© Contragram
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'gaan doen' 

'venir de passer à une activité particulière' 

'to begin doing sth' 

NP  ___

NP ___ NP (LOC) (TEMP)

NP ___ aan NP

NP ___ te Pinf1 (TEMP)

>>> 4.

NP ___ (TEMP)

NP ___ NP (LOC) (TEMP)


NP ___ à/de Pinf1 (TEMP)

>>> 4.

NP ___ (TEMP)

NP ___ NP (TEMP)

NP ___ on NP

NP ___ to Pinf1 (TEMP)

NP ___ Pger1 (TEMP)


'van start gaan'

'entrer dans sa première phase'

'to enter its initial phase'

NP[nh] ___

NP[nh] ___ voor NP

NP[nh] ___ met NP

NP[nh] ___ MAN v LOC v TEMP

NP[nh] ___

NP[nh] ___ pour NP

NP[nh] ___ avec/par/sur NP

NP[nh] ___ MAN v LOC v TEMP

NP[nh] ___

NP[nh] ___ for NP

NP[nh] ___ with NP/Pger1

NP[nh] ___ MAN v LOC v TEMP


'iets eerst doen' 

'faire une chose avant tout le reste

'to do sth first'

NP ___ met NP


NP ___ NP met NP


NP ___ met te Pinf1

NP ___ NP met te Pinf1

NP ___ par NP


NP ___ NP par NP


NP ___ par Pinf1

NP ___ NP en Pgér

NP ___ with NP


NP ___ NP with NP


NP ___ by Pger1

NP ___ NP by Pger1


'gaan plaatshebben'

'venir de passer à une situation particulière' 

'to begin happening'

NP ___ te Pinf1 (TEMP)


NP ___ à/de Pinf1 (TEMP)


NP ___ to Pinf1 (TEMP)

NP ___ ger1 (TEMP)



'als eerste deel hebben'

'avoir pour première partie'

'to have the specified beginning'

NP[nh] ___ met NP

NP[nh] ___ MAN

>>> 1.

NP[nh] ___ par NP

NP[nh] ___ MAN

>>> 1.

NP[nh] ___ with NP

NP[nh] ___ MAN

NP[nh] ___ by Pger1


'iets (een zaak, cursus, ...) oprichten'

'monter une entreprise, ouvrir un commerce'

'to cause a new enterprise to exist'

NP ___ NP

>>> monter / ouvrir

NP ___ NP


'zijn leven, bestaan of (professionele) activiteiten in een bepaalde hoedanigheid beginnen'

'se trouver au début de sa vie, de sa carrière dans une certaine qualité'

'to begin one's life, existence or profession in a certain way'

>>> starten

NP ___ (NP) als NP


NP ___ avec NP

NP ___ (NP) comme NP

NP ___ (NP) LOC v MAN


NP ___ on/with NP

NP ___ (NP) as NP



'van een bepaalde aard zijn in het begin'

'en être à son début'

'to have a certain quality at the outset'

NP[nh] ___ MAN

NP[nh] ___ MAN

NP[nh] ___ MAN


'goed of slecht beginnen aan een periode of activiteit'

'assister à un début spécifique'

'to make a good or bad start to a period in time or an activity'

NP ___ MAN


NP ___ MAN  aan NP

NP ___ NP met NP

NP ___ MAN



NP ___ NP avec/sur NP

NP ___ MAN



NP ___ NP with NP


'opnieuw beginnen'

'commencer une nouvelle fois'

'to make a new start'

NP ___ opnieuw

>>> recommencer

NP ___ again / afresh / anew


'iets of iemand in gang helpen'

'aider quelqu'un à entreprendre quelque chose'

'to help sb/sth to make a start with sth'

>>> op weg helpen

>>> op weg helpen

>>> lancer

>>> lancer

NP ___ NP



'(van een weg, rivier, lijn, ...) de genoemde startplaats hebben'

'avoir son point de départ à un endroit particulier'

'(of a road, river, line, ...) to have the specified starting place'

NP[nh] ___ LOC

>>> 1.

NP[nh] ___ LOC

>>> 1.

NP[nh] ___ LOC

NP[nh] ___ from NP


'als uitgangspunt kiezen'

'choisir quelque chose comme point de départ'

'to choose as one’s point of departure'

>>> vertrekken

>>> partir

NP ___ from NP


'een reis ergens aanvatten'

'partir d'un certain endroit'

'to begin a journey somewhere'

>>> vertrekken

>>> partir

NP ___ from NP


'zich in een bepaalde richting beginnen bewegen'

'commencer à se déplacer dans une certaine direction'

'to begin moving in a particular direction'

>>> gaan / lopen

>>>> aller / se diriger

NP ___ LOC


'als oorzaak hebben'

'avoir quelque chose pour cause'

'to have as its cause'

NP ___ met NP


NP ___ avec NP


NP ___ with NP



'de onmiddellijke oorzaak van iets zijn'

'être la cause directe de quelque chose'

'to be the immediate cause of sth'

>>> (de aanleiding) zijn

>>> occasionner / causer / mener

NP ___ NP


'het leven zien (in een bepaalde hoedanigheid)'

'naître, voir le jour (dans une certaine qualité)'

'to come into existence (in a particular capacity)'

>>>ontstaan / (in het leven) komen / (het leven) zien

>>>ontstaan / (in het leven) komen / (het leven) zien

>>> naître / voir le jour

>>> naître / voir le jour

NP ___ life as NP (TEMP)

NP ___ life TEMP


'veroorzaken dat iemand iets doet'

'amener quelqu'un à faire quelque chose'

'to cause sb to do sth'

>>> doen

>>> faire / amener

NP ___ NP Pger1


'een patient een medicijn voorschrijven'

'prescrire un médicament à quelqu'un'

'to prescribe medicine to a patient'

>>> doen slikken

>>> faire prendre

NP ___ NP on NP


'een auto, motor, computerprogramma doen beginnen werken'

'mettre en marche un moteur, un logiciel, …'

'to cause a car, engine, computer program to begin to work'

>>> starten

>>> démarrer

NP ___ NP


'al dan niet deelnemen aan het begin van een wedstrijd van een groepssport'

'être présent ou absent dans une équipe au début d’un match'

'to (not) take part in a team sport game from the beginning'

NP ___ aan NP


NP ___ NP / >>> débuter

NP ___ (NP) LOC / >>> débuter

NP ___ NP



'(van prijzen) de goedkoopste zijn'

'(à propos de prix) être les plus bas'

'(of prices) to be the cheapest'

NP ___ bij/vanaf NP

>>> (être) à partir de

NP ___ at/from NP (to NP)


'een kwaal of ziekte ontwikkelen'

'être atteint d'une maladie'

'to begin to suffer from an illness or ailment'

>>> krijgen

>>> faire

NP ___ NP


'(jur.) een rechtsvordering instellen tegen iemand'

'(jur.) solliciter une décision judicaire'

'(jur.) to try to get a court order'

>>> instellen / aanspannen

>>> intenter

NP ___ action (against NP)


'een plotse beweging maken als gevolg van schrik of verrassing'

'faire un mouvement brusque suite à un événement imprévu, menaçant'

'to make a sudden movement as a result of surprise or fear'

>>> (op)schrikken

>>> sursauter

NP  ___


'een dier uit zijn schuilplaats drijven'

'rabattre des animaux'

'to drive an animal into the open from a place where it was hiding'

>>> (op)jagen

>>> lever

NP ___ NP (from NP)


'(van een vloeistof) ergens uitstromen en snel vloeien'

'se mettre à couler dans une certaine direction'

'(of a liquid) to come out from somewhere and flow quickly'

>>> lopen

>>> se diriger, s'écouler

NP ___ LOC


uitdrukking die signaleert dat een bepaalde actie voor alle andere moet uitgevoerd worden

locution signalant qu'une action doit précéder toutes les autres

phrase signalling that a certain action has to precede all other actions

om te  ___[Inf]

pour  ___[Inf]

to  ___[Inf] with


uitdrukking die het eerste punt inleidt van degene die je wil vermelden

locution signalant le premier des points que l'on souhaite traiter; d'abord

phrase that introduces the first of several things that you want to say; firstly

om te  ___[Inf]

pour  ___[Inf]

to  ___[Inf] with


uitdrukking die signaleert dat een element het eerste van een serie is die chronologisch of volgens graad van belangrijkheid geordend is

locution signalant qu'un élément est le premier d'une série, en ordre chronologique ou d'importance

phrase signalling that an item is the first of a series, ordered chronologically or in order of importance

te  ___[Inf] met NP

à  ___[Inf] par NP

 ___[Prog] with NP


uitdrukking die de eerste fase aangeeft van een situatie, gebeurtenis of proces

locution signalant la première phase d'une situation, d'un évenement ou d'un processus

phrase signalling the first stage of a situation, event or process; at first

in het begin / aanvankelijk

au début / au départ

to  ___[Inf] with



NP ___ van nul


NP ___ from scratch

NP ___ a family




voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Ik ben, riep een sater in Rijnsaterwoude Sinds weken en weken al niet meer de oude. Ik wil zo graag dansen maar kan niet beginnen; Ik voel me te koud en chagrijnig van binnen.

Hij begint een gepassioneerde relatie met de vrouw van een machtige collega.
Daarom heeft Griekenland zich met zijn besluit om een blokkade te beginnen zulke felle reacties van de overige leden van de Europese Unie op de hals gehaald.
Na de FIOD‑affaire zijn we een inhaalrace begonnen.
“Hier kunnen ze eindelijk een nieuw leven beginnen,” meent hij.

Volgende week begint Van Wieren in Kopenhagen aan zijn zesde en laatste WK met het Nederlands team.
Op basis van wat vage geopolitieke kletskoek en zonder enige kennis van zaken begon men aan een avontuur dat miljoenen doden en honderden miljarden dollars zou kosten.
Hij is van mening dat Indonesië met vertrouwen aan een nieuw vijfjarenplan begint.

Ik negeerde zijn tekenen van ongeduld en begon te vertellen.

Op dinsdag begon ze het haar te relaxen. Ze had een potje TCB-super voor dertien gulden gekocht, waarmee ze het in vier partjes verdeelde haar insmeerde.
Maar van deze zuigelingsverzen is er geeneen bewaard gebleven. Dat geldt ook voor Deelders jeugdpoëzie die hij op zijn twaalfde begon te schrijven.
De Amerikaanse troepen zijn gisteren begonnen Haïtiaanse paramilitaire groepen te ontwapenen.



S’ils ont décidé de commencer maintenant, nous insistons pour que cela commence maintenant, a ajouté le président de l’Autorité palestinienne.
Je crois qu’il faut commencer très tôt, a-t-il expliqué.

D’ailleurs, mon environnement sur la chaîne aurait dû m’avertir : lundi soir, je n’ai pu commencer qu’après seize minutes de publicité […].


Mais il est vrai que nous avons commencé un travail de sensibilisation de nos équipes de production pour qu'elles soient conscientes des objectifs du nouveau code et qu'elles en tiennent compte dans l'élaboration de leurs projets d'émissions.
Quand vous avez commencé Roxy Music en 1971, vous aviez envie de mettre en oeuvre certaines de ces idées ?
Quand Thomas Watson quitte IBM, en 1971, le chiffre d'affaires de la compagnie est passé de 700 millions de dollars à 7,5 milliards ! Elle continuera sur sa lancée tandis qu'il commencera en 1970 une nouvelle carrière d'ambassadeur des Etats-Unis à Moscou sous l'administration Carter.
Pourtant, au début de l'été, Agnès Varda, photographe du TNP, commence, à Sète, le tournage de la Pointe courte, long métrage en 35 mm [...] qui ne correspond pas aux règles professionnelles fixées par le Centre national du cinéma (CNC).
Après l'intervention de la police, les Kurdes ont été transférés dans un centre d'hébergement où ils ont commencé une " grève de la faim illimitée ".


La méthode était surprenante de sa part. La faute qu'elle représentait ne pouvait laisser sans réaction, non seulement les socialistes, qui trouvaient là une cause d'intérêt général à défendre, mais ceux qui, au sein de la droite, commençaient à se lasser de la férule balladurienne.
Pour notre part, avec Simone Veil, nous avons commencé à travailler cette question dès notre arrivée au gouvernement, ce qui nous permet aujourd'hui d'aboutir à ces conclusions et à ces décisions, nous a déclaré Philippe Douste-Blazy.



CZECHOSLOVAKIA'S Communist Party, in its latest round of musical chairs, has appointed Mr Ladislav Adamec, the man who so angrily relinquished the prime ministership two weeks ago, as its new leader. He replaces Mr Karel Urbanek, the former railway worker, appointed last month and discredited almost before he had started.
“Before we start, I would like to say that we have received a request from Longman Dictionaries to have one of our meetings recorded, and, after discussing with the leader of the Council, we decided that this may be the best committee to record.”

Eliot produced a single page of notes from his pocket which he placed before him on the small table and brooded over for a while; but when he started, he managed to pack in, during 45 minutes or so, a great deal of sound sense on the subject of drama and especially on the relation of drama to religion.

“I've never followed anyone in my life, and certainly have no intention of starting now.”
Gianna Urizio, a television producer with the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy (FCEI), has been appointed Animateur for WACC's European Region. Starting in January, Ms Urizio, will devote four months of the year to developing networks among Christian communicators in Italy, Spain and Portugal.
WHEELCHAIR competitors in Sunday's London Marathon have been told that instead of going for personal best times they must take at least one hour and 50 minutes to complete the course. The 61 entrants were informed of the limit last week. Sponsors ADT and the British Sports Association for the Disabled said it was necessary because of safety problems, chiefly involving the timing of road closures. It is also hoped it will avoid the much faster wheelchairs catching the elite women runners — who start five minutes earlier — at an early point where they are running as a group and hard to pass.
“Well?” he said. “I'm a man in a hurry, Miss Stanton. Yes or no?” “Then — yes, Mr Travis. I'll take the job.” “When can you start? Next week? Tomorrow? Now?

Mr Baker's comments came a few days before Mr Greenspan starts a four-day visit to Moscow.

In 1911 the Tehran Protocol was concluded following a Persian appeal to the mediating powers, Britain and Russia, over Turkey's alleged violation of the 1847 Erzerum Treaty. The protocol provided for a delimitation commission to be formed of representatives of the two governments. This started work the following year.
The Mount Nimba range, which straddles Guinea, Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire, comprises some of Africa's richest rainforest. Part of it was designated as a nature reserve in 1944, and its central area, which includes NIMCO's proposed mining operation, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site — which designation in theory prohibits any development whatsoever. The Guinean government, which supports the project in return for royalties from the ore sales, is seeking to redraw the Heritage Site boundaries so as to exclude the mine area. Meanwhile, NIMCO is planning to start operations before the completion of an environmental impact assessment commissioned by the World Bank.
“We'll be starting rehearsals tomorrow,” Otley announced.
Dixons claims to supply one in every five TV sets sold in the UK — although Mr Kalms once described television “as one of the curses of our society”. He built up Dixons, with sales last year of over £1.7 billion, after starting work at the age of 16 with his father's portrait photography business.
Stephen Whitehead of Whitehead & Partners, another school fees specialist, recommends various savings options depending on the period before the first school fees fall due. If this is between one and four years he suggested the safest route is a simple building society deposit account. If there are more than five years to go before the child is due to start school then tax exempt special savings accounts can be a safe option.
An idea does not get past first base unless it meets the musts contained within the problem specification. For example, if I'm starting college and searching for somewhere to live, I might come up with a dozen possible ideas. But I've specified that the address must be within a half-hour's cycle ride from college and must not cost more than £x per week inclusive of heating and lighting.
Charity had always been smart. The family scholar. The worker. The one with the ambition and the talent and the brains to really make something of herself. She'd started university when she was seventeen years old.

When these top-priority tasks are well in hand, you can start on other highly desirable but less vital works.
What next? “I'll be starting on a new book entitled The Thinking Dog's Book of Doggerell, which is being written by a marvellous guy called Leslie Bricusse. His verses are very witty, hysterical.”

AS Bill Wyman has made noises about quitting the Rolling Stones, Ron Wood threatens: “If he's not in the studio when we start on a new album we'll replace him with a woman.”

In 1885 John became director of the Comedy Theatre, Manchester, and in the same year he began teaching children to dance. He also started to give lessons at his home, but his wife swiftly showed her disapproval.
It was not until Evelyn Underhill (1875–1941) and Dean Inge (1860–1954) began to consider mysticism seriously that Anglicans started to see it as a spirituality that was authentically Christian.
The shops have started to put up Christmas decorations.

When the defendant started to market his IBM version in the UK, the plaintiff sued for infringement of copyright in his BBC program.
NEARLY half a billion Indian voters yesterday started to choose their next government, in a general election clouded by violence and charges of poll-rigging.

Women, particularly married women, have increasingly started taking employment this century, but they are not equally distributed throughout the occupational structure.
Traditionally, herdsmen used to walk their animals, often for days, to markets in the Sahel where merchants bought them and drove them to markets in the south. Since the mid-1980s, however, when the EC started dumping beef, the merchants have increasingly given up. European beef can be bought in West Africa at half the price of that produced in the Sahel.
Britain has many advantages: a wealth of natural resources; a long history of engagement with the rest of the world; a mature and inventive people who value tolerance and freedom. But Britain will only succeed when its political leaders start treating voters as informed citizens with shared concerns, not as ignorant consumers to be manipulated.

Pretty dark-haired Kim, 30, married Marsh in 1989. But three months ago social services worker Marsh, 40, started wearing women's clothes.


De take off is al begonnen.
Het aftellen is begonnen.
Toen de verbouwing eenmaal was begonnen, kwamen de verzamelaars zelf met hun collecties aandragen.

Toen de charismatische maarschalk Pilsudski de chaos had bedwongen en ook een einde had gemaakt aan uitspattingen, begon voor de Poolse joden de laatste dramatische fase van hun bestaan.
Een jaar later werd die schorsing weer ongedaan gemaakt en begonnen voor het grillige talent glorieuze tijden.

De ziekte van Alzheimer begint met vergeetachtigheid en verandert uiteindelijk de persoonlijkheid van de lijder.
Ons diner op de ambassade begon met een apéritif: Umqombothi, dat is bier.
De operatie begon dinsdag met het doodschieten van vier gewapende extremisten, onder wie een vrouw, in een appartement in een 15 etages tellend gebouw.

In het eerder genoemde boekje zegt Jan de Boer jr. daarover: ,,Het begon als een lolletje. We zaten met z'n achten bij elkaar en en we zeiden: laten we het ook eens met een drogisterij proberen.
Op Wall Street eindigde gisteren de Dow Jones-index 3,7 punten hoger op 3847,56 punten. De handel begon goed gestemd met een stijging van de index tot omstreeks 18 punten.
De ontmoeting tussen de relnicht Diego (Jorge Perugorria) en de jonge, revolutionaire student David (Vladimir Cruz) begint in ieder geval op culinair niveau.

De moeilijkheden begonnen in 1989, toen de Geneeskundige Inspectie van de Volksgezondheid in Overijssel en Flevoland signaleerde dat de communicatie tussen specialisten in de kliniek niet optimaal verliep.
Op 12 oktober is de diepteboring in de aardkorst bij het Beierse stadje Windischeschenbach definitief beëindigd. De boring begon in oktober 1990 en is tot een diepte van 9100 meter gekomen.

Vandaag begint in Parijs onder zware politiebewaking het proces tegen een van de twee vermoedelijke moordenaars en tegen twee handlangers, onder wie een achterneef van president Rafsanjani.
De eerste experimenten met het plan beginnen in de grote gemeenten.



Le débat ne fait que commencer.
Une position diamétralement opposée à celle du gouvernement intérimaire [...] en fonction dans la capitale depuis 1990 qui considère que ces institutions ne pourront entrer en fonction qu'après que le désarmement aura commencé.
LORSQUE le film commence, il est déjà trop tard entre Thea et Nat. La jeune femme n'aime plus son compagnon.
"Il n'est pas rare que le tournage commence sans que la chaîne ait versé le moindre centime", s'indigne un producteur.
La dissidence ne peut plus se déployer à l'intérieur des frontières de l'URSS : l'émigration, forcée ou volontaire, commence.

Touvier exerce ses responsabilités jusqu’à la libération de Lyon, début septembre. Commence alors pour lui une vie clandestine durant une vingtaine d’années.

Tout commence avec un héritage.
En avril prochain, la privatisation de British Rail, nationalisée en 1946, votée in extremis en novembre, pourrait commencer avec la cession de la première licence sur la ligne Londres-Gatwick Airport.

Cela a commencé par un CHU de 1 800 lits pour se terminer par un petit hôpital de 400 vieillards à l'époque où Jack Ralite, maire de la commune, était ministre de la santé.
Mais un arrosage vraiment réussi commence par la secrétaire qui réclame "autre chose que des marrons glacés" et par l'administratrice qui en a "ras-le-bol des carrés Hermès" parce qu'elle "en a plein ses placards !

La pièce commence sur une image d'Epiphanie, celle des cinq danseurs agenouillés devant leur palet, en adoration, dans une lumière de crèche.

Il existe une différence entre ceux qui pensent que le taux de change peut conduire à la stabilité interne et ceux qui pensent que la stabilité doit commencer d'abord au plan intérieur.
Le féroce s'attaque à l'ouvrage et gratte le premier ticket : "Zéro, ça commence bien !

Des pourparlers de paix entre le clan Abgal du "président par intérim" Ali Mahdi et le clan Habr Gedir du général Mohamed Farah Aïdid devaient commencer, jeudi 13 janvier, dans un hôtel des quartiers nord de Mogadiscio, bastion d'Ali Mahdi, a annoncé Zahra Nur, désignée comme porte-parole de la rencontre.

Mais la distance maintenue pendant quarante-cinq ans par le Vatican à l'égard d'Israël n'a pas empêché des tracasseries, voire des persécutions, contre les chrétiens, ici ou là, ni un exode qui avait commencé bien avant la naissance de l'Etat hébreu.
Faire venir un maximum d'auditeurs pour leur faire écouter un maximum de musique, au prix le plus modique. Cela commence au crépuscule [...], et l'on en sort environ trois heures après.

Echelonné sur trois ans, jusqu'à fin 1996, le programme de recherche concerne quelque sept cents toxicomanes, répartis en quatorze projets-pilotes dans huit villes du pays. Il a commencé à Zurich le 29 novembre.
Les premiers incendies ont commencé dans le nord des Nouvelles-Galles du Sud, le 31 décembre 1993, mais depuis trois jours la température avoisinant 40 et les rafales de vent soufflant jusqu'à 100 km/h ont propagé les feux allumés par mégarde [...] ou parfois intentionnellement.



"The money is there; the confidence is there; it's the fifties now— the recovery has started."
A just-opened Ministry of Home Security file records the efforts of the "counter rumours bureau". In August 1940, this little team of propagandists was urgently soothing panicky policemen, as far apart as Kent and Cardiganshire, who were convinced the invasion had started.

Despite their problems, for many of the women university was the place where they first flourished.  For these students, the first year may have been hard but it was extremely successful. It is often the first time that young people live independently of their parents. Although they are still in a relatively protected environment, they are responsible for budgeting for their living expenses and organising their time for themselves. It is a period for many of personal growth: Life started for me when I left school, life became happy and I enjoyed it more. ( Audrey ) I became my own person. ( Nicola )
January 31st, 1941 As I sit in the sandbag shelter at 10 o'clock on this cold night on gate watch I have time to contemplate the months that I have spent in the Auxiliary Fire Service. I must state the condition of my mind and feelings before the war, which startled the world from its satisfied life in September, 1939. The war started for many of us long before that date. Most saw it coming and in March, 1939 I knew it was inevitable.

For most of the Eighties, Punjab has been wracked by vicious conflict between the security forces and half a dozen incoherent but well-armed groups ostensibly fighting for a free Sikh state of Khalistan, the Land of the Pure.
The previous Congress Party government tried to lay part of the blame on Pakistan, saying that Khalistan terrorists had been trained and armed across the frontier. Most observers, however, believe the problem started with cynical Congress intrigues to split the main Sikh Party, the Akali Dal.
I believe that man and his God have evolved together over that immense period of time which started with the advent of earthly life, reaches right through to the present time and will continue onwards forever, or until there is no longer life on earth.

Teas believes that AIDS could have started with a Haitian eating infected pork.
The task of the bureau was to prepare for the impact on the community of potentially large-scale long-term unemployment. This started with the Compair-Holman factory announcing a cut of 500 jobs in its workforce, together with a further 1,500 jobs at risk and 2,500 other jobs in dependent businesses left insecure.

Thanks to an economic boom which started in the Reagan era, New Jersey has started to shed its hackneyed image as the home of toxic dumps and second-class citizens.
DUNAMIS, the group which regularly holds talks at St James's, Piccadilly, has had to delay its Summer Programme of public events until September. Its series of discussions on “The New Europe” will run over three Wednesday evenings, starting 23 September.
The public inquiry started earlier this week into the plans of the Central Electricity Generating Board to build a pressurised-water reactor at Sizewell in Suffolk.

A dietician and a surgical supplies representative will be the guest speakers at a meeting of the South West Durham Ostomy Group on Tuesday. The meeting in Bishop Auckland General Hospital assembly hall starts at 7.30pm.

The fire started in the projection box.

In the same year in both Leeds and Manchester stumbling efforts were made to overcome distrust and form new antislavery organisations uniting all adherents. The case of Manchester is particularly significant because, although the project started well, failure foreshadowed unsuccessful efforts to establish a single organisation nationally.

The Roman conquest of Britain started in earnest in the year AD 43 and by about AD 120, the whole of Britain up to Hadrian's wall in the north became a Roman province.
Filming of Metal Tree, to be distributed by MGM, starts next month in Sicily, Vienna, and the south of France.


We beginnen altijd met het opnemen van de informatieve gedeeltes, de reportages.
Omstreeks 1900 schreef P.J. Blok een geschiedenis van het 'Nederlandsche Volk' en begon hij als vanzelfsprekend met de eerste sporen van menselijk leven die hij op de prehistorische Nederlandse bodem aantrof.
De gids neemt beginners geduldig bij de hand: 'Het beste kan worden begonnen met de dwergvleermuis. Dit is in de regel de algemeenste soort, die vaak in stedelijk gebied jaagt. De detector stelt men in op 40/45 kHz.'

"Als je begint met succes, en 1993 was wat dat betreft geen moeilijk jaar, dan krijg je een overmoedig gevoel en dan schieten mensen hun doel voorbij."
In Leipzig begonnen we goed. We stonden, dankzij Jan Mulder en Piet Keizer, bij de rust met 0-2 voor. Een royale overwinning leek haalbaar.

Chicago is geen eindstop voor de Rabobank. ,,We begonnen in New York'', aldus Wijffels en we zijn met de wijzers van de klok verder gegaan naar Dallas, San Francisco en nu Chicago maar we gaan verder".

In een spectaculair bewegend decor dat een in verval geraakt industrieterrein moest voorstellen, begon de als handelaar in oud roest uitgedoste Collins zijn optreden met een drumsolo.
Corrie van Eijl begint haar dissertatie met de herinnering dat zij als achttienjarige leerling-verpleegkundige de afwas stond te doen toen er een chirurg langskwam die ongegeneerd zijn sigarettepeuk in haar afwaswater deponeerde.
Zelfs president Clinton begon een interview met Larry King voor de camera's van CNN met de opmerking dat hij Foreman enorm bewondert.
In november nog begon Jacques Chirac zijn campagne voor het presidentschap met een goedbedoelde uitglijder: Frankrijk moest maar een referendum houden over de voltooiing van de monetaire unie.
Labour was haar campagne voor de lokale verkiezingen woensdagavond begonnen met een tv-programma van vier minuten waarin Major vijftien keer voor leugenaar werd uitgemaakt.

Ondanks de matige start van Sparta begon de Zeeuw het seizoen goed met vijf treffers. Feyenoord informeerde enkele weken geleden bij Sparta naar de vraagprijs van de trefzekere spits.

De Bruyn Ouboter begon zijn schildersopleiding in Den Haag, onder meer met modeltekenen in Pulchri. Daarna studeerde hij in Munchen en Parijs.
Kuper begint zijn reis in Nederland, in de zomer van 1988, toen de huiskamers massaal leegliepen, en Nederland op straat de overwinning op erfvijand (West-)Duitsland vierde.

Kondylis begint met vast te stellen dat de geschiedenis leert ,,dat bij het samengaan van het ethische'' - en daartoe kunnen de mensenrechten gerekend worden - ,,en het politieke het ethische zich vaak aan het politieke onderwierp, ja dat de redenen voor het beklemtonen van het ethische zelfs in de eerste plaats politiek waren''.
Die computerpropagandisten doen me sterk denken aan de Russische bolsjewieken uit het begin van de eeuw. Ze beginnen altijd met alles af te schaffen.
,,Wij zijn best bereid te praten over vervanging door een vorm van flexibele pensionering,'' zegt Den Uyl, ,,maar dan moet de overheid niet beginnen met een miljard weg te halen.

Zeker Mitterrand is zijn presidentschap begonnen met Nederland ernstig te nemen. Zijn staatsbezoek aan het Koninkrijk begin 1984 had allure en was minutieus voorbereid door een goede vriend die in de functie van ambassadeur als wegbereider was vooruitgestuurd.


Cette militante de gauche commence par le documentaire, avant de se tourner vers la fiction, au début des années 80.
On commence toujours par des sujets spectaculaires

Pourquoi être en direct de Washington ? Parce que c'est là que nous avons commencé, c'est là que ça se passe, sauf pour le showbiz, ce pourquoi nous venons régulièrement à Los Angeles.
Cyrille Guimard, ancien champion cycliste, ne dit pas autre chose. " J'ai commencé dans les champs. J'étais naturellement adroit, raconte-t-il.Leurs itinéraires politiques sont antagonistes, puisque le premier a commencé au Parti communiste pour évoluer vers le centre droit à travers la gauche chic des années 60 et que le second, issu d'une droite musclée, s'est rallié à un mitterrandisme parfois teinté de chevènementisme.

Il faudrait sans doute déplacer les problèmes, s'interroger sur le système économique Bernard-Philippe Groslier avait commencé dans cette direction ou sur les systèmes de représentation symbolique.

Tout en réaffirmant ses positions sur la Macédoine, M. Papandréou a insisté sur la volonté "pacifique" de son pays et, surtout, a pris soin de commencer chacune de ses interventions par une ferme déclaration d'intention en matière sociale : il a ainsi affirmé que le Livre blanc sur l'emploi, adopté par les Douze à l'initiative de M. Delors, constituait "un grand pas dans l'histoire européenne" et un "renversement progressif [...] de la théorie du libéralisme".
"A l'époque où a été créée la numérotation, d'abord, on ne connaissait pas le chiffre zéro ; ensuite, commencer un décompte par "- 0" n'est pas logique, d'où cette discontinuité entre les années 1 avant JC et + 1 après JC", explique Patrick Rocher.

Après 32 records inscrits en 1993, Wall Street commence l'année 1994 sur les chapeaux de roue : en quatre séances, la Bourse new-yorkaise vient de battre deux nouveaux records dont le dernier, inscrit jeudi 6 janvier, a propulsé le Dow Jones au-dessus des 3 800 points, à 3 803,88 points.

M. Tapie a commencé sa campagne, cette semaine, aux Antilles et en Guyane.

A l'Usine Fromage, Pfnür, peu connu en France, a commencé par faire sauter quelques murs, moins pour remettre à jour l'architecture de la salle [...], que pour créer une béance, un lieu à remplir.
Une délégation à l'action artistique créée par Jacques Chirac dès 1978 pour " animer les arrondissements " a commencé par y organiser des expositions accompagnées de modestes catalogues [...].
Et la mesure, expliquée finalement par la banque centrale comme devant " renforcer " le rouble, commencera par donner un nouveau coup de fouet à l'inflation.

Le président Nelson Mandela a commencé son allocution en lisant un poème d’Ingrid Jonker, « une femme afrikaner, devenue sud-africaine, africaine et citoyenne du monde ».
Alain Juppé avait, précisément, commencé sa journée en partageant un petit déjeuner avec le chef zoulou.


One approach to organising your time is to start with the "contact hours" in college, when you are usually being introduced to something new.
Andras Hegedus, the Hungarian social scientist and former prime minister, has written of the campaign against bureaucracy being waged in the socialist countries, a campaign which is largely unaware of the root cause of bureaucratism — the separation of administration from the “ultimate guarantor of power, i.e. society”, and the lack of social control. For Hegedus the weakening of the bureaucratic character of administration will have to start with “social organizations” — party organizations, trade unions, youth movements, parliament, local councils, and so on, rather than in the sphere of state management.
Notice that: 1. the order of the objectives reveals something of the process of historical writing. The historian starts with some knowledge or facts (a), adds opinion, interpretations, judgements, (b) and (c) and presents them in a logical and relevant essay (d).

Now that the Government is committed to a national healthy eating policy, we need to examine school nutritional standards — and where better to start than with milk?
STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO BUYING YOUR NEW HOME Q. It's quite an involved business, buying a property, isn't it? YES, but with the right professional help to smooth your path it need not present you with any problems. At Adkin we pride ourselves on giving you that help every step of the way. Q. Where do I start? A. Call into any Adkin office. Our sales staff are friendly, experienced people who are there to give you helpful advice.
So you want to fly a kite! Let's start at the very beginning. You've seen some kites, they've impressed you and now you want one for yourself. For the time being, we have to assume that it's a single line kite you want (multi-line stunters come in Chapter Eight) and, without any prior experience, you haven't a clue where to begin. Keep it simple.

"You started wrong."

Some Frenchmen start the day with a coffee and calvados.
A series of positive reports regarding homework tasks can set the tone of the group to follow. The “domino effect” is often very noticeable; one person's comments, whether positive or negative, influence the person who follows. It is sometimes a good idea to start homework reporting with a client who you recognize as a likely positive contributor.
We started the chapter with a quotation from Robbins; it might equally have been drawn from other writers, such as Ortega y Gasset, F. R. Leavis or G. H. Bantock.

Salespeople should avoid the temptation of making a sales presentation without finding out the needs of their customers. It is all too easy to start a sales presentation in the same rigid way, perhaps by highlighting the current bargain of the week, without first questioning the customer as to his needs.

The Tour du Mont Blanc is a high altitude rollercoaster route on a grand scale involving long ascents, high passes (some over 8,000ft) and equally long descents, as it picks its way through the seven main valleys — and three countries— which surround the massif. Most walkers use the famous Chamonix Valley as a base, starting the circuit at Les Houches.

In the afternoon he starts by sleeping, then takes over the kitchen and insists on preparing extravagant five-course meals.
If you are running a rally aimed at inspiring and motivating people, don't start by having them arrive in a strange city to find the car park full, the nearest suitable alternative two miles away and no taxis available because it's Sunday evening and pouring with rain. You probably can't do much about the rain, but you can work out contingency plans such as having helpers to park participants' cars or arranging minibuses to shuttle between the centre and the car park.

We start by picking up and examining the cube. We read the instructions (if any) and ask friends what it does. At this first stage, it is essential not to go too fast, but by now most people have already done so; they have already jumbled the cube and thereby discovered the basic mathematical problem: how do you get back to where you started?

Lessons are taken by a black costumed Mrs Lesley Hayman, the education authority's living history projects teacher, who poses as the stern  “Miss Bracegirdle”. She starts each day by calling the register, holding a religious assembly and reading the punishment book.
Although you won the BBC radio competition for a place in the BBC Repertory company straight from drama school, you decided to start your career by playing Ophelia in Hamlet at Theatr Clwyd.

To my disbelief, Vitalis had started his course by teaching about the Sign of the Cross and the Our Father.


In één klap begonnen vele Grieken de jongeren als vrijheidsstrijders te zien.
De verf van het “Gezicht op Delft” begint op sommige plaatsen los te raken.
Het ANC begint inderdaad steeds meer autoritaire trekken te vertonen.
De vanzelfsprekendheid van het gezag begon te tanen.

Zo'n 150 miljoen jaar geleden begon het supercontinent Pangea uiteen te vallen in de continenten zoals we die nu kennen.
Ook wordt de autoriteiten verweten dat er niet is gewaarschuwd toen het water zaterdag alarmerend snel begon te stijgen.
De enorme watermassa uit het noordwesten, die rond het middaguur begon aan te komen in de Podelta, kan nu ongehinderd in zee stromen.



Le sol s'est creusé à la base des rochers, et cette érosion met en cause leur équilibre. Les arbres commencent, eux aussi, à se déchausser.
On commence aujourd'hui à pouvoir mesurer l'efficacité de certaines politiques de maîtrise.

Mais je considère qu'à titre exceptionnel, face à certaines situations, l'évolution pourrait se faire. Elle a déjà, d'ailleurs, commencé de se produire : des ministres anglicans mariés vont faire leur entrée dans le clergé catholique.



The ILN commenced publication in 1842 and for the better part of the 19th and early years of the 20th century enjoyed enormous popularity because it was able regularly to reproduce illustrations when the newspapers could not. Even when the newspapers were able to introduce photographs, the ILN prospered because of the depth of its pictorial coverage. By the 1950s television began to make great inroads into the territory of pictorial news magazines and the ILN started to decline.
This was one part of his job Douglas hated. Coming up to some innocent, smiling person and telling him or her that a brother or husband or lover had been killed. So many times he had seen that smile freeze then start to disintegrate at his words.
If Guillory hollered his blues, Renbourn confided his, looking as solidly English as roast beef and sounding wistful and worldly-wise, his playing strolling along affably until one suddenly realised that — as in an old Booker T number— things were really starting to shift with indecent ease.

According to the Director-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor, in roughly one in five developing countries primary student numbers have actually started declining and in two out of every three developing countries expenditure per student has declined in real terms since 1980.


Die brochure begint en eindigt met een sprookje.
Het boek begint met een even heldere als laconieke analyse van het verschijnsel stress.

Het verhaal begint voorzichtig, met enkele anekdotes over de kleding en gewoontes in de jaren vijftig en zestig.


A Zagreb, Ognjen et Bojan jouent souvent à un jeu de société où l'on doit énumérer des noms de lieux commençant par une lettre de l'alphabet que l'on a piochée.
En janvier 1994, rien de plus actuel que ces lignes, par lesquelles commence le premier volume de Variété.

L’histoire commence comme un roman.
Cela commence comme une comédie absurde, astucieuse et vive […].

Le spectacle commence comme un meeting.


The transcripts start with either coding segment 1 or segment 2; coding segments 1 and 5 are mutually exclusive.
The argument for Woolwich starts with the general principle enunciated by Lord Wright in Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjna v. Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd. [1943] A.C. 32, 61: “The claim was for money paid for a consideration which had failed.”
The most serious and devastating wood fundus and the species most frequently found in old building is dry rot or Serpula lachrymans. Having established itself in damp timber, this infection can spread to dry wood and brickwork. Its life-cycle starts with a spore, of which there are countless millions in the atmosphere.

It takes forty minutes to walk from Dhang station to the farm along a road which starts as a stony track then turns to mud.
It had just been an ordinary night, starting like a hundred others. They had walked to the local pub, about half a mile into the estate, to have a couple of drinks with a handful of old acquaintances. But things had gone absolutely right from the start, contrary to usage. Perhaps the Christmas decorations in the pub had helped.

The present article starts by highlighting the pivotal role of police results in the criminal process.

This chapter starts by looking at the issue of control and discipline, and the related skills of questioning and reflection.


Cynthia's overgrootvader (van moederskant) begon in Rotterdam een kapperszaak en ook haar tante was kapster.
Op de hoek van de Grote Oeverstraat heeft nog een tijdlang een zekere Guichelaar gewoond. Hij was oorspronkelijk agent van politie maar door onenigheid met de toenmalige burgemeester Knoppers moest hij de dienst verlaten. Hij begon toen een sigarenwinkel.


The formation of Boyden’s firm in 1946, like Handy's two years before, showed a shrewd sense of timing. Both firms had been influenced to a certain extent by an even earlier headhunting business, started by one Thorndike Deland in 1926, which proved to be considerably ahead of its time.
The following practical checklist on starting a co-operative, produced by a London college which has developed a local scheme (for pre-licentiate training in particular), indicates a range of practical factors that they considered necessary to take into account.
It was probably as a result of Arab contacts that pearl fisheries were opened up on the coast of East Africa. Other important fisheries were started on the west side of the Gulf of Bengal, notably on the Coromandel coast and in the Gulf of Mannar north-west of Sri Lanka.


Ortega is een selfmade tycoon die op veertienjarige leeftijd begon als loopjongen in een kledingwinkel in La Coruña.

Regisseur Harold Ramis is naast regisseur ook schrijver, producent en acteur. Hij begon zijn carrière als moppentapper bij Playboy.

Dat is niet veel. Maar wij hebben nu in ieder geval een capaciteit, een planningscel. Dat had ik niet toen ik begon in Londen.
Toen Urbanus acht jaar geleden een punt achter zijn spelerscarrière zette, lag de overstap naar het coachen voor de hand. Hij begon bij Terrasvogels (,,Inderdaad, een softbalclub. Daar heb ik bewust voor gekozen omdat ik graag wilde coachen maar ook even weg wilde uit het honkbalwereldje'').
Eddy George (55) begon bij de Bank of England toen het pond Sterling nog tien gulden waard was.

Frank van den Wall Bake begon zijn carrière bij de Algemene Bank Nederland. Na bij verschillende bedrijven te hebben gewerkt richtte in 1978 het één-mansbedrijf Trefpunt Sports and Leisure Marketing op.

Navratilova begon in de dagen van Billie-Jean King en hield het langer vol dan Monica Seles.
Dankert heeft tijdens zijn Haagse carrière de euforie en de sceptische houding over Europa meegemaakt. Hij begon in 1989 toen het ideaal van de interne markt in opmars was, maar verlaat het Binnenhof op het moment waarop Nederland opviel door het laagste opkomstpercentage bij de Europese verkiezingen in juni.



Tu as commencé avec rien, et tu recommenceras jusqu'à ce que tu m'aies payé.

J’avais commencé comme musicien de jazz.
A partir de 1991, sur le satellite e TDF2, nous commencions comme simple duplication des programmes de France2 dont nous gardions le nom, rappelle Xavier Drumare.

D’une famille de magistrats et lui-même docteur en droit, Jean Cosson a commencé sa carrière comme avocat stagiaire et juge suppléant à Nancy, puis comme juge d’instruction à Briey.
Moi, j’ai commencé le métier comme porteur.

« J’ai commencé chez un grossiste, se souvient-il, vendeur la nuit, comptable le matin ».

Après avoir commencé sa carrière à poil, Birkin, la v'là qui donne dans le mélo branché larmoyant.


A newly qualified staff nurse starts on a salary of £14,890.

The story of this far from illustrious beginning was one Hugo never tired of telling, for the fact that he had started with nothing but raw talent and stubborn determination was something of which he was justifiably proud but he was less forthcoming about what had happened next.

Andrew Carnegie started as a $1.20-a-week bobbin boy in a Pittsburgh cotton mill and became the nation's foremost steel magnate.
Liz Watt, cashier clerkess at Grampian TV in Aberdeen, was recently presented with gifts from CCG and Grampian in recognition of 20 years service at the television station. Liz started as an assistant cook just a few months after CCG had won the Grampian contract, but later moved into the office and now brings her experience to bear on a range of tasks.

In a developing organism, starting as a fertilized egg, each cell or tissue, throughout its own maturation, is budding off miniature facsimiles of itself, the “gemmules”.

Heart experts never tire of pointing out that Winston Churchill started life as a frail premature baby, went on to smoke, drink heavily and eat to the point of obesity, but lived to a great age, whereas Nathan Pritikin, inventor of the Pritikin diet, died a premature death despite being obsessed with health.
Plockton started existence as a fishing port, and the old harbour can still be seen, but it is that no longer, pleasure sailing being the new order of the day; and visitors are catered for without fuss or ostentation.
CP/M was emphatically not the best desktop operating system available at the time, indeed it was not originally even written as a production operating system. Like Unix, it started life as a development environment, and like Unix, it had intrinsic features that made it unsuitable as a production operating system.
Sheridan Morley, Ronald Charles (1891–1958), actor and film star, was born in Richmond, Surrey, 9 February 1891, the second son and fourth child in the family of two sons and three daughters of Charles Colman, a silk merchant, and his wife Marjory Read Fraser. He was educated at a boarding school in Littlehampton, but had to leave abruptly at the age of sixteen for financial reasons when his father died suddenly of pneumonia. He started work as a clerk in the British Steamship Company, in the City, and joined the London Scottish Regionals as a territorial soldier in 1909.
Maria das Gracas Meneguel, better known as Xuxa, started her career as a fashion model.

Another book about the age of Dürer, but on a different topic, is The Limewood Sculptors of Renaissance Germany , by Michael Baxandall, published in 1980.The author started his career in the Victoria and Albert Museum, where there is an important group of this sculpture; his book had a double origin in a museum exhibition and a series of lectures.
Starting life in Des Moines, Iowa, Bryson made England his base nearly fifteen years ago.

Gainsborough retired in October after completing 41 years service. He started his career working as a maltster at the Paddock maltings at Gainsborough in 1949.


Het seizoen begint deze week meteen goed, met een presentatie in het Stedelijk Museum van Het meesterstuk, de eerste roman van de dichteres Anna Enquist.
Maandag Ik voel me grieperig maar de week begint rustig omdat ik geen agendapunt heb op de Algemene Raad in Brussel.
Het jaar 1619 was slecht begonnen voor de geestverwanten van de protestantse godgeleerde Arminius. Op 14 januari zond de nationale Dordtse synode dertien van hun predikanten-woordvoerders heen.


L'année avait commencé dans le calme malgré les tensions dans le Golfe.
D'autre part, l'année 1994 a commencé dans le sang en Afrique du Sud : au moins 55 personnes ont été tuées lors des trois premiers jours de janvier, selon les bilans rendus publics lundi par la police.


"How was your day off?" his Flight Engineer called out. "Terrific," Joe said without enthusiasm. He thought of his day with Sylvia, the day that had started so well and ended so miserably, while he ran through the checks before take-off.
The year has started well, with sales up 12 p.c. from 6 p.c. more stores.


Rene begon goed en wist al na een minuut de partij naar zich toe te trekken door goed te scoren met lowkicks gevolgd door een paar goedgeplaatste leverstoten

Viritim begon de wedstrijd sterk zowel aanvallend als verdedigend.

Serena Williams is goed begonnen aan Roland Garros.
Nederland begon goed aan de wedstrijd, maar moest al snel toezien dat de Belgen het initiatief geheel overnamen.
Tonny Roeterdink begon slecht aan zijn voorrondes.

De Eindhovense formatie begon het seizoen dit jaar met een klinkende overwinning op provinciegenoot Sharklets.


Il évoque le régime du président Magloire, qui n'avait pas trop mal commencé et qu'on surnomma ensuite "Culotte de fer", Cançon Fé en créole, puis l'arrivée de François Duvalier, Papa Doc, auquel succéda son héritier dynastique, "président à vie", son fils Jean-Claude, déchouqué, extirpé, quinze ans plus tard, en 1986.

Il est fréquent de voir les étiquettes réduites de moitié, notamment dans le prêt-à-porter et la chaussure. Pourtant, le secteur avait bien commencé la saison, le mauvais temps ayant dopé les ventes de septembre.
Euro Disney avait mal commencé la semaine: une information du magazine l'Expansion – démentie par le groupe de loisirs – selon laquelle la fréquentation du parc serait en net recul a entraîné une baisse sensible du titre.
Après 32 records inscrits en 1993, Wall Street commence l'année 1994 sur les chapeaux de roue: en quatre séances, la Bourse new-yorkaise vient de battre deux nouveaux records […].
Ségolène donna l'impression d'avoir passé une partie de ses vacances penchée sur un sujet aride: les français, mœurs, phobies, gaffes à éviter, formules usuelles de politesse. Elle commençait l'année sur de si bonnes résolutions que l'on avait presque envie, si l'on en était capable, de se hisser à sa hauteur.

Après s'être imposée dans le géant à Santa Caterina, elle avait commencé l'année en trombe avec sa victoire à Mariborg, il y a une semaine.


The slippery track made it a follow-the-leader procession in most of the 15 races with the visitors from Denmark's Super League uncertain in the early stages and the Boro's new look team sliding to defeat as they lost their grip in the final six heats. American newcomer Donny Odom started well and finished unluckily, but Mark Lemon could not get anything right on a disastrous night which started with a crash into the safety fence and finished with an engine failure.

We had started the day in style.

Sandy started his tournament with a five.
Though the old car was used in South Africa, Jackie promptly started the new season with a convincing win, repeating the feat in Spain, at Montjuich in Barcelona.


Omdat beiden al vele jaren in de zuivel hadden gewerkt, en dat ook wilden blijven doen, werd het plan opgevat om opnieuw te beginnen. Het bedrijf was namelijk niet ten onder gegaan als gevolg van slechte verkopen of een slecht produkt.
Daar zijn schilders nu al meer dan honderd jaar dag in dag uit mee bezig. Als ze eindelijk het laatste balkje geverfd hebben, hebben regen en wind de verf aan de andere kant al weer aangetast. Dus kunnen ze meteen weer opnieuw beginnen.
De mensen die nu in Haiti terugkeren krijgen geld mee omdat ze heleboel opnieuw moeten beginnen.


At any time after adjudication a bankrupt may apply to the court for his discharge, which, if granted, will enable him to start again, stripped of his property, but (with certain exceptions) free from any claim which might have been proved against him in the bankruptcy.
He sometimes fantasized about emigrating, starting again in Hollywood where his looks and talent might be better appreciated.

She had always assumed that something would happen, sometime, to sweep away her marital comfort. Perhaps Dmitri would find someone younger and more beautiful while on tour abroad, and would defect. Perhaps — it had seemed for a short while — she herself might leave him. Or else she and her husband would find some way of getting out of Russia and would share the entrancing hardship of starting afresh in the West.
Really radical change can be achieved only by going “back to the drawing board”, throwing away the previous design and starting afresh.

One young man who impressed me immensely was from Scunthorpe. He is on his fifth prison sentence, but this time he is determined to make a fresh start when he gets out. Since he has been in Deerbolt, he has passed his GCSE's and is now trying to get a place in a catering college when he gets out next year. Obviously this isn't always the case with ex-offenders — even those who are like this tend to get branded by society, and so don't get given a chance to start anew.
Simplicity is the keynote of “New Beginnings”. It's a fresh, young style you might use for your first home, or if you want to start anew in your lounge or bedroom.


Tough it may be, but Washington is one who defied the odds to achieve world status in a sport not known for its liberal representation of blacks. It is a tribute to his determination over his 22 years that he has achieved where so many before him have failed. It's been a long journey. “My dad started me when I was about 5 years old. He's always been my coach. He's still my coach now, obviously not on a full time basis because my home's in Michigan.”

“Lot a hundred and thirty eight silver gilt box with micro-mosaic, there it is now showing, thank you and I have one thousand five hundred pounds offered to start me, six hundred, seven hundred, one thousand eight hundred, nine hundred, two thousand two thousand pounds, two thousand one hundred two thousand two hundred, three hundred thousand four hundred, five hundred, two thousand six hundred on my left at two thousand six hundred pounds, any more?”

"If we could revive Monaghan Day for Daddy it could help to start him back to himself. Monaghan Day meant the world to him once."
“What will the Labour party do? As the hon. Member for Dagenham says, it will have to begin such a system in the first year of a Labour Government. Unless it starts us down that road fairly quickly, the people of the north-east and the other regions will not want to follow.”
I found it difficult to get cuttings to root in earlier years, but I discovered that by starting them in water for 10 days, then potting up, I lost very few.
“Who'll start me at three hundred?” the auctioneer boomed as Mungo and Emily rushed into the marquee.
An advancement means a sum of money paid to a child to start him in business or to make a permanent provision for him; it does not include casual payments given as a present or to help to tide over temporary difficulties.
Syrett, beautiful but doomed, cut his hand on a wine glass at a party and, after ignoring his doctor's advice to avoid climbing, did irreparable damage to his tendons which started him on a tightening spiral of alcoholism and eventual suicide.


Om zich te op de hoogte te stellen van de landelijke fietsroute verkende uw redacteur samen met fotograaf Rob de Groot een deel van de route die begint in Nieuweschans en via de Afsluitdijk eindigt in Callantsoog.
De treintunnel begint bij station Rotterdam-Zuid en eindigt op Roterdam-Centraal, een stuk van drie kilometer lang.
Vul de vakjes in die boven de tekeningetjes rondom de aardbol staan. Als je de juiste letters invult, krijg je een ander woord voor de lucht om ons heen. Het woord begint bij de auto. Veel succes!


Au delà de la cour, séparé d' elle par une sorte de chemin couvert en vieilles tuiles commençait le jardin du patron au bout duquel s'élevait la maison.
Sa moustache cachait entièrement ses lèvres pincées, son menton pointait en avant, son front plissé remontait ses sourcils tout près de la ligne où commençait son crâne nu et blanc.


The intercept a is the value of Y when X is zero, or where the line starts.
“They're sandbagging the railings on the promenade,” she said. “Is there really going to be a flood, d'you think?” “Depends,” said Adam through a mouthful of chocolate. “It isn't the rain here that counts, it's the rain up on the hills where the river starts.”

From Brotherilkeld Farm simply follow the eastern side of the River Esk until you reach an area called Great Moss (3 miles).  Here you need to ford the River Esk — it's normally only inches deep — and head for a waterfall, Cam Spout (north, 0.5 mile). I have never had any difficulty crossing it here but if you are walking in, or just after, a deluge of rain it might be better to avoid the area by following the path along the western side of the river. This starts from Taw House Farm which you can reach from Brotherilkeld Farm by crossing the footbridge over the River Esk between the two farms.
To take but one example from the many available, a well-known medieval armorial design comprises a shield with three spike-like shapes starting from the top edge of the shield, points downward and meeting towards the bottom.


Briefed comprehensively by my fastidious fiancee on ironing strategy — “Never start from the front/make sure you give the cuffs a decent jet of steam... not like that, you chump!” — I set about a pile of shirts, mainly cotton but one silk, and a range of trousers.
If you begin by believing that everyone's looks are individual and accepting that there are some colours or product formulations that people just don't like, then you have to start from a completely different selling point than the traditional cosmetic houses.

The representational theory of mind treats the explanation of mental life as a kind of engineering problem; it starts from the inside, from the representational state, and asks how mental states interact with one another to produce something that we would call “knowledge” the representational theorist proceeds like a sceptical philosopher who thinks that what figures in our mental life is not reality but our mental representations of it.


The coach will be starting from Bath, with pick up points also at Saltford, Keynsham, Bristol (Victoria Street Station) and just off the M5 for the Gloucester Area.
The old locomotives of the Bluebell railway will take you through woods and green fields on a round trip starting from Sheffield Park.

There are numerous cloughs worth exploring in the Dark Peak, but some of the most impressive can be linked by a demanding outing starting from Greenfield on the west of Black Hill, taking in major cloughs on Bleaklow and Kinder before finally scrambling down the head of the Grindsbrook above Edale.


Ursula flicked a fragment of cigarette ash off the sleeve of her black dress and added, almost as an afterthought, "Poor Maurice," before turning and walking away towards the house. As Charlotte started after her, it crossed her mind that this throw-away remark was the kindest thing Ursula had found to say about the man she had been married to for more than twenty years since the day they had found him dead.
"Another coffee?" Sandison had not intended this to sound like a jibe but it did. "No, I'd better be off, I think." "Well, look, thanks for fixing things up for me. I'm grateful." "Yes, well, it wasn't too difficult after all." He started for the door. Sandison rose and shouted after him: "Tomorrow. Will you be here tomorrow morning?" Maidstone was at the door. He turned and after a few seconds said: "Probably."
"See, I'm dressed for bed." "In Bill's dressing-gown." "It suits me better than it suits him." Faye hugged the navy blue, subtly patterned silk and started in the direction of the bedroom.


De revolutionaire vernieuwingen begonnen met het aantreden van Rajiv Gandhi eind 1984 na de moord op diens moeder Indira.
Vanaf het moment dat de Joden naar het gebied kwamen is het er eigenlijk nooit meer rustig geweest. De problemen begonnen in 1948 met de oprichting van de staat Israël.

De problemen voor Stad-Vollenhove begonnen toen de watersportvereniging in verband met de reconstructie van de nieuwe buitenhaven in Vollenhove moest uitwijken. De steigers werden verplaatst naar het Vollenhover Kanaal. Op de bewuste locatie, welke binnen de gemeentegrenzen van de NOP valt, kunnen evenwel geen boten liggen omdat het er te ondiep is.


La guerre des prix a commencé avec la mise en place de tarifs promotionnels au rabais, de l’ordre de 50 francs par personne, et une augmentation des fréquences.
Les ennuis de l’opéra ethnologique commencent avec la rupture de Jean-Louis Martinot avec l’Opéra-Théâtre de Massy.

Les difficultés commencent quand il faut raisonner les individus pour qui la forêt est d’abord un espace libéré de toute contrainte.
Tout a commencé en février quand la presse s’est faite l’écho d’accusations visant deux anciens ministres de la culture, Jack Lang et François Léotard […].


Our starting point lies in the identification of the social factors which help to shape the perception of the problem of soil erosion by those who attempt to intervene in land-use decisions through government action. Most of the attempts to include social factors in the study of erosion and conservation, as the four illustrative quotations show, imply that the social problems start with "them", the land-users themselves.

The trouble starts when people get carried away.

Various LC phase change effects are exploited by different Japanese televisions. Each pixel must be individually addressed by a voltage to give the right shade at the right moment. This is done either by mounting the LC cell onto a semiconductor substrate, with one activating transistor behind each pixel, or by row and column electrodes on the glass LC cell walls. The electrodes intersect at each pixel to produce the required activation voltage. This is known as matrix addressing. Here the troubles start.


Today for the first time Cyril Reenan allowed the cameras into his Abingdon home to see the sophisticated radio scanner that started it all.
Do you remember what started this conversation?


Art Now had started life as a lecture series, but Read was a frequent reviewer of exhibitions, and a contributor to the Listener , from which some short essays were published under the title The Meaning of Art.
The Simpsons started life as animated shorts breaking up the sketches on The Tracey Ullman Show.

The Cambridge Refugee Committee started life in the Quaker home of Hilda Sturge.
Most of the leading Thai-Chinese business empires are still controlled by their founders, many of whom started life at the bottom and have assumed Thai names.

It's estimated that most of the major cave systems in the world today started life between 10,000 to two million years ago.

Larkins started life in 1986 on the site of the old Royal Tunbridge Wells Brewery.
People who knocked about the revolutionary left at the time still remember Big Flame fondly as a fundamentally nice organization. It started life in Liverpool in 1971 and took its name from a television drama-documentary on the declining port's dockers, who were constantly being "sold out" by the local trade-union branches.

As we have seen, during the early decades of this century debate in public law focused on the issues arising from the growth in the legislative and judicial powers of the Executive. These issues came to a head with the appointment of the Committee on Ministers' Powers in 1929. The committee was appointed to consider powers of delegated legislation and quasi-judicial decision and to report on any safeguards needed `to secure the constitutional principles of the sovereignty of Parliament and the supremacy of the Law". The terms of reference themselves provoked concern, causing Robson to comment that the Donoughmore Committee "started life with the dead hand of Dicey lying frozen on its neck".


Alpha assumes the computing system is distributed, and it includes replication mechanisms to provide distributed programming and "survivability". It manages tasks by setting deadlines for their completion, instead of using interrupts simply to start them going.
I have been living in a Social Services Home for about seven years. I never wanted to go out until I joined SPRED. That was the start of a new life for me. It started me going out and meeting people.
The man on the radio had said that there wasn't any more power. He said some other things, too, that I did not like to hear. And that started me thinking.
To top it all, two of Mary's friends squeezed in with several more parcels. Then brother Jack strolled in and he wasted no time in chatting them up. He joked and playacted, then put his arm round one's waist and kissed her on the cheek. This started them both giggling and they fled upstairs in hysterics.


On completion of the five-day course the GP prescribed cofluampicil capsules four times daily (containing 250mg each of flucloxacillin and ampicillin). Within two days, Mrs Allen's face had become red, warm and swollen. The GP was consulted, recommended that she stop taking this medication and started her on ciprofloxacin 500mg twice daily.
The vet checked Sam over and said all was well, and as it was a first fit there was no need to start him on the tablets, yet. We would have to wait and see if another fit occurred.
“The French doctors started me on a long-term course of antibiotics that are commonly used in France to fight toxoplasmosis and my blood tests were stepped up to once a week.”


From outside came the noise of Doyle starting the car.
Shivering in the morning chill, Kelly got into her car and started the engine.
After a comprehensive introduction to the basics of Excel such as how to start the program, move around the worksheet and use the pull down menus the reader is gently introduced to more advanced functions.
A number of files are included so you can hear Captain Kirk whenever you UnZoom, the Knights who say Ni! when you start an application and Arnold Schwarzenegger saying `I'll be back" when you close an application.


Invallers-doelman Dumont begon aan de wedstrijd maar viel na een kwartier gekwetst uit zodat Cragnaz hem kwam vervangen.

Joost begon de wedstrijd op de bank.


Hormis les changements dans le groupe, l'encadrement du XV de France envisage quelques modifications dans la composition de l'équipe qui commencera la rencontre et qui sera communiquée le mercredi 28 février.

Je commence sur le banc, mais c'est une compétition de longue durée.
Florent Malouda, comment avez-vous vécu ce premier match de Ligue des Champions ? Très bien, vraiment très bien. C’était très excitant, même si j’ai commencé le match sur le banc.


Giggs started the match and was overshadowed by Kelly's superb performance.

The last time I started a Premier League game was against Oldham, and that seems ages ago.

DION DUBLIN, Cambridge's top-scorer, started the game on the bench but finished it as the match-winner, following an inspired double-substitution by manager John Beck at half-time.


De prijzen van de Freelander SE beginnen bij 33.800 euro.
Prijzen beginnen al vanaf £30/$45 voor een retour vlucht.


Available on Sun, IBM and Data General hardware, prices start at $19,500 for a five drive system.

MGP (0825 84891) is offering a choice of weekend packages to see Luciano Pavarotti, the Italian opera singer, in concert in Munich, Frankfurt or Cologne. Prices start at £199 for a weekend in Cologne including return flights, accommodation and a concert ticket.

Delivery can be arranged throughout the UK as well as overseas. Prices start at £3.95 to a maximum of £29.50.

Prices start from £74.50.
Payments start from as little as £6.50 a month.

If you prefer self-catering, prices start from £230 to £375.


I don't know whether I'm starting a hernia or ulcer.
Wet through now, she felt cold and queer, as if she were starting an illness.


Your Lordships were told that Mr. Page started an action in the Queen's Bench Division for wrongful dismissal which action was struck out on the grounds that the matter fell within the exclusive jurisdiction of the visitor of the university, Her Majesty the Queen.

Cricketer Rodney Ontong started an action for personal injuries against the Glamorgan County Cricket Club and others following an accident on 19 August 1988.


A sudden commotion behind her caused her to start as a voice called urgently, stridently, “Special edition. Paper!”
Yes, he thought, tomorrow, he would pay the chaplain to sing one last Mass for his fallen comrades then go back into the city and request from his superiors some mission or task well away from this benighted fortress. He started as he heard a whirring noise in the air.


“Ankhu is good at starting game. He is not good at stalking it.”

Lord Wyatt gave one crack of his whip as a signal to his pack to begin drawing the covert. The fox needed nothing more to start him from his kennel.


Zeno stood in front of the priest, arms hanging down, his face sallow and lean with rage. His blow had taken Carey on the eyebrow and split it, a long gash that extended to the other brow. As they stood there, less than an arm's length apart, five lines of blood started across Carey's face, like beads of rain chasing each other on a window pane. He put his hand up to his cheek and collected the drops.


Mettertijd kwam dit Perzische woord in vrijwel alle Europese talen terecht, om te beginnen in het Engels, als shawl.
Uit zichzelf herstelt zeegras zich namelijk maar heel langzaam. Daarom gaf Rijkswaterstaat opdracht aan de Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen om uit te zoeken of het opnieuw uitzetten van groot zeegras kans van slagen zou hebben. Om te beginnen werden in de periode 1989-1991 op Texel overlevings-experimenten gedaan met zeegrassen van verschillende herkomst. Dat gebeurde in grote bassins.


Est-il impossible, pour commencer, de mettre sur pied une major européenne, de constituer un pôle de production, d'acheter des circuits de salles à l'étranger, de développer les récentes tentatives, exposées par Jacques Toubon, de percée sur le marché américain ?
Les forces serbes devront se retirer de Bosnie dans les trois jours et, pour commencer, des environs de Sarajevo dans les 24 heures.


Scientific training makes you think rationally and logically. To start with you have to deal with every problem rationally. That forms the basis of your planning. Then you have to say that, of course, the world is not a rational place. It's got all kinds of people and all kinds of situations you didn't take into account and you couldn't take into account.
The main topic on the agenda of the therapy class was, to start with anyway, Henry.
Although to start with you can use ordinary sports shoes, in the long term it is worthwhile investing in some purpose-designed windsurfing footwear.


Een dergelijk beleid herbergt mislukking in zich. Het is om te beginnen verwarrend voor diegenen die het moeten uitvoeren. Ten tweede is het inconsistent.
Financiele problemen dreigen het CBA boven het hoofd te groeien. Om te beginnen kampt het met een liquiditeitstekort van 50 miljoen gulden dit jaar, een bedrag dat tot boven de 100 miljoen gulden kan oplopen.
Wat hebben we eraan te weten wat ons geprefereerde, secundaire en derde centrum is? Het heeft een groot aantal voordelen -- we kunnen er zelfs het geheim tot de transformatie in vinden. Om te beginnen verklaart het hoe kenmerken van verscheidene modellen toch eigenschappen van ons kunnen lijken.


La relance programmée de l’entreprise, pour commencer, marque la volonté du groupe de ne pas laisser le champ libre dans la presse économique au groupe Prisma d’Axel Ganz.
Un testament donc, bien que l’abbé ne possède rien en propre. Il n’a rien à léguer, sinon quelques solides convictions. Celle-ci, pour commencer : une France digne de ce nom ne peut se permettre d’avoir quatre cents mille personnes sans domicile et deux millions et demi de familles mal logées.


The book's unintentional humour is alittle stronger. To start with, there is the clunking obviousness of Casaubon's name, a cod-erudite allusion to George Eliot's mythomanic clergyman and his abortive Key to All Mythologies.
The town has many shops and pavement cafes, which as well as serving delicious cold beer, offer sinfully fattening cakes, pastries and ice-creams. There are numerous sports on offer. To start with there's over 60 miles of cleared walks with splendid views, and a number of friendly guesthouses. For the adventurous there is a double-track summer toboggan run, where you can race new found friends! In addition, there is swimming, tennis, climbing and even flying.
We may indeed take the depth of the autobiographer's image of a grandparent as one measure of the quality of their mutual relationship— and an especially important one, for on such relationships between earlier generations the insights which autobiography offers are unique. To start with, over a third of the autobiographies have no mention of grandparents at all, or a bare reference. Occasionally it is explained that they had already died — and given the still short life-expectancy of the period this must have been so in many cases. But death was not the only reason for lack of memories.


Na de burgerrechtenbeweging voelden de traditioneel Democratische blanken zich bedreigd door zwarte kiezers. Republikeinse presidenten werden populair onder blanken, te beginnen met Richard Nixon.
Het publiek liet zich pas echt met handen en voeten horen toen Pavarotti zijn laatste drie nummers na elkaar kwam brengen, te beginnen met Mattinata van Leoncavallo, de jongste tijd ook bekend van Lotti goes classic.
Aan de weg van los manuskript tot gebonden boek wordt door heel wat free-lancers gewerkt. Te beginnen met de cover.


Au cours de la semaine écoulée, la vie de la cote a été ponctuée par diverses opérations. A commencer par le retrait de la Bourse de Bail Equipement, annoncé le 5 janvier par la Société des Bourses françaises.
L'Afghanistan nous avait habitués à des rebondissements imprévisibles, à commencer par celui qui avait amené la chute du régime communiste en avril 1992 après la défection du général Abdul Rashid Dostom, à la tête de ses miliciens ouzbeks.


Henceforth unions could be fined very heavily for conducting what were deemed to be unlawful strikes: several of them were to suffer accordingly, starting with the National Graphical Association.
As war in Europe approached, Yakovlev began looking at fighter and bomber designs and produced the Ya–22 twin-engined, high-speed combat aircraft which entered series production as the Yak–2 bomber and was later completely redesigned as the Yak–4. It was also during this period that his single-engined fighter designs began appearing, starting with the Yak–1 and leading on to the classic Yak–3 — later developed into the familiar Yak–11 trainer.


How does Jackie cope with the injections? "Well, it was a bit difficult at first," she explained. "I'd only ever given him pills before, and I'm not medically trained, but it's surprising how quickly you get used to it. It becomes part of the daily routine, like brushing your teeth. Jasper wasn't too keen to start with and you can hardly blame him, but now he's fine about it. It's all done very quickly."
What are the signs and symptoms of shingles? Shingles is a rash of blisters on the skin accompanied by a severe stinging pain. To start with you may feel slightly feverish and your skin may feel painful and "prickly" over the area where the rash will appear. After 2 or 3 days blisters will appear and form a narrow band on one side of the body or face.
Alison Cryer has always loathed the idea of white weddings with all the trimmings. In fact, to start with, she wasn't even that keen on the idea of marriage itself! "I don't really believe in marriage, but I didn't want to lose my husband either, so I gave in," she explains.




Bedrich begon van nul: hij had geen ervaring met houtbewerking.



Initially we had to start from scratch to find out about drug use and drug users, for we were not even one-eyed kings in this land of the blind; and we quickly found we were delving into a new and complex social world.
Would it be possible to re-use old programs written for conventional machines, or would users have to start from scratch and throw away their existing investment in software?

Bawden's first important commission, the mural for Morley College, meant starting from scratch, travelling to Italy to learn about the fresco.

“The typical person coming to us is a divorced man in his 30s or 40s who has remarried, often to a woman in her 20s, and wants to start a family.”
Women today start their families later in life.
The counselling involved would seem to consist of telling older would-be mothers that there is an increased risk of giving birth to a Down's child. This is unlikely to deter parents wishing to start a family at a more mature age than usual.