelque chose'

'to react to sth in a specified way'


>>> interpreteren


NP___NP comme C2


NP___NP as C2


'iets opgedragen worden'

'être chargé de quelque chose'

'to be ordered to do sth'

>>> krijgen

NP___NP (de NP)

NP___NP (from NP)


'iets genoemd worden door iemand of naar iets of iemand'

'être appelé (d'après quelqu'un ou quelque chose)'

'to be named sth by sb or after sb/sth'

>>> krijgen

NP ____  nom (de NP)

NP___ name (from NP)


'iets (formeel) in ontvangst nemen'

'accepter officiellement un don ou un prix'

'to (formally) accept what is given to you'

NP___NP (van NP)

NP ___ NP

NP___NP (MAN) (from NP)


'als lid in een groep opnemen'

'admettre quelqu'un dans un groupe'

'to allow sb to become a member of a group'

>>> aanvaarden

>>> opnemen

>>> opnemen / aanvaarden

>>> accueillir / admettre

>>> accueillir / admettre 

>>> accueillir / admettre


NP___NP into NP

NP___NP as NP


'in staat zijn uitgezonden signalen te horen, zien of converteren; opvangen'

'être en mesure d'entendre ou de convertir des signaux émis'

'to be able to hear, see or convert broadcast signals'

NP___ NP

NP ____ NP / >>> capter




voorbeelden - exemples - examples


We werkten als slaven en ontvingen een hongerloon.
Dit jaar ontvangen 735.000 mensen een werkloosheidsuitkering, tegen 520.000 in 1982.

Het NIVR beheert en bestuurt de ontwikkelingssteun die Fokker van overheid en bedrijfsleven ontvangt.


Hij doet dit voor eigen rekening en ontvangt vijf gulden voor iedere merrie die gedekt wordt.

Dat viel te horen op de uitreiking van de Sandoz-prijs voor gerontologie, waar Steven Boonen (KU Leuven) een half miljoen frank ontving voor zijn onderzoek naar de mekanismen van osteoporose.



Om het basisbedrag gaat het. Dit bedrag ontvangt de student als voorschot. Een voorschot dat wordt omgezet in een gift op het moment dat de ontvangende student studiepunten haalt.



La seule ville de Shanghaï, la plus grande de Chine avec plus de treize millions d'habitants, aura reçu 950 millions de dollars d'investissements étrangers en 1991, 3 milliards en 1992 et 7 milliards l'an dernier.
Si l'on considère comme un cadeau le fait qu'il y a vingt ans, en ma qualité d'avocat, j'ai reçu des honoraires, alors je ne monte pas sur mes grands chevaux.
J'adore offrir des bouquins ; je ne déteste pas en recevoir.

Interrogé sur les affirmations contenues dans un rapport de Thierry Jean-Pierre, juge d'instruction, avant sa nomination à la chancellerie [...], M. Mitterrand a démenti catégoriquement avoir reçu le moindre "cadeau" de l'industriel Roger-Patrice Pelat.
Au cours de la saison 1992-1993, le club de Ramon Mendoza avait reçu de Dorna 1,4 milliard de pesetas.

Présenté à Venise, la Commare secca a été accueilli avec réserve par une critique italienne conformiste qui trouvait peut-être trop encombrant ce jeune homme qui venait, en plus, de recevoir le prix Viareggio pour son recueil de poèmes En quête du mystère.
Nelson Mandela, président de l'ANC, et le président sud-africain Frederik De Klerk reçoivent conjointement le prix à Oslo pour leur combat contre l'apartheid.

Pour le lecteur, qui reçoit Le Monde comme un tout, il y a là un effet de redondance éventuellement agaçant.


The lucky winner of this month's Star Letter Prize will receive a free pack of essential Evo-Stik products worth over £50.
Customers booking an apartment with an occupancy of more than 5 receive a 20% discount off the under-occupancy supplement.
Young members receive a pennant, a plastic identity card and a comic.

The electronics industry will have received a total of 5.7 billion ecus from Brussels between 1990 and 1994, with additional money from national coffers.
WWF only exists because of the money we receive from our supporters.

Article 119 of the EEC Treaty provides: "Each member state shall... maintain the application of the principle that men and women should receive equal pay for equal work."
Neither manager would give a clue as to his team, or discuss in depth a match which could see the Republic qualify for the finals for the first time. Instead, the debate here focused on the bonuses Charlton's players will receive for getting to Italy (£25,000 per man) and the Sports Minister's public criticism of Irish television for their decision not to screen the other tie in Group Six, between Hungary and Spain.

The previous term I had been placed third — now my position was sixth. It was a great disappointment but I made up my mind there and then that it would be different next term. Right from the first day I worked hard, no longer rested on my oars and as a result topped the class list. The silver threepenny piece that I received as reward was hard earned but the episode taught me a lesson early in life — that good results are only achieved by extra effort.
The largest owner, Pocahontas-Kentucky (a subsidiary of Norfolk and Western Railroad), owns one-third of the county's surface land and mineral rights to another 81,333 acres (or 55 per cent of the county's surface). Yet, property taxes on Pocahontas-Kentucky's surface land hardly yield enough to buy a bus for the county school system, and the $76 the county receives as payment on the mineral rights would not buy the bus a new tyre to replace the one worn out on the county's unpaved and rough coal-hauling roads.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, building societies began to accept investments from people who did not want to buy a house, but use them as a way of investing their savings and obtaining an income in the shape of interest. As the only funds which the building society possessed were those they received as interest on the sums being borrowed by those buying houses, the payments to these non-house purchasing investors came from these "borrowing funds".


In een bijlage vermeldt de auteur de brieven die hij heeft ontvangen.


We hopen natuurlijk ook de volgende keer weer veel brieven van jullie te ontvangen.

Ik ontving de brochure per post.


L'OTAN a confirmé mardi avoir reçu la demande d'adhésion de la Lituanie, précisant que cette requête sera examinée "en temps utile".
En 1940 encore, il reçoit la commande d'une fresque pour le Palais des Forces armées : elle eût figuré, s'il avait eu le temps de l'exécuter, L'Italie impériale dans le nouvel ordre politique et économique [...].
Le 28 octobre dernier, ils ont reçu, tous deux, leur avis de licenciement.
Paul Cook a bien essayé de résister en mettant en place une hot line [...], pour recevoir les appels anonymes - un système de délation qui a fait ses preuves en Irlande du Nord.
"Nous recevons des appels téléphoniques affolés", reconnaît-on à la direction générale des collectivités locales [...].
"Dans les pays profondément attachés à l'indépendance de la Banque centrale, cette communication directe entre le gouvernement et l'autorité monétaire va de soi et ne porte nullement préjudice à l'indépendance de l'institution monétaire qui décide seule, dans le respect de la loi, c'est-à-dire sans recevoir ni solliciter d'instructions de quiconque."

Et puis elle reçoit un coup de fil d'Altman, qui l'invite à le retrouver à Paris sur Vincent et Theo, dont elle cosignera le montage.
Ainsi, après avoir évoqué dans le Monde du 16 décembre 1993 la petite boîte mystérieuse que Bunuel introduit dans Belle de Jour, je reçois d'une lectrice danoise habitant Frederiksberg la suggestion suivante : "Ne croyez-vous pas que la petite boîte contient tout simplement un de ces hannetons vivants que les Mexicaines portent en broche, souvent au revers d'une veste?"

Mais, interrogé sur de récents propos venus de l'entourage de François Léotard, qui appelaient à une intervention américaine, M. Christopher ajoute aussitôt qu'il n'a pas reçu de demande formelle en ce sens de la part de la France.
J'ai ainsi reçu, de la part de correspondants indignés, des tracts indiquant des permanences régulières de députés les mardis et mercredis dans leur circonscription, alors que ce sont les deux jours au moins où ils devraient être à l'Assemblée pour les réunions de leur groupe politique et les votes sur les textes.

Mais c'est seulement lundi soir, jure un officier, que nous avons reçu par fax le curriculum complet des cent cinquante premiers éléments de leur police.
J'ai reçu quantité d'encouragements par téléphone, mais aussi des avertissements du gouvernement.


I received a reply quickly.
What he was also wondering was whether Harriet had received any letters of the kind received by Tom Fearon and if so, whether she had kept them?
A few weeks after receiving Spaak's invitation, the European Movement responded with a memorandum on the details of the proposed assembly.
With doorstep sales , the buyer had a right to cancel an HP or credit sale contract, recovering any payment already made, within four days of receiving a second copy of the agreement.
The central SD digest of all the regional reports received at headquarters indicated "great dismay" and, among Party members inparticular, "deep depression".

On 10 June I received a letter from Mr., which made reference to the site meeting I held with you on 4 June, and then said, and I quote, "..."
They have a very good organisation called the United Kingdom Immigration Advice Service and I will quote a fax I have received from them.
There are two main ways in which the weak link may break down: a) Confusion from conflicting illusory information received in the brain from different sensors, eg your eyes and the balance mechanism of your ears. b) Failure to obtain the correct information, eg misreading, or more rarely, the fault of an instrument, or neglect of essential information because attention is directed elsewhere.

Many thanks for your letter received by fax.
That the outlaws had not in fact appeared was due to the violence of the storm and to the message which that very evening they received by smoke signal.
On the second morning, Miss Honey received by registered post a letter from a firm of local solicitors informing her that the last will and testament of her late father, Dr Honey, had suddenly and mysteriously turned up.


“Het is de figuur van Elco Brinkman,” zegt de priester die ontvangt in trainingspak.
Zomaar binnenlopen is er niet bij: even aanbellen, waarna Pruijs zelf ontvangt met koffie of thee.

Eerder deze week zei president Jeltsin, die Brown eveneens ontving, al dat de tarieven wellicht moeten worden gecorrigeerd.
Het is fijn om thuis gasten te ontvangen.
Toch ruimt hij tijd in om zijn Nederlandse gasten te ontvangen.

De plaatselijke bevolking zal u met open armen ontvangen.
De verloren zoons en dochters werden gastvrij ontvangen.


Toen de Amerikaanse generaal Norman Schwarzkopf vorige week terug kwam in de Verenigde Staten, werd hij als een held ontvangen.

Arafat in Brussel Tot voor kort werd hij door de Europese leiders zoveel mogelijk gemeden, vandaag werd hij in Brussel zelf als een staatshoofd ontvangen.

Fred en de melofielen (Radio 1, 14.03 uur) ontvangt als gasten Jan Bardi en het ensemble Piacevole.



"Didier Mathus, député de Saône-et-Loire, reçoit sans rendez-vous à sa permanence, le lundi, de 14 h 30 à 18 h 30."

Elles sont tenues, en tout état de cause, de recevoir le jeune et de lui remettre un justificatif daté attestant sa démarche, et d'adresser le document dans les trois jours au juge d'instance.
Ils étaient bien quatre cent cinquante, et leurs représentants furent reçus tour à tour par le préfet de région, le sous-préfet et le maire d'Arles avec le sentiment tout neuf d'être un peu écoutés, respectés, "légitimés".
Yasser Arafat effectue sa deuxième visite officielle en France où il est reçu à l'égal d'un chef d'Etat.

Gravures, dont l'une rapporte une des scènes les plus "parlantes" de la rencontre des deux mondes: après avoir les Espagnols comme des dieux, les guerriers du cacique Agüeynaba furent pris de doutes, qu'ils élucidèrent en plongeant l'un d'entre eux sous l'eau jusqu'à ce qu'il cesse de remuer.
Richard Nixon se rend en visite privée à Pékin, où il est pratiquement reçu comme un chef d'Etat et où il rencontre Mao Zedong.


Her Royal Highness was received by Brigadier Maurice Atherton (Deputy Lieutenant of Kent).
BUCKINGHAM PALACE 5 October: The Princess Royal, President, Riding for the Disabled Association, this morning visited the Abingdon Group at Lower Lodge Riding Centre, Charley Bassett Road, Longworth, and was received on arrival by Colonel Robert Heywood-Lonsdale (Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire).
Paul Arkwright had been brought to the house in Holborn one Sunday afternoon, a day when Robert Asshe habitually received a few carefully chosen guests, by his professor, an old friend and admirer of Asshe's unconventional renderings of Shakespeare's plays.
We have made visits to actuarial societies in every corner of the globe and received many overseas visitors and we were struck by the similarity of the issues we face.
Lord Aviemore had decided to stay at the Gleneagles Hotel, about twenty miles from Perth, and received Douglas in his luxurious suite, which looked across the golf course.

Father and son Mozart were invited to court to perform for the Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Francis I. "Their Majesties received us with such extraordinary graciousness that, when I shall tell it, people will declare that I have made it up."
I enquired about local clubs at the first bike shop I went to, with the idea of doing some weekend riding with them, perhaps. I was received very cordially and given some names and phone numbers.

In Bismarck, on 16th November, the ragged Nez Perce were received as heroes, reflecting the growing public sympathy for their plight.
There is also the danger with sending a letter that people may misread it — or just look at it and not read it properly. I have myself been welcomed as a local council surveyor come to look at houses in a slum area, and I had an assistant who was once received as a person who was trying to recruit voluntary social workers. These instances arose because the recipients just did not read the letters sent to them.


L'essentiel, c'est, quand même, que les enfants reçoivent la meilleure formation dans des établissement convenablement équipés.
Aussi, à l'origine, les détenus ont-ils reçu une formation spécifique.


We shall ensure that all staff receive proper training and are required to uphold the principles of this Code.
THE POPE has told Roman Catholic priests they should receive sex education to understand their own sexual urges and the confessions of their flocks.

Such an episode would affect any sensitive child, all the more one who had mixed happily with black people and, as already mentioned, received his first lessons in handicrafts from them.


De zes genomineerde boeken zijn alle goed tot zeer goed door de pers ontvangen, en als echt verrassend wordt de keuze niet beschouwd. 


Le plus souvent passif!
L'idée a été favorablement reçue à Bratislava, où, depuis le début du processus de séparation, les dirigeants slovaques réclament des mesures frontalières libérales comparables à celles existant au sein de l'Union européenne.
Pour les premiers, l'exercice se réalise entre "restructuration" et "recentrage sur les métiers de base". Bel artifice sémantique et louable objectif, généralement bien reçus des actionnaires.

Observant "sa malléabilité plastique dans l'inexorable fixité de sa dramaturgie", l'auteur explique que Don Juan est reçu par tous comme "le révélateur d'une destinée", parce qu'il choisit la liberté et l'éphémère contre la fidélité et qu'il affiche farouchement et scandaleusement son choix [...].
Le jugement de société est donc reçu par la famille comme étant un verdict.


Usually passive!
And was the concert generally well received?
The president of the West German Bundesbank, Karl Otto Pöhl, on June 11 proposed a "two-speed" process of monetary union, which was however coolly received.
Darras' writing and translating have been received with great acclaim.
Some writers and journalists ridiculed her appeals, which were often received with hostility by militant students.
Today, it's difficult to imagine how electric guitars were received in an environment where rock'n'roll did not exist.

C must be nominal!
Showing the Princess in conference with one of her dress designers did nothing to allay the view that she spent an inordinate amount of money on clothes; and broadcasting the Prince's remark that he talked to the flowers in his garden was a bad mistake. What was said tongue-in-cheek was received as confirmation of everything that had gone before: the Prince of Wales was seriously out of his tree.
From what we have seen it might be supposed that private judicial patronage was more trouble than it was worth, but the offices were in fact received as a sign of favour by many lawyers, who could of course use them as stepping stones to better things.


Le général Briquemont a affirmé que la FORPRONU manquait de moyens pour les protéger comme elle en a reçu la mission.
"Et le pape, rappelant que "l'Italie a reçu le devoir de défendre pour toute l'Europe le patrimoine religieux et culturel laissé à Rome par les apôtres Pierre et Paul" de conclure : "La chute du communisme a provoqué une nouvelle façon de regarder les forces politiques et leurs rapports."
Alors que le Fatah a reçu l'ordre de cesser les hostilités, l'assassinat d'un Israélien, près de Tel-Aviv, est revendiqué par le mouvement islamiste Hamas, qui s'oppose à l'accord.

Il estime, en effet, qu'il ne s'agit pas là de nommer des directeurs d'administration chargés d'appliquer la politique du gouvernement, mais des personnalités indépendantes qui, de par la loi, ne doivent pas recevoir d'ordre des ministres.


THE SON of a British Army officer yesterday described to the Aldington libel jury in the High Court how his late father told him of his "horror" when he received the order to repatriate Cossacks at the end of the second world war.
A spokesman for BT yesterday refused to comment on whether the company had received instructions to cut lines.
The children received either a task which required them to make use of temporal order information (the temporal task), or a task which allowed them to make use of causal direction information (the causal task).

Reallocations will not be made automatically if the taxpayer has asked for them not to be. However, the collector will suggest a reallocation if there is an overdue charge against which a repayment can be set and will proceed with the reallocation unless he receives contrary instructions from the taxpayer.
There was an unusually large crowd, including one or two golf journalists who rarely saw a golf course. They usually watched the action on the television in the Press tent or, even better, in the champagne tent. They had obviously received strict orders from their editors not to miss a story.


Ce saccage organisé qui dure depuis plus de trente ans a reçu un nom: la "bruxellisation".
Le "château", qui va recevoir le nom d'un récent succès de Dumas, est une grosse villa de banlieue.

Chaque plante martiniquaise reçoit du Maître un nom de baptême qu'il puise dans l'arsenal de la légende occidentale […].


Iit is fairly clear that Cnut, who received the name Lambert at his baptism, was a Christian when he acquired the English throne, and the same was probably true of most of his major followers.
Pliny knew of the Burgundians, and Orosius thought that they had reached the Rhineland in the days of the emperor Tiberius, receiving their name because they lived in settlements called burgi.

From his uncle, Joseph received the name Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekht, "Thunder Travelling to Distant Mountains".
Lan Tian, the baby panda born at Wolong Research and Conservation Centre in China, has died. Born in August 1986, she received her name which means Blue Sky, from HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, International President of WWF, when he visited the Reserve in October 1986.
The nearest town to the estate is Strada — said to have received its name from an old Roman road— but Grassina is easier to reach and has a better range of shops.


Popster Michael Jackson ontvangt eind april de zogeheten “Caring For Kids” prijs.


Il y a eu un grand silence. La vieille dame a gravi les marches. Avec peine. Les cinq cents personnes qui assistaient à la cérémonie semblaient toutes vouloir se lever pour aller l'aider à recevoir sa médaille.


The May play, Tea For Two, was performed for five nights the proceeds from the extra performance going to the Whiston Hospital cancer day- care ward a cheque for three hundred pounds being gratefully received by the hospital.

Here were shown Sylvester I (bishop of Rome from 314 to 335) triumphing over the dragon (symbolizing the enemies of the Church), baptizing the Emperor Constantine, and receiving the "Donation" from him.


The Christian took the sacraments in the hope that, as he received Christ, so Christ would receive him.

He was received into the Catholic Church in 1921 (dropping his first name in favour of Dominic).
On the other hand, if we look at a later decision-making episode in the same project when the pupils are temporarily in role as Indians who have to decide whether ornot to receive a white stranger into their midst (p. 53), this is more likely to have been played seriously as a real game for by then the children, after several lessons on the same project, were steeped in the material sufficiently deeply to respect the rich complexity of the problem.
Further requests were made to receive S into care.

He joined the CE in Thomas Street, was received as a member of the Methodist Church and became a Local Preacher on Trial. On 4 December 1940 it is recorded that "the child of Mrs McKinley was received as a Junior Member" and in 1943 a Cottage Meeting was started in the home of Mr and Mrs Walsh of Breagh and a good attendance was reported.



Dagenlang bleef het zelfs onduidelijk of Scott nog wel leefde. Tot vanochtend: een piloot van de vliegbasis in Aviano ontving plotseling radio-signalen. Ze bleken van Scott te zijn: Hij leefde nog, en had zich verstopt ergens in de bossen van Bosnië.

De uitzendingen zijn uiteraard gecodeerd en kunnen alleen ontvangen worden door diegene die de sleutel, oftewel de `decoder' in zijn bezit heeft.



Depuis le début du périple, un signe omniprésent du décalage entre les édits du gouvernement central et la réalité des choses nous saute aux yeux à chaque village, aussi petit soit-il: la désormais sacro-sainte antenne parabolique destinée à recevoir les émissions de télévion émises par satellite.
La diffusion audionumérique, elle, permet de recevoir des programmes radio en éliminant les perturbations dues aux réflexions, sur les ondes, des obstacles habituels.


Several sophisticated techniques are available, many of which involve more than one radio telescope receiving the echo, by means of which the ambiguity between the two patches can be removed, and the topography, surface texture and information about the composition of a planet's surface can be established.
The infrared signal, carrying the digital code, is received by a sensor in the television set, video recorder or other piece of equipment.
First of all the radar signal was received and retransmitted by the Viking Lander sitting on the Martian surface.
As the US television service CNN's transmissions were received by satellite in Baghdad, it was a comparatively straightforward matter to assess the effectiveness of such activities.