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'iemand hulp aanbieden' 

'proposer son aide à quelqu'un' 

'to help or support somebody or something' 

NP ____ NP

NP ____ NP (aan) NP 

NP ____ NP

NP ____ NP à NP

NP ____ NP

NP ____ NP (to) NP


'verschaffen, verantwoordelijk zijn voor een bepaalde eigenschap of karakteristiek' 

'attribuer à quelqu'un ou à quelque chose une certaine caractéristique' 

'to add a quality to something or somebody' 

NP ____ NP (aan) NP (met NP)

NP ____ NP à NP

NP ____ NP ((to) NP)


'uit gunst schenken of bezorgen'

'accorder une faveur à quelqu'un'

'to give somebody something as a favour'

NP ____ NP

NP ____ NP à NP

>>> accorder

>>> accorder

>>> grant

>>> grant



voorbeelden - exemples - examples


De KLM gaat er van uit dat de Fransen binnenkort alsnog goedkeuring voor de vluchten verlenen.
Er is een zeer reëel gevaar dat, als hulp niet onmiddellijk verleend wordt, vele mensen in Biha deze winter uitgehongerd zullen raken.
Toen Washington alsnog besloot logistieke steun te verlenen, zonden talrijke Afrikaanse landen waaronder Ghana en Ethiopië eenheden naar Rwanda.
Toen de Kerk van Sint Pieter Boven moest worden gerestaureerd, verleende de ENCI hand- en spandiensten.

Volgens woordvoerder David Kyd wil het IAEA praktische bijstand verlenen aan landen die daaraan behoefte hebben.
President Mobutu heeft in het verleden steeds steun verleend aan UNITA en zal dat waarschijnlijk ook in de toekomst blijven doen.
De Ierse regering is van plan nog voor Kerstmis amnestie te verlenen aan een aantal gevangen leden van de IRA, het Ierse republikeinse leger.
Volgens Brunswijk is hernieuwde vervolging onmogelijk omdat alle ex-rebellen amnestie is verleend in het vredesakkoord dat de regering in 1992 met hen heeft gesloten.
Hem is enkele jaren geleden politiek asiel verleend.
Nederland verleent Aruba technische bijstand voor het verbeteren van de veiligheidsdienst op het eiland.


Article 5 o : tout yacht doit prêter assistance dans la mesure du possible à tout bateau et à toute personne en péril lorsqu' il est en position de le faire. (Collectif in Frantext)


Il sera arrêté, torturé, emprisonné, refusant de prêter son concours au peuple de flics, de mouchards, de tortionnaires et d'esprits diaboliques de toutes sortes qui l'ont à l'oeil.
Nous comprenons parfaitement les difficultés que vous rencontrez et il est actuellement impossible aux forces françaises libres de vous prêter une aide efficace. (de Gaulle in Frantext)
De son côté, le gouvernement de SM britannique reconnaît qu' il appartient à la France, notamment comme puissance limitrophe du Maroc sur une vaste étendue, de veiller à la tranquillité de ce pays, et de lui prêter son assistance pour toutes les réformes administratives, économiques, financières et militaires dont il a besoin. (Collectif in Frantext)


It would, of course, be far fetched to compare the plight of the French fighting the Japanese in Vietnam with that of the Polish Home Army who had been destroyed fighting the Germans in Warsaw in 1944 although, in one respect at least, the failure of the proximate military power to lend assistance meant that others, who were more responsive to the plight of the Poles and the French, did what they could from a distance to help. 
In January 1795 Hoyle wrote to the Goldsmiths to say that the windows in the Schoolhouse needed repairing, and that the cost was estimated to be £16. He mentioned also that "The inhabitants of the town have been so good as to rebuild me the Court wall and make some improvements in the yard, and they are very desirous for the Company to lend their aid".
“Since Mr Brown made his remarks some parents have rang me to lend their support.” 
They are computer programs pumped full of plain old knowledge and heuristics lore from experts who lend their wisdom. 

Parents for Safe Food are lending their support to the Soil Association's efforts to ensure that by the year 2000, 20% of our food will be organic.
I had a chance last week to read your excellent discussion paper on Marine Protected Areas. I thought I should let you know how valuable I think the analysis is to the conservation movement, and how helpful it is to be able to lend weight to a fresh strategy, such as that proposed in the paper. 
A revamped University Funding Council, directed by a former Cambridge don, Sir Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, threatened to impose much more severe financial disciplines on universities that were already struggling; on the other hand, the 1985 Jarratt Report resulted in complex new structures of planning, resource management, and managerial accountability. Partly by way of compensation, the government lent its favour increasingly to the allegedly more cost-effective polytechnics (now made independent of local authorities), and to more practically or vocationally orientated institutions such as business schools. 
Daisy, ever hopeful and optimistic, still made heroic efforts to win Perdita round. She couldn't afford a car yet, but on the day of the final trials for the Pony Club Championships, which were held at Rutshire Polo Ground, she took two buses and walked a mile in pouring rain to lend Perdita support. 
Moran made no move towards her, promised nothing, gave no hint of any reciprocation of interest, lent her no support. 
If each party has his own private end to gain, but yet the joint aim is no more than a desire for prosperity or peace in industry, there is no tort. On the other hand, if one of the parties is actuated merely by hatred or vindictive spite he may be liable and if the others are aware of this and lend him their assistance they too may thereby become participants in the wrong. 
Hubert le Hongre, a knight of the Mâconnais, lent his lord the castellan of Uxelles aid and counsel, witnessed his charters, testified for him in lawsuits, acted as hostage for his family, and entered Cluny's clientage when his lord became a monk.


Hij bediende zich graag van een rijke beeldspraak, die het strakke betoog plotseling ontspande en er een zekere levendigheid aan verleende.
Ook andere traditionele motieven uit de beeldhouwkunst, zoals stieren, bisons en naakte vrouwenfiguren kunnen, uitgevoerd in brons en op een sokkel, aan een hal of directiekantoor prestige verlenen.
Fauré’s Eerste Kwartet kreeg mede dankzij de slanke cellotoon van Godfried Hoogeveen de exquise sfeertekening die dit werk zijn aristocratische allure verleent.
Deze sponsachtige structuur, die de lederhuid vervangt, bestaat uit collageen en elastine, eiwitten die de huid respectievelijk stevigheid en elasticiteit verlenen.
Want de acteurs zijn niet in staat om hun personages nuance te verlenen, om toch, al is het maar voor even, gevoel op te wekken voor hun kant van de zaak. 
Schultheiss maakt veelvuldig gebruik van de 'airbrush' techniek en verleent met zijn vloeiende snoep-kleuren en pasteltinten zelfs grove geweldsexplosies een welhaast romantische glans. 


Le journaliste excelle à relever les ambiguïtés, les contradictions, les rapports de forces, le sens du compromis tantôt raisonnable, tantôt médiocre ou absurde qui prêtent à la Belgique son faciès incomparable.Comment ne pas fondre devant la scène, alors que l'on nous prête obligeamment les yeux paternels ?   


Pregnancy had lent a translucent quality to her looks, but the smiles she frequently aimed at Guy seemed to contain an extra radiance. 
In 1969 a new unit was formally set up in Edinburgh to study the geology of the continental shelf around Scotland. This activity had been initiated by Eden some years previously but the discovery of hydrocarbons under the North Sea lent impetus to the work. 
Luna 2 are masters of understated melodies, rippled with smooth guitar lines that lend a spooky groove to the jaunty introspection of Wareham's songwriting. 
In the Artemis and Actaeon picture, Actaeon leans sharply across the field from the right bottom corner, struggling against three hounds, while the goddess stands at the left, quiet, head alittle bent, lending a curious still beauty to the cruel scene. 
Judging by the public discourse, the government's negotiating strategy, and the army and settlers' day-to-day behaviour in the territories, the Intifada has made many “extremists” more extreme than ever. There is the growing allure of apocalyptic solutions. Harkabi described the idea of a “transfer” — the mass expulsion of Palestinians — as just the kind of project that is calculated to lend the struggle its absolute, “existential” character. 
Membership, it was said, never at any point rose above thirty and much of the time remained closer to nine or ten.This, and the fact that the Hayes Society tended to be a rather secretive body, lent it much mystique for a time, ensuring that the pronouncements it occasionally issued on professional matters were received as though hewn on tablets of stone. 
Her skin was flawless, and always cool, always pale; her body was long, like her hair, like her fingers, like her laughter; and her eyes, oh, her eyes, had every season of leaf in them: the twin greens of spring and high summer, the golds of autumn, and, in her rages, black midwinter rot. He was, by contrast, a plain Man; well scrubbed, but plain. He'd made his fortune selling baths, bidets and toilets, which lent him little by way of mystique. 
When everything is in readiness, the Christmas decorations lend a final festive touch. 
To lend naive party cheer, the young American DJ whacks up the dry ice machine which spurts more of its obnoxious fumes into the heart of the room. 


De KLM gaat er van uit dat de Fransen binnenkort alsnog goedkeuring voor de vluchten verlenen.

De Ierse regering is van plan nog voor Kerstmis amnestie te verlenen aan een aantal gevangen leden van de IRA, het Ierse republikeinse leger.
Volgens Brunswijk is hernieuwde vervolging onmogelijk omdat alle ex-rebellen amnestie is verleend in het vredesakkoord dat de regering in 1992 met hen heeft gesloten.
Hem is enkele jaren geleden politiek asiel verleend.