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'iemand of iets een bepaalde naam geven' 

'donner un nom à quelqu'un ou quelque chose' 

'to give sb or sth a specified name'

>>> benoemen 

NP ___ NP C2 

NP ___ NP MAN 

NP ___ NP naar NP 

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ NP C2 
NP ___ NP MAN 

NP ___ NP d'après NP 

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ NP C2 
NP ___ NP MAN 

NP ___ NP after/for NP 


'genaamd zijn' 

'avoir pour nom ou pour qualification' 

'to be named sth'

>>> heten 

>>> heten 

>>> heten

NP se ___ NP 

>>> s'appeler

NP se ___ MAN

NP ___ [Pas] NP 

NP ___ [Pas] after/for NP 

NP ___ [Pas] MAN


'iets in een bepaalde context vermelden


'to mention sb/sth in a certain context'

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ als NP

>>> citer / mentionner 

>>> citer / mentionner

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ as NP


'de identiteit van iemand of iets onthullen of namen verschaffen of opnoemen' 

'révéler l'identité ou citer le nom de quelqu'un ou quelque chose' 

'to reveal the identity or to provide the name of sb/sth'

NP ___ (NP) NP 

>>> identificeren 

NP ___ NP 

>>> citer / révéler

NP ___ (NP) NP 

NP ___ as NP


'iemand aanstellen, met een ambt bekleden' 

'donner une fonction ou un titre à quelqu'un' 

'to officially choose sb for a position or an award'

>>> benoemen 

>>> benoemen 

>>> benoemen 

>>> benoemen

NP ___ NP (pour Pinf) 

NP ___ NP (comme) C2 

NP ___ NP à NP 


NP ___ NP (to Pinf) 

NP ___ NP (as) C2 

NP ___ NP to NP 

>>> 2./3.


'een datum, prijs, ... bepalen' 

'spécifier une date, un prix, ...' 

'to specify a date, a price, ...'

>>> geven

>>> fixer / indiquer

NP ___ NP


'(van een woord) naar iets verwijzen' 

'référer à quelque chose

'(of a word) to refer to sth'

>>> benoemen

>>> réferer

NP ___ NP





you ___ it






voorbeelden - exemples - examples


De bekerstrijd zal de komende vier jaar officieel Amstel Cup worden genoemd. 

Net zomin als we ooit zeker zullen weten hoe Noord-Hollandse veenwerkers zichzelf noemden in het begin van de 8e eeuw.
In de diepte gaan deze talen, tongvallen, dialekten of hoe men ze maar noemen wil alle terug op het West-Germaans.
De ‘hackers’, of computerkrakers zoals ze worden genoemd, wisten onder andere binnen te dringen in de streng beveiligde computer van het ministerie van defensie in de Verenigde Staten.

Net zomin als we ooit zeker zullen weten hoe Noord-Hollandse veenwerkers zichzelf noemden in het begin van de 8e eeuw.
In de diepte gaan deze talen, tongvallen, dialekten of hoe men ze maar noemen wil alle terug op het West-Germaans.
De ‘hackers’, of computerkrakers zoals ze worden genoemd, wisten onder andere binnen te dringen in de streng beveiligde computer van het ministerie van defensie in de Verenigde Staten.

In een tv-toespraak noemde hij die niet bij naam, maar had hij het over “krachten van het verleden”.
Iemand meldde dat een vriend Flip Paard heet. Zo’n naam is onuitsprekelijk. Daarom wordt de man voortdurend alléén bij zijn voornaam Flip genoemd.

Het kan een meetbare kracht op metalen platen uitoefenen, die genoemd is naar onze landgenoot Casimir.
Een kind naar zijn vader noemen. (Van Dale)


Il est en revanche légitime de dénoncer la propension facile à renoncer à la langue nationale et à nous priver du pouvoir, comme dans le Golem, de nommer les choses et de les faire exister.
L'écriture est à la fois outil de conquête, car elle permet de nommer les lieux et les choses, mais aussi instrument de libération, puisque celui qui raconte peut maîtriser le monde par l'esprit.

Pour les distinguer des grands complexes industriels (telle la chaudière nucléaire) ou des projets [...] on les nomme macrosystèmes techniques, ce qui permet de mettre l'accent sur leur taille et sur leur prétention à dépasser toute frontière culturelle, politique ou géographique.
Jeune, avenant, le crâne forcément dégarni, l'homme s'est passionné pour cette "vapeur d'eau qui se condense sur la vitre sous forme d'eau liquide", qu'il nomme plus poétiquement "figures de souffle".

L'ex-Yougoslavie est l'exemple le plus proche de cette inhibition de l'Occident "incompréhensible" pour le commun des mortels et d'une attitude qui rappelle ce qu'en d'autres temps on nomma la "politique d'apaisement".
Aujourd'hui, on souhaite retrouver sa dignité, même sur le tard, pour éviter cette béance du non-dit que Jacques Lacan nommait la forclusion.

Le patient "D", ainsi nommé dans le rapport qui devait être publié dans l'hebdomadaire britannique The Lancet, est le seul qui présentait un comportement à risques en raison de ses rapports sexuels avec des partenaires masculins.
Ils font part de leur enthousiasme pour la révolution bolchévique dans les Lettres de Spartacus (ainsi nommées par référence au dirigeant d'une révolte d'esclaves sous l'empire romain) et appellent le prolétariat allemand à suivre l'exemple des Russes en créant des "conseils" d'ouvriers et soldats à l'image des soviets.

Fondé en 1981 par Robert Redford et nommé d'après le personnage qui fit de l'acteur une super-star […] le Sundance Institute, situé dans l'Utah, s'est donné pour objectif de "soutenir et de favoriser de jeunes scénaristes et réalisateurs à l'approche originale […]."


It was a world that would never solidify, would never be understood, unless it was named; as philosophers knew, only the naming of an object could make it real. 
In naming the animal, the authors attempted to identify the individual conodont elements.
The theories in question arose originally out of a joining together of empirical research and clinical observation, some of which go right back to the very earliest descriptions of schizophrenia and it is therefore instructive to consider, first, what Bleuler himself believed to be the essential features of the "disease" that he had named.

Tyler she's named him.
They named him Krakonosc, and gave this giant the appearance of an old man with long, flowing beard, dressed in forest green, with a moss-woven hat.

Endospermum formicarum (Euphorbiaceae) is the Arbor Regis of Rumphius, who named it thus because it is untouched by other trees.
Although this issue has raised the passions of taxonomists, I cannot see that it is important. It concerns only how we name things, and not what we think is the case. 
It seems, Freddie as he's been named, stowed away with a consignment of bananas from the Windward Islands.

“We've named him after his father, look, isn't he the handsomest thing?”

We're going to name you for the elms at the foot of the garden.

Also: in memory of NP
Antoinette was the best of the Leicester modistes, run by a little French émigrée who had set up shop and named it in memory of her martyred Queen.


Tous deux sont le creuset du tourbillon des corps : les danseuses qui divertissent les empereurs romains se nomment les gades, nom qu'elles doivent à leur ville d'origine, à savoir Cadix.
Sur le modèle de la Nuit, il a exécuté nombre de compositions compartimentées et morcelées, quelques-unes tadmirables de grandeur ragique. L'une des dernières, figures brisées sur fond rouge pompéien, se nomme Apocalypse.
Alors Franschhoek ne lésine pas sur le qualificatif identitaire: le principal café du village est, évidemment, "Français", le restaurant se nomme "Chez Michel" ou "Chamonix", le magasin d'antiquité est à l'enseigne du "Déjà vu" et l'hôtel s'appelle, il fallait s'y attendre, "Hôtel des huguenots".

Nombre de "purs", comme ils se nommaient, trouvèrent refuge dans les places fortes audoises, avant de périr sur le bûcher.


Some years ago a man named John Powell wrote a book entitled Why Am I Afraid To Tell You Who I Am?
Sandra had a brother called Rodney and a sister named Sharon.

Underneath are extensive brick vaulted cellars, some of which have been converted into a most atmospheric restaurant aptly named “The Cellars".

Some species are named after their collectors, so if our new species of Tyrannosaurus were collected by a Mr Jones it might eventually be christened Tyrannosaurus jonesi.
Hunter Ward, and others, was named after one of the hospital's benefactors, way back in the 1960s.

The first full attempt at establishing a colony was Raleigh's colony of Virginia, named for Elizabeth the virgin queen and located in what is now the Roanoke district of North Carolina.
“It's named for the man who built it.”

Also: in memory of NP
The Claire House appeal was launched in February, named in memory of nine-year-old Claire Cain who died in 1989 from a tumour behind her nose and eye.

Preceded by the quaintly named Fitzalan Pursuivant Extraordinary, Rouge Croix Pursuivant, portcullis Pursuivant and the ten other equally lexicographically obscure officers of the College of Arms, each in crested and quartered gold tunics, the two dozen knights of the Order of the Garter shuffle slowly into St George's Chapel beneath a cloudless sky.
But a black mark goes to the improbably named “C D Lush” of the Travellers' Club who failed to distinguish between Melvyn's extract and D H Lawrence's.

Woolly alder aphids are so named because they produce clumps of woolly wax from their bodies.
This system is so named because at least two accounts (for example, cash, stock, accounts payable) are always affected by each transaction.

Robert had been called up in the First Militia, as it was named, the beginning of National Service which was to continue until some years after the war ended.


“Zelf hebben wij nooit cijfers genoemd,” aldus Landmeter.
Laat ik het eerst een paar dingen noemen waarover ik het niet wil hebben.
Even noemt Wiesenthal bijvoorbeeld zijn vooroorlogse werk als architect.

Als een van de oorzaken van de grote nederlaag noemde hij de leiderswisseling bij het CDA.
In een vraaggesprek met de grootste krant van Zuid Afrika, de Sunday Times, noemde Mandela gisteren als zijn eerste zorg het creëren van stabiliteit in Zuid Afrika.
Als “troostposten” voor Mbeki en Ramaphosa worden de ministeries van financiën en buitenlandse zaken genoemd.
Als een van zijn bronnen noemde hij zelf Gertrude Stein.


To name but two examples, we have seen the US use chemical warfare when they dropped 17 million gallons of Agents Orange, Blue and White on Vietnam; and we have seen them feed a germ which induced a potentially fatal fever into Cuba's water supply.
These firms had either splintered off from American companies — as in the case of Norman Broadbent — or they had been set up on their own from scratch, in a variety of forms such as MSL, EAL, Tyzack, Alexander Hughes, Goddard Kay Rogers, John Stork, Merton and Whitehead Mann, to name but a few.
She couldn't name many things she found lovable, but knew a thrill in being on the waterfront and always felt cheered by clouds racing along in the sky.
Whatever artistic medium you care to name, the sweaty toil of creation is far more interesting to the artist than to the audience.

You can do this, or raise any queries you may have, by contacting your line manager (social work staff) or the person named at the foot of each article.
Moreover, none of the allegedly violent police interrogators named in both books have sued for libel.

For an established and successful brand, the objectives might well be, to a large extent, “maintenance” objectives: to keep a high level of awareness of the brand, ideally as one of the first two in its field spontaneously named by respondents to a regular survey (something often described in the US as “share of mind”); ... 
Those lines which were oriented so as to be readily named (e.g. vertical, horizontal, diagonal) gave a RVF superiority in reaction time whereas the remaining orientations favoured the left visual field.

The Koons work in question is "String of Puppies", which the artist commissioned for his 1988 "Banality" show at the Sonnabend Gallery, which is named as co-defendant in the suit.


Er zijn evenmin namen genoemd.
Namen van spelers die moeten spelen noemen wij nooit.

Noem mij één naam, daagt Balladares uit, als hij wordt geconfronteerd met deze uitspraak.


Marcus Klingberg, écrit Brossat sans le nommer, "s'est refusé à oublier sa dette, à se retourner en déçu du socialisme réel, à l'encontre de tant d'autres qui eurent des parcours comparables."
Ils sont vingt-sept sur scène. Les nommer tous [...] tournerait à l'annuaire.


The paper gave fuel to its detractors last week when it named the woman who has accused Edward Kennedy's nephew of raping her in Palm Beach at Easter.
“The man in hospital hasn't been named, but he isn't your Corporal.”
“The man, who has not been named, was taken to police headquarters in Oxford yesterday afternoon.”
At a party at the Hyde Park Hotel to celebrate his forthcoming 86th birthday on Christmas Day, Lord Grade told of a tricky moment during the filming of his film Jesus of Nazareth. “Can you name the disciples?” asked one journalist. “Peter, Paul, Mark,” he replied. “I don't know the others, I haven't read the script yet.”

I can name you players who have over 50 caps and had only half a dozen good games and still keep getting picked."
If you want to get personal then two can play at that, and I swear on my lifelong friendships with the late Mrs Gandhi, Brian Clough and Michael Parkinson that I will burn my brand new membership card of the NUJ on the square at Headingley if you can name me the full Yorkshire team you're chairman of.

ATHENS (Reuter) — A Briton, named as Derek Smith, 49, was arrested in Greece for trying to sell 5.5lb of radioactive uranium to a nuclear research centre in the outskirts of Athens.
Georgie Pi has been named by anti triad police in Hong Kong as a convicted mobster.
A WOMAN killed in a road accident at Little Neston on Monday has been named as Audrey Wells, 66, of West Kirby.


Un gouvernement de transition, à base élargie, devait être nommé samedi 1 janvier, a annoncé le premier ministre du gouvernement sortant, Agathe Uwilingiyimana. 
Seule la France a nommé un nouveau chargé d'affaires, qui vient de faire un premier séjour à Kaboul.

Un juge chilien, nommé pour enquêter sur la mort en 1976 d'un diplomate espagnol, Carmelo Luis Soria, a recommandé, jeudi 30 décembre, qu'une amnistie soit décrétée pour cette affaire.
Mgr Ruiz a accompagné le commissaire Manuel Camacho, nommé par le président Salinas, pour tenter de résoudre le conflit, dans sa première tournée du Chiapas [...].

Bernard Auberger a été nommé en avril 1993 vice-président du Crédit du Nord tout en restant membre du directoire de la Compagnie bancaire et président de Cortal. 
QUAND François Bayrou, tout juste nommé ministre de l'éducation nationale au printemps 1993, veut s'exprimer sur l'enseignement privé, il sait précisément où le faire.

NOMINATION EUROTUNNEL : un nouveau directeur général. Eurotunnel, société concessionnaire du tunnel sous la Manche, va nommer Georges-Christian Chazot [...], PDG d'Adia, comme directeur général. Eurotunnel, dont le conseil d'administration doit entériner ce choix, n'a pas démenti cette information de l'AFP.
A son arrivée Rue de Valois, Jacques Toubon, ministre de la culture, avait nommé comme médiateur de ce conflit, Yves Monnet, avocat général à la Cour de cassation.

Né à Turin le 15 février 1927, il a été nommé en 1979 au siège de Milan, à la tête du plus grand diocèse du monde en nombre de prêtres et de fidèles, avant d'être créé cardinal en 1983.
En outre, c'est la première fois qu'un Parisien est nommé à la tête du mouvement.

A moins d'un an des législatives de mars 1993, Jack Lang, ministre de l'éducation nationale et de la culture, récemment nommé rue de Grenelle, sait bien les risques qu'il court.


Djohar named a 12-member Cabinet on March 22, among whom Kemal was named as Minister of State for Economy and Trade, and defacto second in the governing hierarchy; Mroudjae was appointed Minister of Production, Industry and Handicrafts.
Nippon DEC has named a new president to replace Edmund Reilly, president of the Japanese subsidiary since its formation in 1980, who is to move to Hong Kong as the president and managing director of DEC Asia Region.

He will help you to observe the legal requirements and to name Executors to carry out your instructions, to appoint guardians if necessary and to cancel any previous Wills.
The chairman, Don Perry, is standing down ("I've had quite enough hassle") and the county will shortly name their coach to succeed John Shepherd.
When he realised the scale of the problem, Salim formed a National Task Force on Elephants, and named Sueraatmadja to head it.

Wayne Rosing, the Sun executive who has overseen the Spring project for some time, has been named the unit's president. 
Pyramid Technology Corp has picked executive vice-president, Ed Scott, and former US sales vice-president, Robert Buhl to team up to develop and manage the company's technology and strategic partnerships with vendors and integrators worldwide: the move is part of the firm's four-month-old Open Data Center strategy; Buhl has been named vice-president, strategic partners, reporting to Scott;...
Graham Lloyd of Lancashire received an inscribed Gucci watch, worth £1000, and a case of champagne after being named Young Player of the Month by City investment company Whittingdale, whose chairman Patrick Whittingdale hosted a celebrity lunch for umpire Dickie Bird before the Oval Test.

Ba Maw was named as Adipadi , Head of State, with a government which was a mixture of old and young politicians.
Eighteen months later, in March 1944, at a second Chinese-sponsored conference at Liuchow, Ho had not only managed to slip back under the nationalist umbrella of the Dong Minh Hoi but, as one of its representatives, was named as a member of a Provisional Government which was expecting to enter Vietnam in the wake of the`liberating" Chinese armies.
So successful had been Winterbottom's immersion in unyielding All Black ways that even though the 1983 Lions, of which he was a member, failed to win any of the tests, he was named as one of New Zealand rugby's five players of the year.

Sequent Computer Systems Inc has named its European vice president and general manager, Roger Cooper, to the position of senior vice president, geographic operations responsible for all of the company's sales and service units worldwide.
Elaborating later at a news conference, Mr Levy said Mr Shamir had assured him in writing that he would retain his positions as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, and one of his followers would be named to the next Likud-led government.
Recklessly deciding that the appointment should become effective on All Fools' Day, April 1, IBM Corp on Friday duly named Louis Gerstner to the posts of both chairman and chief executive.


LINFIELD have asked Ballymena to name their price for Scottish striker Neil Candlish. 
Then, in a seance, one cold and perfectly clear starlit night, the gods were asked to name the day to go to Aula.


Expressed in a different way, one cannot coherently both use"Shakespeare" as a name and assume that Shakespeare literally could be "anything". If "Shakespeare" names an existent, it names someone with certain specific attributes, although his numerical identity, in the strict sense, cannot be defined interms of those attributes. 
There is no doubt, of course, that when a given symbol (irrespective of its "descriptive content") is accorded the status of a name, it acquires the privileged position of a representative of the biographical identity of the object it names, and by virtue of this very fact it can no longer be equated with any description, or series of descriptions.


His aim is simple: to write a series of commentaries on the novels of Jane Austen which would say everything that could be said about them, from every conceivable angle:historical, biographical, rhetorical, mythical, Freudian, jungian, existentialist, Marxist, structuralist, Christian-allegorical, ethical, exponential, linguistic, phenomenological, archetypal, you name it; so that when each commentary was written there would be simply nothing further to say about the novel in question. 
Any number of things can stir your interest in a particular area — a magazine article, a TV programme, a friend's enthusiasm, you name it.