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'op prijs stellen, (hoog) achten, waarderen, respecteren' 


'to think highly of'


>>> waarderen


>>> apprécier

NP___NP (for/as NP/Pger)

NP___NP in NP



'van oordeel zijn' 

'être d'avis' 

'to be of the opinion

NP___NP C2

>>> oordelen / vinden

>>> oordelen / vinden

>>> oordelen / vinden

NP___NP C2

NP___que Pfin 


NP___NP Pinf2

NP___NP (as) C2

NP___that Pfin

consider / feel / judge / think

NP___NP to Pinf2






voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Iemand achten. (Verschueren)



David Lam, lui aussi né à Hongkong, représente la reine Elizabeth II d'Angleterre, chef de l'Etat canadien, en Colombie Britannique; féru de jardinage, le lieutenant gouverneur est fort estimé. 
Une marchandise si estimée ne pouvait laisser indifférente la Sérénissime.


He is consistent and they esteem him, he is firm and they fear him.
Nowadays they may be esteemed by their peers who know something of their work, but this esteem has little currency value in the committee-rooms where performance is appraised.
They don't esteem you, you're not valued.

He criticized sellers of the single Yellow Rose, Rosa lutea, “esteemed for their colour, but as these flowers have no scent and are of short duration, they do not merit the price they are generally sold at.”
Most of the materials chiefly esteemed today for their symbolic value are of mineral origin.
What is clear is that this was all one society, in which the wives wrote books or maintained salons, while their husbands were functionaries, some of them much in the public eye as ministers of the Crown, others no less influential and esteemed for operating under wraps, as grey eminences.

So the literary set, many of them agnostic or hostile to religion, ranged behind Lord David, while those who had already committed themselves, together with those who esteemed him as a scholar, voted for E. K. Chambers.
Here were editions esteemed as being the first, and there stood scarcely less regarded as being the last and the best; here was a book valued because it had the author's final improvements, and there is another which (strange to tell!) was in request because it had them not.

Often with a degree adverbial:

“Much as I esteem you, I will not manipulate events for your personal gratification.”
Like many Oxford men, he belonged to the strong Socratic tradition in which dialogue was esteemed as highly as the written word.
Contemporary Japanese ceramics are highly esteemed, but hardly known abroad.

True ivory is one of the few substances to have been highly esteemed for symbolic purposes wherever it could be obtained.
In the course of the last five thousand years a wide variety of stones other than jade have been highly esteemed for jewellery, insignia, seals and the embellishment of personal weapons.

It is useful to understand here that in the ancient middle east pearls were among the most precious of gems and were highly esteemed as personal ornaments.
Whiteside was highly esteemed as an experimental philosopher; his courses had considerable influence, and were continued after his death by James Bradley [q.v.].

The tennis shots Segura esteemed in Connors related to balance on the court.
She was said to mix well, a social attribute particularly esteemed in one of such high birth and breeding since it implied the correct unconsciousness of her status.

With a degree adverbial:

The Piaroa view the arrogant and dominating character, which the Shavante would highly esteem in a mature male, as odious.


Hun moeder kreeg voor dezelfde feiten 3,5 jaar omdat zij niet geheel toerekeningsvatbaar werd geacht. 
Ze acht de poging tot aanranding bewezen. 
Dat wordt met terugwerkende kracht niet meer strafwaardig geacht. 
Er was vrijwel geen reddingsmaterieel omdat het schip onzinkbaar werd geacht. 
Dan stem je liever op iemand die je betrouwbaar acht. 

Brinkman noemt concreet man en paard, en dat acht het KNOV een zeer gunstige ontwikkeling. 
De vrijheid van meningsuiting achtte hij een hoog goed.  
Rijkswaterstaat acht geen van de stoffen een gevaar voor mens of milieu. 
Ik acht dat een verontrustende miskenning van het probleem. 

De luchtmacht en Frinkings voorganger, baron Van Voorst tot Voorst, achtten in het verleden Fokker niet in staat een middelgroot militair vrachtvliegtuig te produceren.  
Diegenen in het eigen kamp die een zekere liberaliteit voorstonden, die vrede van groter belang achtten dan de maximale verwezenlijking van de territoriale  of machtsambities. 
Tegen hun respectievelijke provincies, die de initiatieven in strijd met de wet achten. 

NP___(HET) C2 dat Pfin 
NP___(HET) C2 of Pfin 
NP___(HET) C2 (om) te Pinf 

Dat gebeurde omdat men het ongewenst achtte, dat medewerkers in de post actieve periode meer zouden ontvangen dan in hun actieve.  
Van de ouders en de ex echtgenoot van de 26 jarige Jolanda acht de rechtbank bewezen dat zij met geweld zwangerschap(pen) hebben afgebroken zonder toestemming van de vrouw. 
Ook acht de schrijver het van belang dat hij “geen nummer” is.  
Daarom acht hij het van groot belang dat de orthodoxen in de Balkan zich gezamenlijk teweer stellen. 

Ik acht het echter zeer twijfelachtig, of de gegeven voorbeelden over één kam geschoren kunnen worden.  

“Veel jongens achten het echter volstrekt onhaalbaar geslachtsgemeenschap uit te stellen tot na het huwelijk,” aldus het rapport. 
Om erger te voorkomen achtte men het raadzaam zich eerst nog maar eens in eigen kring te bezinnen. 
Om de “brede doelgroep” aan te spreken acht de stuurgroep het bovendien van belang niet alleen te werken vanuit het thema industrie.


Le Conseil constitutionnel a arrêté, lors de sa séance du mercredi 29 décembre, sa décision sur la loi de finances pour 1994, qu'il estime conforme à la Constitution. 
Ils sont déconcertés par les positions virulentes prises par certains troupes féministes. Bref, ils s'estiment les victimes de cette "guerre non déclarée entre les sexes", comme Susan Faludi l'expose dans son livre Backlash.  

Le premier ministre estime qu'à défaut de résoudre ses problèmes sociaux, environnementaux et monétaires, l'Europe occidentale subira une concurrence sauvage qui entraînera la faillite de nombreuses entreprises. 

La cinquantaine sereine après les années d'insouciance, puis de doutes, Olivier Kersauson estime avoir enfin trouvé "le bon bord".
Cette présentation, dans l'organe de pouvoir chinois, du communiqué conjoint publié la veille donne la mesure du kowtow (prosternation) que Pékin estime avoir contraint Paris à accomplir devant le Trône céleste.

C'est là toute l'équation Longuet. Libéral pour tout ce qui est privé, très interventionniste pour ce qu'il estime relever de sa responsabilité, les entreprises publiques et la Lorraine. 
L'association accueille de quatre mille à quatre mille cinq cents stagiaires chaque année et apparaît comme un organisme que chacun, tant du côté de la nouvelle direction que du TPG, estime être un outil de formation important à conserver en bon état de marche. 



What “disputes and speculations, which are esteemed no mean parts of learning, are rejected as useless” by the adoption of correct principles of knowledge?
As a writer, according to Anthony à Wood, “he was esteemed the perfect artist”.
I should therefore esteem it a favour if you could speak to your friends along the lines I have indicated.

A lover esteems nothing difficult in pursuit of his desires. 
He advocates the instinct, the imagination, the unconsciousness, by meansof the intelligence which he esteems so far beneath them...
His account showed that French antagonism to England was still very much alive; but of Scotland: “how happy oughtest thou to esteem thyself, O kingdom of Scotland, to be favoured, fed and maintained, like an infant, on the breast of the most puissant and magnanimous King of France, ...

Most of them have been accidentally obtained from seeds so they must not be esteemed as different species, therefore I shall only insert their common names by which they are known in gardens, that those who are inclined to collect all the varieties may be at no loss for their titles.

Where students esteem that there is better provision to be found in, for example, a local Tertiary College, they will vote with their feet and the argument that they should remain in a Catholic Sixth Form, solely because it is Catholic, holds little sway.

Knox, when he wrote his History of the Reformation in the 1560s, looked back to the time when “all men esteemed the Governor to have been the most fervent Protestant that there was in all Europe”, so that although`The Papists raged against the Governor", his fame “was spread in divers countries”.
He was esteemed to excel in the art of mining, and at his own expense built the beautiful church which was completed in the amazingly short space of seven months.