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'tranen storten, ook figuurlijk' 

'verser des larmes' 

'to produce tears'

NP ___ 

NP ___ tranen

NP ___ om/over NP

NP ___ van NP 

NP ___ NP C2

NP ___ 

NP ___ larmes

NP ___ pour NP

NP ___ de NP 

à force de pleurer

NP ___ 

NP ___ tears/the blues

NP ___  for/at NP

NP ___ for/with/in/out of NP 

NP ___ NP C2


'tranen stortend iets zeggen' 

'dire quelque chose en versant des larmes' 

'to say sth while producing tears

NP ___ dat NP

NP ____ (à NP) que Pfin 

NP ___ (that) Pfin 


'een luide kreet slaken, schreeuwen, roepen' 

'pousser un cri ou dire quelque chose à très haute voix' 

'to make a loud (screaming) noice or to say sth in a loud voice'

NP ___ (MAN) 

>>> schreeuwen / roepen 

>>> schreeuwen / roepen 

>>> schreeuwen / roepen

crier / hurler

crier / hurler

crier / hurler

>>> crier / hurler

NP ___ (MAN) 

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ to/at/after NP 

NP ___ (to/at/after NP) (that) Pfin 


'nadrukkelijk beweren of aan de kaak stellen als, aanklagen' 

'exprimer, affirmer ou dénoncer quelque chose avec force' 

'to state emphatically or to criticize sb/sth strongly and publicly, to denounce'

>>> uitschreeuwen / (schande) roepen

>>> crier

NP ___ NP


'luid en doordringend zijn/haar wensen kenbaar maken' 

'dire ce qu'on veut à très haute voix' 

'to communicate one's wishes in a loud voice'

>>> schreeuwen 

>>> toeroepen

>>> crier 

>>> crier

NP ___ for NP 

NP ___ for/to/at NP to Pinf2 


'schel gieren of loeien' 

'produire un son semblable à celui d'une personne qui pleure' 

'to make a loud high sound'

NP[nh] ___

NP[nh] ___

>>> howl / wail


'droefheid voelen of tonen om het verlies van iets of iemand' 

'manifester le regret d'avoir perdu quelqu'un ou quelque chose' 

'to feel or show sorrow or regret for the loss of sb/sth'

>>> rouwen 

NP ___ NP 

>>> mourn / lament 


'medelijden hebben met iemand' 

's'apitoyer sur quelqu'un' 

'to feel sorry or pity for sb'

>>> treuren / rouwen

NP ___ sur NP

>>> lament / bemoan / bewail / weep





___ wolf

___ over spilt milk 

___ into one's pint/beer 


___ for the moon 






voorbeelden - exemples - examples


De winnaars zullen zingen en dansen, lachen en brullen.
“Haar ogen zijn zo groot omdat ze een minuut geleden nog huilde”, vertelt Dijkstra.
Diplomaten zeggen dat de sfeer kalm was, hoewel de bevolking hysterisch huilde.
Ik heb wel eens zo’n meisje in een hoekje zien huilen, maar daar bemoei ik me verder niet mee.
In Bradford en Londen, in Northampton en Leicester, overal stonden volwassen mannen te huilen op die laatste zaterdag in april, toen het eindsignaal van de laatste competitiewedstrijd had geklonken.
Naar ik hoop lichtjes getroost door de laatste rebellie: bij elk graf huilt de geschiedenis.

En huilen op muziek leerde hij pas een paar jaar later.
De procureur-generaal is niet onder de indruk van zijn huilpartij. Ze merkt op dat hij zonder tranen huilde.

AT&T huilt krokodilletranen bij bundeling concurrentie in Sprint.
Hun flat is ingericht met smaakvolle schilderijen en ze houden van operamuziek - bij Maria Callas worden er tranen met tuiten gehuild.

Maar als ik tegenwoordig op een dorpsfeest beland, huilt mijn hart om wat onherroepelijk verloren is gegaan.
Ik wil ze doorelkaar schudden: wie huilt om Thucydides huilt niet om wat hij zag, maar om zichzelf.

Tussendoor huilt Troch over zijn jeugd.

Ze huilt van woede en verdriet terwijl ze vertelt over haar moeder die haar tiranniseerde.
De toeschouwers huilden van vreugde.

PLAYBOY: Hoe ging je daar dan mee om, huilde je je in slaap? VRIESEKOOP: Nee.


Quand le petit Gargantua, d'abord éduqué par des précepteurs sophistes, c'est-à-dire des représentants de l'âge gothique, de la culture gothique, est confronté au jeune Epistémon, fruit de la culture nouvelle, il ne sait répliquer à un discours parfaitement dominé qu'en se cachant la tête dans son bonnet et en pleurant comme une vache: "Et ne fut possible de tirer de lui une parole, non plus qu'un pet d'un âne mort."
Comme ce ton d'attention et de gentille confidence qu'il prend, cette voix chaude, intime, rassurante. "Cécile, ne pleurez pas. Vous n'avez que cinquante-deux ans."
L'une d'entre elles pleure en évoquant une de ses amies, qui, après avoir épousé un Français, vit maintenant près de Bordeaux.

Je pris ma tête entre mes deux mains et pleurai toutes les larmes de mon corps.
Ils pleureraient des larmes aussi visibles que libératrices.

Pour Muriel, au contraire, il dit avoir pleuré.

Le jour de l'ouverture, je pleurais de désenchantement.
"Le jour de la naissance de l'Etat d'Israël, j'ai pleuré de joie. J'ai pleuré de tristesse."

Il serait de mauvaise politique lorsqu'on écrit dans un journal consommé par les élites ou dans une revue semi-pensante de se réjouir bruyamment de la démission des intellectuels, de la disparition de l'avant-garde ou de la perte de prestige de la littérature française. Mieux vaut se tordre les mains et en pleurer. 


When Kelly had finished reading, she just sat and cried, a horrible empty feeling inside her.
Connie cries a lot.
Then, to her intense humiliation, she began to cry.
If you put him to bed and he cries, check on him every few minutes, reassuring him you're there by talking to him and stroking him before leaving the room.

Hetty, the child of a clergyman and one of 19 siblings, had been taught, as a child, to cry softly for fear of being beaten; “by which means,” she wrote, “the family usually lived in as much quietness as if there had not been a child among them.”
But fortunately the baby began to cry loudly, and Grandma seemed happy again.
I cried like a baby every time I tried to close my eyes.

She had cried her personal tears before the funeral and that side of her grief was then over.
I am sitting in the cab crying the tears of the hopelessly misunderstood.
Not that Canada is crying the blues.

Or by Shirley, who cried soundlessly and then protested: “I'm not crying for myself; I'm crying for the others.”

Gibbon had ordered his men to take no prisoners, and the Nez Perce women were crying for the dead, the children screaming from their pain.
She died soon afterwards, keeping her hatred of me alive in her heart, and no one at Gateshead cried for her.

The girl who used to cry at criticism was now fireproof.
I feel stupid if I cry at an emotional film or book.

Sometimes I wake up at night, crying for loneliness.
They are bidden to: look down; to have lofty thoughts; to pray often; to travel little; to speak in the heart; to walk in the spirit; to be watchful in sleep; to be rich in poverty, wise in foolishness and strong in weakness; to cry for joy; to have a burning love, pure thoughts and an ordered way of life.

I cried with happiness on the phone when Mr Jones rang.
We have always said so, she thought, wanting to cry with annoyance, as a family we have always agreed about it.
I was three days without food. Children cried with hunger and cold.
It was probably at that time that Zborowski took Modigliani to visit Anders Osterlind, a Swedish painter whom Modi had met in Paris years earlier when they visited the Cézanne retrospective together and almost cried with excitement.

People were crying in shock and smoke billowing above Pearse, Talbot and Parnell streets marking the spots where a few hours earlier, country women and men had hurried past to catch trains home for the weekend.

Christ identifies with us, and in the garden of Gethsemane he cries out of loneliness fur us.

"Is she all right?" she asked, seeing him come down alone. Her son was white-faced, a sure sign of anger in the Arbuthnots. "She's thoroughly upset," he snapped at her. "Crying her eyes out upstairs, poor darling. Why the hell couldn't you have been nicer to her, Mother?"
I'm so depressed and often cry myself to sleep.
Frustrated and angry babies can cry themselves into a state of fear as they interpret the absence of their mother as an attack upon themselves.


Het was groot verdriet dat de krekel hem had gegeven. “Ik ben ontroostbaar”, huilde hij, “o ik ben zo ontroostbaar”.
Laatst huilde een jongen dat hij contact had met zijn overleden vader, moeder en zusje.


[…] la tristesse s'apprend comme le reste, avec la vie, il faut du temps... le vieillard a la larme à l'oeil, chronique, il fait plus que pleurer... il pleure qu'on va le mettre en boîte et que tous les autres vont rester là à s'amuser...

Mignon dévala la pente et leur pleura qu'il avait vu quelque chose qui ne se mord pas. La cause de son chagrin traversa la prairie, les deux bras étendus comme si elle marchait sur un fil. Toute bronzée.


"We didn't mean to be bad, Mother," cried Bobbie. "We're sorry," said Phyllis and Peter, crying too. Soon, Mother was crying with them.
Why is it always like this, he cried silently to himself in the darkness. Nothing I say ever comes out like I want it to.
It would be all over town that her son wrote pornography. She would never, never, she cried inwardly, as she clutched her handkerchief to her mouth, be able to face the girls again.
But behind the strained, happy smiles there will lie the awful knowledge that Alex saw the killer— and was too young to understand what was going on. As he clung to the bloodied body of his mother lying on Wimbledon Common, he cried: "Mummy, get up, get up."


Geesten huilen in de verte.
En overal hoor je de meeuwen krijsen. En op de zandplaat hoor je de zeehondenbaby’s huilen.

Een vrouw trok bovenop een geparkeerde vrachtauto haar bh uit, voorbijkomende jonge mannen huilden als wilde honden.
Van Gogh zet met een surrealistische fantasie de toon: een man in het schemerdonker huilt als een wolf naar de maan.


Cordoba had clearly cried enough a good two furlongs from the finish as first Batzushka and then Balla Cove set a furious pace which resulted in a time that equalled the course record by a two-year-old over six furlongs.

Breeze cried sharply, and her eyes travelled to the hook by the hat-stand where his lead always hung.
However, Oliver managed to draw his first breath, and then announced his arrival to the rest of the workhouse by crying loudly.
Yet on many occasions a greyish-white cat has been seen crying piteously entering the tunnel never to reappear; none of the local cats are like Snowy, being either black, black-and-white, ginger or tortoiseshell!
Mrs Ellis said Inkie, a small black cat, ran behind the sofa, crying in pain.

The cuckoo cried the half-hour.
These marshes were alive with an odd mixture of land and sea birds: yellowhammers, linnets, sparrows; little terns, ringed plovers, oyster-catchers.You hardly saw them until you were almost on top of them.Then they exploded noisily into the air right in front of you, wheeled round in great, sweeping circles, crying their alarm calls, and settled again when you had passed.
She thought she was crying the words aloud, but all that came back to her was her voice — flat, low, saying, "She's my aunt."

The birds of the forest gathered in the antlers of those trees, clustered in the horns. From the dead limbs they cried at the moon, pecked at the wind-shattered stubs where winter had stripped the branches from these creeping giants, added their own anger to the screaming from the split and rotting bark.
"Why do you cry to me?"
The voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground.
He shouted, so the doctor told Dexter, as if he were crying to someone a great distance away.
One doesn't want to set a public hue and cry in train after a perfectly rational and responsible person who knows very well what he's about.

You've killed her, they cried, how could you.
“I'm so pleased that Robert's hair is black!” she cried.
“No, you mustn't!” cried Judy.

Isagoras the Archon cried that this was revolution; and he appealed to his friend Kleomenes to come back and restore order.

Agnes moved closer to her sister and cried at her, "And who would have thought you were outside consorting with one of the Feltons, eh?"
But Henry, on the other hand, was still attired in his clerical outfit, and as he came in licking his fingers Charles cried at him, "Are you still eating, man?"
"Nicolas, Nicolas, Nicolas," she cried to him. "Eh?" he said, lifting his head to her as if in irritation. "What is it you want?"
"Come sit with me," she cried to Philippa, patting the seat under an awning, as for a favourite hound.
"No!" she cried after the nurse.

She cried to Beuno that it had been her doll when she was a little girl and she had loved it, and he took the spade, and dug a hole, and buried it.


WHEN President Ceausescu of Romania ordains his forces to shoot on his own people after they call for democracy and bread, and causes mass deaths whose numbers can only be guessed, Nato and Warsaw Pact countries cry shame and horror.
"If you lay a hand on me again, I'll cry rape," she warned him.
Tutilo made no protest that he had been the one to cry murder, to invoke the law, to unloose the hunt after the murderer.
"How can war be eradicated? It is a permanent human condition. The baby emerges from the womb crying anger. Even the excision of the entire limbic brain would not suffice to remove aggression. This aggression of yours, represented by this MPRP weapon, springs not from the limbic brain but from the neocortex. It is an intellectual form of aggression, born of ambition, self-seeking."
Her wooden lips longed to cry her recognition, to call to Harry's spirit inside the boy who had been marked.


I started work with a fishmonger, or a hawker rather, round the streets and when a woman cried over the window for fish I ran up the stairs and delivered it.
“Why, it sounded like someone crying for help,” thought Deborah.
They cried for mercy but their pleas were met with abuse and laughter.
The haunting words of Dowson's poem, which had brought us together again in 1943, returned to me as I stood on that Paris balcony: I cried for madder music and for stronger wine, But when the feast is finished and the lamps expire,Then falls thy shadow, Cynara! the night is thine; ...
Simple, inexpensive, exquisite, a symphony of pure, unspoilt flavours— gently set mousse flavoured with spiky, fresh horseradish root enveloping layers of astringent cucumber alongside a little puddle of tomato concasse again spiked with horseradish. It left taste buds tingling and a palate crying for the next course— a veritable masterpiece!

On his fifth birthday, he climbed a tall tree until he reached twig level, where he sat contentedly as the wind rocked him to and fro. On the ground far below, Father applauded while Mother cried for him to come down.

Ramsey cried to the Church to be itself; to know that its being rests upon a death and an empty tomb; and to be itself whether modern Britain will listen or close its ears.
It hurt so much to think of those young, once-strong legs encased in steel and her recurrent nightmare was one in which Peach cried to her endlessly to "take them away, take them away, Maman", and she was helpless to do so.
Ariel feels the old woman flapping feebly with her legs, and though she holds on, Sycorax slides off her back and on to the ground; she cries to Ariel again to run, run as hard as she can, and from the ground she begins to shriek, till the guard himself cries out, and drops on one knee to take aim in the pitch dark.
The second example was of a time when Caesar was ill, and cried to Titinius to get him a drink, as feebly as a woman might (says Cassius), and he bore his illness in a cowardly way.


De wind huilt en de videocamera’s snorren.


C'est l'accordéon de Philippe Sevrain qui attaque, et tout du long il fera des merveilles, l'accordéon pleure un peu comme pour démarrer une complainte de marin à quai, puis se tait ; ...
Pour ce second album, le violon pleure toujours comme en Afrique du Nord, l'accordéon fait danser, mais la conviction n'y est pas.


"Ne me pleurez pas trop... Mais pleurez-moi tout de même, vous me ferez plaisir!"
Ils ont rencontré, dans l'intimité d'un salon de beauté, des femmes pleurant leur émancipation disparue.


Le premier ministre se donne l'image d'un homme convenable, mais [...] est-il convenable de pleurer sur le sort des SDF quand on débloque les loyers en région parisienne, qu'on augmente les plafonds d'accès aux HLM et qu'on diminue les contrats emploi-solidarité?
SUR quoi, sur qui, pleure-t-on en sortant, hébété, du dernier film de Spielberg?



Treasurers suffer the occupational hazard that they always, to some extent, have to cry wolf.

To make sure you don't cry over spilt milk, Miele seal base units all round, including the top and that's before putting your worktop on.

“The joke is,” said Nicol, crying into his pint, “it was the only thing in the pub which cost me nothing.”

“Thanks,” Joe said and, as he made his way back across the sand to where Nina was waiting, he squared his shoulders, he had new responsibilities now, there must be no more self-pity, no more time wasted on crying for the moon.