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zie ook: benoemen


voir aussi: s’appeler



'iets of iemand een naam geven of op een bepaalde manier karakteriseren' 

'donner un nom ou une qualification à quelqu'un ou quelque chose' 

'to give sb or sth a name or to describe them in a particular way'

NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ NP MAN 

NP ___ NP bij/naar NP 

NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ NP MAN 

NP ___ NP par/de NP 

NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ NP MAN 

NP ___ NP by/after NP 


'publiekelijk tot actie aanmanen'

'encourager quelqu'un publiquement à faire quelque chose'

'to ask strongly and publicly that sth be done'

>>> oproepen

>>> oproepen

>>> oproepen

NP (en) ___ à NP 

NP ___ NP à NP 

NP ___ (NP) à Pinf2

NP ___ for NP 

>>> 3. 

NP ___ on NP to Pinf2


'iemand dringend vragen iets te doen of een beroep doen op iets of iemand' 

'demander à quelqu'un de se charger de quelque chose ou faire appel à quelque chose ou quelqu'un' 

'to ask sb urgently to do sth or to appeal to sb/sth'

>>> inroepen / een beroep doen op

>>> roepen / een beroep doen op

>>> vragen / een beroep doen op

NP en ___ à NP 

NP ___ NP à/en NP 

NP ___ NP à Pinf2

NP ___ (up)on NP 

NP ___ NP to NP 

NP ___ (up)on NP to Pinf2


'een telefoongesprek hebben met' 

'donner un coup de téléphone' 

'to make a telephone call'

>>> opbellen

>>> opbellen

NP ___ 

NP ___ NP

NP ___ 

NP ___ NP


'iemand bevelen of vragen naar een bepaalde plaats te komen' 

'demander à quelqu'un d'aller à un certain endroit' 

'to order or ask sb to come to a specified place, to summon sb'

>>> roepen

>>> roepen

>>> roepen

NP ___

NP ___ NP 


NP ___ 

NP ___ NP 



'iets nodig maken' 

'exiger, nécessiter' 

'to require sth'

>>> vereisen

NP ___ NP

NP ___ for NP


'een computerbestand openen' 

'ouvrir un document par ordinateur' 

'to open a computer file'

>>> openen / oproepen

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP 

see also call up


'genaamd zijn' 

'avoir pour nom ou pour qualification' 

'to be named sth'

>>> heten

>>> heten

>>> heten

>>> s'appeler

>>> s'appeler

>>> s'appeler

NP ___ [Pass] NP 

NP ___ [Pass] after NP 

NP ___ [Pass] Pger


'luid en doordringend spreken (of anderszins geluid voortbrengen)'

'dire quelque chose à très haute voix' 

'to say sth in a loud voice or to make a loud (screaming) noice'

>>> roepen

>>> roepen

>>> roepen

>>> roepen

>>> crier

>>> crier

>>> crier 

>>> crier

NP ___ 

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ to NP
v for NP 

NP ___ (to NP) (that) Pfin 

see also call out


'een publieke gebeurtenis organiseren' 

'organiser un événement public

'to arrange for a public event to take place'

>>> uitroepen / bijeenroepen / afkondigen

>>> annoncer / convoquer / décréter 

NP ___ NP


'in een bepaalde toestand brengen' 

'mettre dans un certain état' 

'to bring about a particular situation'

>>> roepen

>>> porter

NP ___ NP to NP


'ergens even binnenwippen' 

'rendre une brève visite à quelqu'un' 

'to make a short visit'

>>> langslopen

>>> langslopen

>>> faire un saut, passer voir

>>> faire un saut, passer voir

NP ___ 

NP ___ at/on/for NP 

see also call in / call round


'(treinen e.d.) ergens stoppen' 

'(trains etc.) s'arrêter à, faire escale à' 

'(of trains etc.) to stop at a place'

>>> stoppen

>>> s'arrêter

NP ___ at NP


'tot een bijzondere taak benoemd zijn of voorbeschikt zijn om' 

'être destiné à' 

'to be appointed to a position or to be or feel fated or preordained to perform a particular task'

>>> roepen

>>> roepen

NP ___ NP à NP 

NP ___ NP à Pinf

NP ___[Pass] to NP 

NP ___[Pass] to Pinf1


'met zich meebrengen' 

'occasionner, entraîner' 

'to bring about or lead to'

>>> oproepen

NP ___ NP

>>> lead




'to long for'

>>> wensen / verlangen

NP ___ NP de ses voeux

>>> desire / yearn


'iets in een bepaalde context vermelden

'citer le nom de quelqu'un ou de quelque chose dans un contexte particulier

'to mention sb/sth in a certain context'

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ NP als NP

>>> citer / nommer

>>> citer / nommer

>>> name

>>> name


'de identiteit van iemand of iets onthullen of namen verschaffen of opnoemen' 

'révéler l'identité ou citer le nom de quelqu'un ou quelque chose' 

'to reveal the identity or to provide the name of sb/sth'

NP ___ (NP) NP

>>> citer / nommer

>>> name



voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Het naakt is een verhaal apart. Baudelaire noemde het “de nieuwe schoonheid.” 
De procureur generaal noemt de discriminerende teksten een ernstig feit.
Wat in de door hem ontworpen attracties wordt vertoond noemt hij een opeenvolging van clichés.
Hij mag zich “the honourable Sir” noemen.

Hij werd wel de milde dictator genoemd.
De bekerstrijd zal de komende vier jaar officieel Amstel Cup worden genoemd.

“Rampzalig” noemde hij het voorstel.
De arts noemde de situatie van de Formule I coureur zeer ernstig, maar stabiel.
Van Thijn noemde dit “immoreel”.

De communicatie tussen het college en de topambtenaren wordt “gebrekkig” genoemd.

Kalff noemt zijn ervaring met overnemingen ook van belang.

Also: NP___HET C2 (om) te Pinf/dat Pfin

Hij noemde het “een grote fout” meer gewicht toe te kennen aan een stem.
Rabbae, een van de twee lijsttrekkers van GroenLinks, noemde het “bitter” om te constateren dat zijn partij een zetel heeft verloren.
De campagneleider noemde het “nog onzeker” dat het MDF in de oppositie zal worden gedrongen.

Net zomin als we ooit zeker zullen weten hoe Noord-Hollandse veenwerkers zichzelf noemden in het begin van de 8e eeuw.
In de diepte gaan deze talen, tongvallen, dialekten of hoe men ze maar noemen wil alle terug op het West-Germaans.
De ‘hackers’, of computerkrakers zoals ze worden genoemd, wisten onder andere binnen te dringen in de streng beveiligde computer van het ministerie van defensie in de Verenigde Staten.

In een tv-toespraak noemde hij die niet bij naam, maar had hij het over “krachten van het verleden”.
Iemand meldde dat een vriend Flip Paard heet. Zo’n naam is onuitsprekelijk. Daarom wordt de man voortdurend alléén bij zijn voornaam Flip genoemd.

Het kan een meetbare kracht op metalen platen uitoefenen, die genoemd is naar onze landgenoot Casimir.
Een kind naar zijn vader noemen. (Van Dale)


Un monde délicieux, aux doigts tachés d'encre violette, professant la liberté, l'égalité et la fraternité, mais ignorant totalement l'autre jeunesse, qui fréquente l'école d'en face, appelée "le séminaire".
Pourtant, les trois clubs de première division de la région ne ressentent pas les effets de ce que certains appellent "la fièvre du basket".
Les collectionneurs de "fèves" sont appelés "fabophiles" [...] !
Ils appelaient oncles tous les hommes qui apportaient la justice ou la vengeance, le héros ou le chef de mafia.

Le foie gras du commerce est appelé "frais", "mi-cuit" ou "en conserve", selon son degré de cuisson et son conditionnement.
Au début, il y a une situation que l'on appellera classique pour rester poli : un homme seul en mal de fils sauve de la noyade un jeune désespéré en mal de père.

Concrètement, le concept des CJTF suppose que soient créés des états-majors, appelés de "planification opérationnelle immédiate", dont la fonction est de conduire des opérations sous le contrôle soit du Conseil atlantique et du comité militaire de l'OTAN, quand ils sont concernés, soit du conseil ministériel et de la cellule de planification de l'UEO, si cette organisation est impliquée.

Avec un budget de 4,5 milliards de pesetas [...] le juge Garzon, comme on l 'appelle encore, se consacre aujourd'hui entièrement à "la lutte contre ce fléau, dans laquelle, a-t-il affirmé, personne ne détient la baguette magique".
Eltsine tente de casser le communisme avec les méthodes du bolchevisme. Comment appeller autrement le fait que le président disperse le Parlement au nom de la défense de la démocratie?

Tutoyer aussi il l'a appris: sa secrétaire et son directeur. D'ailleurs, il les appelle tous les deux par leur prénom.

L'écrivain n'ayant en effet donné aucun nom à son monstre – conçu ni par une femme ni par un homme, il ne s'insère dans aucune chaîne de représentations symbolique propre à l'inscription de l'humanité-, les lecteurs finirent par l'appeler du nom du savant.


Julia P. Herzberg, who calls these pictures “representations of winged beings at once military, aristocratic and religious”, gives this explanation of their raison d'être: ...
At first General Powell called him General Noriega then, after some consideration, changed it to Mr Noriega.
They called me Stuart.
The law's supporters call it a victory for truth in advertising, which they predict will protect the market for authentic Indian crafts from cheap imported imitations.

Those who reject us are not worthy to be called our friends.
The taking of booty from conquered cities was called by the Romans deditio (surrender), a process in which captured weapons, money, works of art or other valuables were dedicated to the gods at Rome, thereby giving divine sanction to the imposition of Roman rule.
We need to know what a teacher can do in a crisis that could be called teaching.

The US Southern Command called the accusations ridiculous, declaring: “We had nothing to do with the coup.”
Meola accused Arsenal striker Ian Wright of  “talking trash” and claimed England players had been calling him fat in exchanges as bitter as the Boston Tea Party.

It's now what you might call “on the circuit”.

“Abyssinia, as I insist on calling it".
Such a typical creature was a kind of Platonic ideal, imperfectly realized here below; and Richard Owen, Huxley's patron and then foe, made sense of zoology through a series of such “archetypes”, as he called them.
As a boy living in Middlesbrough and Redcar I was frequently called as "balmpot" by my mother, possibly with some justification.

How strange it still seemed to call her mother by her forename, a practice suggesting an intimacy that was far from existing!
The Great Mother has many forms; each of her children calls her by a different name.
Although some clinics still refer to their patient by number, most have now adopted the more human approach of calling people by their names.

ROB and Ali Campbell of UB40, the band who call themselves after an unemployment relief form, are delighted to be on their way back to Belfast.
In the end they called the child after Mrs Gracie's dead sister Lilian.
Will had some good friends, Hamnet and Judith Sadler, and he called the twins after them.


Son rôle est [...] d 'appeler au respect mutuel et au dialogue.
Au total, quatre mille cent vingt-cinq hommes, auxquels s'ajouteront ceux du service d'ordre des organisations appelant à la manifestation.

Cette affaire de la loi Falloux, affirmait le sénateur du Puy-de-Dôme, a été réglée avec une telle brutalité qu'on peut la qualifier de "mini-coup d'Etat" contre la République. "Ce proche de François Mitterrand, farouche croyant de la laïcité, en appelait même au sursaut civique."
Le substitut en a appelé à "la sauvegarde de la mémoire", avant de conclure son exposé en traitant du "problème très préoccupant des librairies", notamment à Paris, qui "ne vivent que par et pour la diffusion de cette nourriture malsaine que constituent le racisme et sa variante, le négationnisme".

Dans un discours radiodiffusé, mercredi soir 29 décembre, il a condamné les violences qui ont suivi le scrutin, faisant douze morts, et appelé les Guinéens à la vigilance.

Née le 4 décembre 1928 à Paris, universitaire de formation elle est docteur ès sciences économiques et diplômée de l'Institut d'études politiques, spécialiste de l'Asie, Mme Flouzat avait signé, en septembre 1992, en compagnie de vingt-sept professeurs d'économie et de gestion, un manifeste appelant à voter "non" au référendum sur Maastricht.
Les Verts appellent à manifester dimanche "dans la rue avec le Conseil constitutionnel".

L'ALENA prévoit en effet que, si les pays signataires en conviennent, ils peuvent accélérer l'ouverture réciproque de leurs marchés. Tout en appelant Toronto et Mexico à faire connaître les produits pour lesquels une telle accélération pourrait être envisagée, M. Kantor a indiqué que, pour les Etats-Unis, des discussions pouvaient être menées immédiatement pour le vin, le brandy, le verre plat et certains équipements ménagers.
Ils ont été incapables de placer l'un des leurs parmi les deux candidats retenus pour le second tour du vote, M. Rybkine et le nationaliste Iouri Vlassov, qui a appelé ensuite ses amis à voter pour son rival mieux placé.


In Scotland, the STUC will hold a demonstration outside Old St Andrew's House in Edinburgh calling for the creation of real jobs and rejecting the concept of what it calls “forced labour for the unemployed”, or workfare, as suggested recently by the Prime Minister, John Major.
Three foreign entrants have already withdrawn and a meeting tomorrow of the British Wheelchair Racing Association could call for a boycott by all British competitors.
Lovins dismissed the development of nuclear power as the primary source of energy for industrial growth in the developing world, by estimating that in order to generate the level of energy pro-nuclear scientists were calling for, a new plant would have to come on stream every eleven hours throughout 54 years of actual construction, a financial impossibility.

Before the crowd could drift off, Cameron got up on the massive stone gate-post and called on them to swear an oath.
The posters will be sent to companies calling on them to be more careful.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has called on consumers to ask restaurateurs the country of origin of their veal.
US Republicans asked President Bush, in a letter released yesterday, to call on Britain to reconsider its policy of repatriating Vietnamese boat people in Hong Kong.


Pour en sortir si rapidement qu'au tournant des seizième et dix-septième siècles les prêtres vénitiens s'alarment des avancées de la médication. Ils en appellent au pape pour interdire l'usage du ténébreux liquide, substitué, selon eux, par Satan au vin.
C'est rallumer la guerre scolaire que d'en appeler aux ressources des collectivités locales, dont les dotations viennent par ailleurs d'être sévèrement réduites par la loi de finances, pour financer les investissements d'établissements bénéficiant déjà de l'aide privée.

Son propre courroux était tellement enflammé qu'on voyait se dresser partout, face à l'obscurantisme, les bougies de l'espoir appelées à la rescousse.
CURIEUX débat que celui qui recommence sur la loi Falloux. Voici que l'on appelle au secours les grands ancêtres républicains pour justifier une discrimination dans l'aide apportée par les communes à l'école choisie par les parents.
Dominique Jamet, président de l'ancienne BDF, a reçu une lettre du président de la République pour le remercier de son rôle positif à la tête de l'établissement public constructeur. Mais il devrait être appelé à d'autres fonctions.
"Jean-Pierre Capron quitte le groupe car il doit être appelé à d'autres fonctions", explique une source interne à Renault, où, officiellement, on se refuse à confirmer ou à infirmer l'hypothèse.

L'organisation internationale et son "bras armé" de 30 000 hommes ont été appelés, à l'origine, en appui de ce qui devait être un début de solution politique.
Les pertes découvertes dans la société francfortoise de négoce des métaux Metallgesellschaft après le limogeage de son président [...], sont d'une telle ampleur que les banques appelées en comblement, se déchirent.

Vice-premier ministre, il fut appelé, le 29 octobre 1986, à prendre "provisoirement" l'intérim de la présidence de la République après la démission pour "raison de santé" du prince Souphanouvong.
M. Chazot sera appelé à devenir le véritable patron de la société quand l'exploitation du tunnel aura débuté, début mars.

Occasionally: NP___NP pour Pinf2

Appelé en juillet 1993, par Pierre Bouteiller, directeur des programmes, pour occuper quotidiennement le créneau de 17-18 heures, il est l'un des seuls rescapés de la grille d'été.



May had stepped out of routine only if relatives had called on her help.
I repeat what my right hon. Friend told the House on Tuesday: if the prison population continues to rise, he will consider calling on the assistance of the military and, possibly, calling for the use of military accommodation.
The Executive Committee shall be able to call upon help and advice from an "Advisory Panel" which shall consist of ...
Theatre administrator Patricia McBride is calling on expert help to get the boy's drawl exactly right.
Allocation to the appropriate worker for further services may be undertaken by the team leader, calling on a social work assistant or occupational therapist.
Furthermore most workers are understretched for much of their working lives and have spare capacity on which to call at later ages.
They were assisted by other emergency teams who might be called upon in the case of a real emergency.
Senior translator Jenny Johnstone speaks three European languages. and should the request be for something “esoteric”, there are about 15 freelance translators she can call upon, all with their own specialities.

Breeze tried next, but failed, so Chignell had to be called to the rescue.
There is an elegant staircase with a gate to keep the dogs downstairs and a page's seat at the top of the stairs, where the boy sat until called to his duties.
Raised to believe the police are "born to serve", they have no hesitation in calling them to their aid.
But Roxanne loves another and Cyrano nobly agrees to act as the surrogate author of love letters from his comrade in arms, the dumbly handsome Christian de Neuvillette (Vincent Perez) until both suitors are called to duty in the war against Spain.
Once upon a time muezzins had had to climb such towers to call the people to prayer, the little round room at the top giving resonance, enlarging the human voice.
In the synagogue, men can be called to the reading of the Bible, whereas the women cannot, and the sexes are separated.
He asked those interested or intrigued by the idea to pray as to whether God might be calling them personally to this work.
The sermon he preached was scholarly, and explained why he had been called to this well-found charge and to the chaplaincy.

Manufacturing industries using chlorinated solvents for cleaning applications can now call on a team of specialists to collect used solvent for recycling or safe disposal.
In April AI called on the Mauritanian Government to investigate reports that up to 200 political prisoners had died or been killed in military or police custody — some executed without trial and many others as a result of torture.
He had feared that children's lives were being put at risk and called on the Chester Health Authority to hold a study into the local need.
He may be called upon to represent a party to proceedings under Parts II, IV and V of the Act.
The police are called upon to perform many public services (forexample, see Punch 1979b; Punch and Naylor 1973), which is true even of a police force in a divided society like Northern Ireland, as the last chapter showed.
Her son and the immediate members of the family will be called upon to help and support her throughout her life.


L'émission a perdu son nom, mais conservé son contenu. Les auditeurs des adolescents appellent, Supernana répond.
Qu'un jeune malade du sida, au bord du suicide, appelle en direct, comme une mère attentionnée, l'animatrice lui passe un savon, lui regonfle le moral, redonne de l'espoir.

Quand Guess I'm Dumb fut simultanément disque de la semaine dans le NME, le Melody Maker et Sounds, pas un directeur artistique français n'a appelé él Records.
Parallèlement, le secrétaire à l'énergie a pris sur elle d'associer à son combat pour la transparence le département de la défense, le ministère des anciens combattants et la NASA. Elle a même, raconte-t-elle, appelé sa collègue de la justice, l'attorney général Janet Reno, pour lui demander sa coopération sur la question des indemnisations.


The Cosmetics To Go brochure (it's free if you call) includes Violet Nights Luxury Bath Oil, £6.00 for 500ml, which is rich, aromatic and fabulously soothing.
“I heard John's side of your conversation but he wouldn't talk about it afterwards. He said he wanted to call the Ambassador.” “Did he call?” asked the Captain quickly. “He did. But as far as I could make out the Ambassador was away.”

I looked up Dana's name in the telephone book, and, with wildly beating heart called the number.
I tried calling you in Budapest on Friday and Saturday but couldn't get a reply.
They told me to keep in touch and call them if I felt they could be of assistance.
“I only called you. I thought you'd know what to do.” I couldn't credit what I was hearing. He'd found his ex-lover's murdered body in his house and he hadn't called the police?


Lorque était exaspéré. - Rougneux ! cria-t-il dans la nuit claire. C'est vous qui avez appelé ?

Jirinovski, et a reçu en retour un coup au visage. Après avoir crié très fort, appelé la police et un médecin, M. Jirinovski s'est tout de même calmé.

Appelée subitement en France auprès de son père malade, Louise apprend que sa fille Caroline [...] renonce à ses études de droit pour devenir actrice.
Il ne reste pas grand-chose des émois d'un jeune journaliste appelé à Alger en 1962, pour une initiation où la musique, le cinéma, les filles, l'Amérique, le contact avec des garçons de son âge mais d'origines différentes, tenait la plus grande place.


"You called?" a small, cracked voice said. Ajayi looked up at the door to the winding-stair expecting to see an attendant, but the voice had come from behind her.
Ashley's eyes returned to the house. She listened. Had Thomas called? No, it was her imagination.

Coffee was made and she called them, setting down the pot to complete her shadow picture.
The door opened, and a male secretary called them. The two men rose and went through the minister's anteroom into his main office.
 It was night when I became aware of the dogs whining somewhere and called them.

It is only if you kneel down and call him to you that will he come slowly for his apology.
As Benny had walked down the town, Mr Kennedy called her into the chemist.
I called him into my office, handed my memo to him and immodestly said, “Here's a great idea for Saturday afternoons.”
So, when Kabye soldiers shot 26 anti-government Ewes, the Ewe chiefs of Lomé called their people to the sacred grove of Bé, to mourn the dead and plan revenge.


Peter Greenaway ne sait pas filmer sans amorcer une fausse piste par plan, ou presque. Ses thèmes, ses télescopages avec notre temps appelaient une esthétique médiévale, mais il a choisi l'imagerie baroque.


Where in the detective short story ingenuity was, in principle, the only quality called for, in the crime short story ingenuity has to be at the service of imagination.
This is not a journey of peace and tranquillity but a struggle requiring constant effort and application. It calls for the qualities of a fighter, for only with those qualities can we win through the constant traps and barriers laid by the forces that would block our path and drag us down.
Having accepted that deviance can become amplified through a positive feedback mechanism, and that the initial acts of deviance on which the system feeds are often quite minor, only a relatively weak explanation of the original deviance is called for.


"Numérisé", le texte et la photo et le film et le son est conservé sur disque et accessible sur l'écran d'ordinateur; par l'intermédiaire de quelques grands réseaux serveurs, il peut aussi être appelé, et déroulé, directement "en ligne" sur un ordinateur équipé d'un "modem" [...].


You may notice that we have cheated a little in that a procedure is called to close the files and end the program without returning.
The methodology is operationalized in a macro which calls a separate program to perturb the input data without changing the topology.


Right then, so what's that called?
Back in the mid-1970s, an American computer scientist called John Holland hit on the idea of using the theory of evolution to solve notoriously difficult problems in science.
On last week's Hard News on Channel 4, Linda Joyce, the Princess Royal's former maid, announced the formation of an organisation called Response, through which victims of the yellow press can compare experiences and seek redress.
The process is called “recoalification”, i.e. a new coalification after the first one which took place in Carboniferous times.

"Why are you called after Glencoe, a horrible place in Scotland?"
To appreciate this fine title, it is useful to know that Webster's is the authoritative dictionary in the US, and is called after the patriotic scholar Noah Webster; but that the name Webster itself means "woman weaver"(-ster being a feminine suffix in English, as in spinster).
The gallery is called after Mrs Boehm's late husband, the porcelain artist and studio founder, Edward Marshall Boehm.

She maintained that you simply stood and watched the other Girls; this was called `sitting at the side of Nellie" (Nellie or Eleanor being the only daughter John allowed to take part in the business.).
 In such cases: * buyers may deliberately use two suppliers (this is called using a dual source); * buyers may take over their suppliers completely.
Every person claiming to be a creditor of the bankrupt must submit his claim in writing to the official receiver where acting as receiver and manager or to the trustee (r 6.96(1)). This is called proving a debt and the document by which the creditor seeks to establish his claim is his proof (r 6.96(2)).


I went and got the pressure-cooker to brain him with and was just about to bring it crashing down on his bonce when I heard Mike calling from the next room.
We could hear somebody calling and shouting.

Horses sometimes suffer depression on going to a new home. They may display their feelings by refusing to eat, and turning a deaf ear to anyone who calls their name.
In the Bingo hall an Elvis Presley lookalike is calling the numbers for a score of old ladies dressed in coats that have the cut and style of old duvet covers.

His friends were calling to him, urging him on, and he was thinking that if this was what he had wanted all these years he was afraid of it.
She pushed Oliver downstairs into a damp, dark kitchen, and called to the girl working down there.

Will you be able to call for help if you need it?
James hurried upstairs, calling for an attendant, and found Mary Duncan trying to reach the iron-barred window, her shackled ankle attached to the bed which she was dragging along inch by inch behind her.
She called to her father for help. (OALD)

From half behind the screen she called, "Tell me the gossip, darling."
"I'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar— should be back about midday," she called, as she let herself out of the house.
Mabs had called to them, "What's going on?"
"Sold that Triumph," he called to Mr Frizzell.
"Zack," he called, "what about the boy?"

Tamar answered, and called to Jett that it was for him.
I saw them from the window and called to them that I would tell the police who they were.
She called to Plummer that his breakfast was ready and a moment later he ambled in, followed by Hitch.
"Mother just called that he was having another stroke and had fallen out of bed."


Whether by luck or careful management, Callaghan's administration looked much more credible now, and many expected him to call an autumn election in 1978 to cash in on favourable economic and political trends and, against all the odds, snatch another term of power.
Sir Geoffrey intends to call a meeting of the committee early next week.
The Social Democrats called a general strike in protest (denounced by the leadership of the Petrograd Soviet as mob rule), which the Russian Governor General banned, promising to put down all disorders by force.
Dulé found himself longing, this carnage, this bloodshed must come to an end, we must call a truce, make a new treaty.


The chairman's homily called to mind the short — but too long — talk he and Marilyn had suffered two days before in the vicar's study.
The two, sometimes three, hours spent in the College quadrangle when, we are told, the Professor would courteously listen and give an intelligible answer to every question, and when the instruction he communicated was stamped on the memory by the good temper and joke and repartee with which it was accompanied, these were periods which an old student liked to call to memory, for they were hours pleasantly and usefully passed.
The party was "called to life by the whole course of the Russian and international workers' movement", confronted as the movement was by the enormous political, military, economic and ideological power at the disposal of the tsarist regime and the ruling classes in the age of imperialism.
In the first place he draws our attention to the fact that not all our desires are for our own future states of affairs, desires can be impersonal. And moreover that there is latent in every human being this desire, a desire for the welfare of others. It's latent in every human being and can be called to the fore.


And then yesterday, when I called, Max opened the door to me and I said, "Is Christina in?" and he said, "No she is not," and practically shut the door in my face.
There they had been born, their wicker bassinette had been bumped down the shallow flight of steps to the pavement by their trim nursemaid, young men had called, but not one of the three tall sisters had emerged from the house as a bride.
There were three Hitchcocks amongst the rebels of Sedgemoor, Humphrey was hanged, John transported to Barbados and a second John, not being at home when the sheriff called, seems to have cheated rope and ship.

The next time you call at your local council offices to collect some forms for making a Building Regulations application, don't be surprised if you are asked, “What type of forms do you want — Full plans or Building Notice?”
We called at Brigade H.Q where I picked up my bagpipes.
It happened that I called at Beatrice's house the last time Aunt Nessy visited there — the time before she was banished.

Woolridge had his suspicions. He would call at the house at random times to see if he could catch his wife in compromising circumstances. He suspected a young lawyer, a man whose name never came to light, even in the subsequent trial. Whenever Woolridge did call on his wife, a violent row ensued.
“That's not the impression you gave by holding back information from the detective who called on you.”

I suppose I was on my way to call for Millie, but I walk on past the house instead, obscurely ashamed to have caught her father unawares.
"I'll call for you after lunch, and we can go shopping for all the things I thought you'd like to choose for yourself."


The train, hired by the rail unions, called at Edinburgh and several English stations en route to the capital, picking up hundreds more supporters of the Save Our Railways campaign.
“The 202 service from Alton to Petersfield via Liss will continue to be operated by Hampshire buses and will now serve the heart of Greatham village. On its way into Alton it will also call at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital.”
The island ferry, as I had discovered, sailed three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; it went from Oban to Tobermory on the Isle of Mull, and then called at Moila on its way to Coll and Tiree.
This is by far the largest container ship presently calling at any Northern Ireland port.
The ship called at Buenos Aires and then sailed on to Port Stanley, according to Lloyds Shipping Intelligence Unit.


Avec Agnès Varda, Jean-Pierre Melville et Alexandre Astruc [...] seront les précurseurs de la "nouvelle vague". Mais ce terme appelé à un bel avenir ne vient pas des Cahiers.
M. Mitterrand établissait, lui aussi, des distinctions parmi tous les pays appelés au "partenariat".

A ses interlocuteurs français, M. Woerner a expliqué que ce concept des CJTF souligne que les Américains sont sur la voie de se faire de plus en plus à la perspective d'une identité européenne de sécurité telle que l'a définie le traité de Maastricht et telle qu'elle pourrait s'incarner dans une UEO appelée à devenir le "pilier européen" de défense en complément, et non en rival, de l'OTAN.
Tout en se positionnant comme fournisseurs de meubles de premier équipement sur des marchés appelés à devenir progressivement solvables.


He resumed his studies in 1948 at New College, Oxford, where he took a first class honours degree and was called to the bar a year later.
Shocking as the assault had been, it had prepared her for another encounter — an encounter with a youth of her own age, bewildered and uneasy, one called to high estate who found himself of a sudden alone on the edge of an abyss...

In 1656, when several Quakers were imprisoned in Ireland, she felt called to continue their mission and sailed for Cork.
Given the nickname "Woodbine Willie" by the troops, he once described his chaplain's ministry as taking "a box of fags in your haversack and great deal of love in your heart" and laughing and joking with those he was called to serve.
There she met Molly Braithwaite, who was so enthusiastic that after finishing her degree she also trained at the Medau School and on her return joined Peggy in taking classes. After Molly was called to do war work Peggy was helped by Edith Harlow.
It all began because my friend Pat was called by the Lord to work as a nurse in Saudi, and her experiences there gave me an interest in that country and especially in the Women as they seem to have such a hard life.


Fondé sur des témoignages d'époque et d'authentiques documents, ce récit héroïque et émouvant appelle deux remarques.
Chaque souvenir appelle un thème et chaque thème une réflexion, une proposition ou le départ d'une thèse inédite.


Outre les vingt-cinq millions de Russes qui vivent dans les républiques non-russes de la CEI, une partie grandissante de la population, notamment en Ukraine, actuellement en pleine anarchie, appelle de ses voeux un resserrement des liens avec l'ancienne métropole.
François Bayrou risque de se retrouver dans une position de faiblesse pour entreprendre, par exemple, le "grand débat" qu'il appelle de ses voeux sur le collège et qui devrait, théoriquement, commencer dès la semaine prochaine.


“Zelf hebben wij nooit cijfers genoemd,” aldus Landmeter.
Laat ik het eerst een paar dingen noemen waarover ik het niet wil hebben.
Even noemt Wiesenthal bijvoorbeeld zijn vooroorlogse werk als architect.

Als een van de oorzaken van de grote nederlaag noemde hij de leiderswisseling bij het CDA.
In een vraaggesprek met de grootste krant van Zuid Afrika, de Sunday Times, noemde Mandela gisteren als zijn eerste zorg het creëren van stabiliteit in Zuid Afrika.
Als “troostposten” voor Mbeki en Ramaphosa worden de ministeries van financiën en buitenlandse zaken genoemd.
Als een van zijn bronnen noemde hij zelf Gertrude Stein.


Er zijn evenmin namen genoemd.
Namen van spelers die moeten spelen noemen wij nooit.

Noem mij één naam, daagt Balladares uit, als hij wordt geconfronteerd met deze uitspraak.