© Contragram
Click on the underlined numbers to see examples of the patterns (then use the "back" button of your browser to return to the patterns).
Click on the underlined verbs to follow references to other lemmas.






'weggaan uit/van een plaats'

's'en aller de quelque part'

'to not stay somewhere'

>>> vertrekken

NP ___ NP

>>> vertrekken

NP ___ NP voor NP

>>> partir

NP ___ NP

>>> partir

NP ___ NP pour NP

NP ___

NP ___ NP

NP ___  for NP

NP ___ NP for NP


'niet meer doorgaan met een bepaalde activiteit, functie of situatie'

'sortir d'une activité, d'une fonction, d'une situation'

'to not continue with an activity, a job or a situation'

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP voor NP

NP ___ NP om te Pinf1

NP ___ NP

NP ___  NP pour NP

NP ___ NP pour Pinf1

NP ___ NP

>>> 3.

NP ___ NP to Pinf1


'iemand of iets in een bepaalde staat brengen of achterlaten'

'laisser quelqu'un ou quelque chose dans un état particulier'

'to cause or to let someone or something in a particular state'

>>> achterlaten

>>> achterlaten

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP C2


'beslissen om niet meer deel uit te maken van een groep, vereniging, onderneming'

'choisir de ne plus faire partie d'un groupe, association, entreprise'

'to stop being a member of a group, association, company'

>>> vertrekken

NP ___ NP

 >>> vertrekken

NP ___ NP voor NP

>>> partir

NP ___ NP

>>> partir

NP ___ NP pour NP

NP ___

NP ___ NP

NP ___ for NP

NP ___ NP for NP


'iemand in de steek laten, een relatie beëindigen met iemand'

'abandonner quelqu'un, rompre een relation avec quelqu'un'

'to not stay with somebody, to end your relationship with someone'

NP ___ NP

NP ___  NP voor NP

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP pour NP

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP for NP


'overblijven als de rest weg of gebruikt is'

'rester quand le reste a disparu ou a été utilisé'

'to remain when everything else is gone or used'

>>> overblijven

>>> overblijven

>>> overblijven

>>> rester

>>> rester

>>> rester

NP is left

NP is left to Pinf1

NP is left for NP to Pinf


'iemand de verantwoordelijkheid geven om iets af te handelen of een beslissing te nemen'

'passer la responsabilité pour un travail ou une décision à quelqu'un'

'to give someone the responsibility for dealing with a job or a decision'

>>> overlaten

>>> overlaten

>>> overlaten

>>> overlaten

>>> overlaten

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP[nh] to/up to/with NP[h]

NP ___ NP[h] to Pinf2

NP__ NP[h] to IT

NP ___ IT to/up to/with NP[h] to Pinf2

NP ___ IT to/up to/with NP[h] if/whether Pfin


'succesvol een cursus op school of universiteit beëindigen'

'terminer avec succès un cours à l'école ou à l'université'

'to successfully complete a course at a school or university'

>>> vertrekken

NP __ NP

>>> partir

NP ___ NP

NP ___

NP ___ NP


'nog levende familieleden hebben na zijn dood'

'avoir des parents en vie après sa mort'

'to have family still living after one's dead'


NP ___ NP[h]

NP ___ NP[h]


'iets vergeten mee te nemen'

'oublier d'emporter quelque chose'

'to forget to take something with you'

>>> achterlaten

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP (LOC)


'iets bewust niet meenemen om het aan iemand anders te geven'

'ne pas emporter quelque chose intentionnellement pour le donner à quelqu'un d'autre'

'to not take something with you by purpose to give to someone else'

>>> achterlaten

>>> acherlaten

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

NP__ NP for NP



'iets aan iemand toevertrouwen en het achteraf opnieuw komen halen'

'confier quelque chose à quelqu'un et le récupérer par après'

'to entrust someone with something and get it back afterwards'

>>> achterlaten

>>> laisser

NP __ NP with NP


'ergens een boodschap of teken van aanwezigheid achterlaten'

'laisser quelque part un message ou un signe de son passage'

'to place somewhere a message or a sign of your presence'

>>> achterlaten

>>> achterlaten

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP for NP



'ervoor zorgen dat eigendom of geld aan iemand geschonken wordt na zijn dood'

'faire en sorte qu'une propriété ou de l'argent soit donné à quelqu'un après sa mort'

'to arrange for property or money to be given to somebody after one's death'

>>> nalaten

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP (to) NP


'weggaan en iemand iets alleen laten doen zonder te helpen of te belemmeren'

'partir et laisser quelqu'un faire quelque chose tout seul sans aider ou gêner'

'to go away and let someone do something alone without help or interference'

>>> laten

>>> laten

>>> laisser

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP Pger2

NP ___ (NP) to Pinf


'iets uitstellen'

'remettre quelque chose'

'to postpone something'

>>> uitstellen

>>> laisser



'(gevoelens, herinneringen) verdwijnen'

'(sentiments, souvenirs) disparaître'

'(feelings, memories) disappear'

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP

 >>> disappear


'een fenomeen onderzoeken zoals het zich voordoet buiten een bepaald domein'

'examiner quelque chose tel qu'il se produit en dehors d'un certain domaine'

'to examine a phenomenon as it occurs outside a certain area'

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP

>>> examine/study/look


'zich ontdoen van een bepaalde eigenschap'

'se débarrasser d'une caractéristique'

'to get rid of a particular quality'

>>> zich ontdoen van

NP ___ NP

>>> get rid of


'iets uittrekken of uitdoen dat men draagt'

'enlever ou poser quelque chose qu'on porte'

'to take off something you are wearing'

>>> uittrekken

NP ___ NP

>>> take off


'de communicatie verbreken'

'interrompre la communication'

'interrupt the communication'

>>> blijven

>>> aan de lijn blijven

NP ___

NP ___ l'écoute

>>> hold

>>> hold the line


'een ruimte, gat of afstand laten'

'laisser un espace ou une distance'

'to make or keep a space or a gap'

>>> laten

>>> laisser

NP ___ NP


'als resultaat van een berekening geven'

'donner comme résultat d'un calcul'

'to give as the result of a calculation'

>>> geven

>>> faire

NP __ NP



>>> ogen/blik niet afwenden

>>> ruimte laten

>>> alleen/gerust laten/met rust laten

>>> alleen/gerust laten

>>> alleen/gerust/vrij laten

>>> de keuze laten

>>> in de steek laten/laten stikken

>>> in de kou laten staan

>>> vrij spel geven

>>> koud laten

__NP de l'oeil/ les yeux/ le regard

>>> permettre

>>> laisser (tranquille/en paix)

>>> laisser (tranquille/en paix)

>>> laisser( faire/aller)

>>> laisser l'option

>>> laisser en plan/en rade

>>> laisser dans le froid

>>> laisser le champ libre/carte blanche/coudées franches

>>> laisser froid

>>> avert one's eyes

NP ___ room

NP ___ NP alone

NP ___ NP be

NP ___ NP to oneself

NP ___ choice, option

NP ___ NP in the lurch

NP ___ NP (out) in the cold

NP ___  the field to NP

NP __ NP cold




voorbeelden - exemples - examples



Omdat na de oorlog in Petersburg plannen circuleerden voor hun bestraffing en deportatie, verlieten duizenden Tataren hals over kop het land.
De afgelopen week verlieten de laatsten van enkele tienduizenden Nederlandse overwinteraars de Spaanse zuidkust.
Die mensen kwamen niet op openbare vergaderingen en als ze kwamen zaten ze verscholen onder een balcon, niet te zien voor journalisten. Ze verlieten het pand door de achterdeur.


In 1963 besloot Bob Hughes (1938) dat hij noch voor schilder, noch voor architect in de wieg was gelegd en verliet hij Australië voor Europa.
Drie jaar later besloten ze het zelfingenomen Soho te verlaten voor deze locatie tussen Soho en Little Italy in, een toen al bouwvallig verkooppunt voor tweedehands koelkasten en autobanden.
Douwes - inmiddels niet meer gebroeders, maar een vader en zoons - heeft het Rokin verlaten voor een pand vlakbij het Rijksmuseum, de buurt waar de Amsterdamse kunsthandel zich in toenemende mate concentreert.




Jean Mouton, maire [...] de Pierrelatte et président du conseil général, souhaite toutefois que la société Radiacontrôle quitte la zone industrielle de sa ville pour s'installer sur le site nucléaire du Tricastin, car " les produits pollués par l'industrie nucléaire doivent être dépollués sur les sites mêmes du nucléaire ".
Changement de domicile : rejoint à Moscou par son épouse Hillary et leur fille Chelsea, le président Bill Clinton, invité à passer la nuit de vendredi à samedi au Kremlin, a quitté son hôtel Slavianskaïa pour s'installer dans les luxueux quartiers de la célèbre citadelle.
Comme l'avaient souhaité les autorités judiciaires, le père du petit Grégory a quitté la maison d'arrêt de Dijon [...] dissimulé dans un véhicule de l'administration pénitentiaire.
On quitte 'De beaux lendemains' avec l'impression heureuse d'avoir échappé à un dénouement apocalyptique et, après tant de tourmentes, on prendrait presque la grisaille pour une étape vers le bonheur.


Le président de l'OM, qui ne joue plus aucun rôle au conseil régional, dont il ne suit plus les travaux, acquerrerait ainsi une nouvelle légitimité à Marseille, qu'il avait quittée en mars dernier pour la circonscription de Gardanne.
Chercheur au National Institute of Health, près de Washington, Lena a vécu Tchernobyl avant de pouvoir enfin quitter son URSS natale pour les Etats-Unis.




On February 15 the Soviet Union completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan. 200 soldiers in 60 armoured personnel carriers crossed Friendship Bridge on the Oxus river and passed into Soviet Uzbekistan. The last man to leave, General Boris Gromov made the final part of the crossing on foot.
The bride and groom left early last night.


FRANK ZAPPA, suffering from prostate cancer, has cancelled appearances in Berlin and Vienna to return to the US for treatment. A spokesman said Zappa was “feeling very bad” when he left Germany.
It was twenty-five minutes after Morse had left the scene that Lewis discovered the first, fat clue.


Ellcock, 26, has had two major back operations. Although he trained with the England A team during the winter and felt optimistic, he was in pain again before he left for Portugal and looked on the tour as a “make-or-break” exercise.
On Sunday China refused to accept back from Hong Kong a group of 71 Chinese illegal immigrants, saying it was in retaliation for allowing Mr Yang, a pro-democracy activist, to leave for asylum in the US.


The ideas of Russian Formalism survived in the work of the Prague Linguistic Circle, one of whose founders, Roman Jakobson, had left Moscow for Czechoslovakia in 1920.
 It had been raining all day and by the time I got to the inn I looked like a pink sponge in a cagoule. In the pub were twenty or so other walkers, similarly soaked, all crowding round a massive wood stove. By closing time the place was like an alcoholic Turkish bath, and leaving it for the trip over Stonesdale Moor in the lashing rain was a sore wrench indeed.


Een aantal mensen vond dat wat overdreven. Die norm heeft ook Roelof inmiddels al lang verlaten. De werkelijkheid zit nu eenmaal anders in elkaar.
Ik geloof echter niet dat het grondconcept van de verzorgingsstaat verlaten zal worden.
Ivory's vaste scenariste Ruth Prawer Jhabvala verliet het strikt particuliere gezichtspunt van de butler, wat het verhaal duidelijker maakt maar sommige verknopingen reduceert van psychologische drama’s tot tragikomische anekdotes.

Met de toetreding in 1975 van Veronica in het bestel, is dat principe verlaten voor een minimum ledental dat de aspirant-omroepen moeten behalen. (Google [http://www.nrc.nl/W2/Nieuws/2000/07/18/Med/03.html] )

Tweeënzeventig kaderleden en arbeiders mochten het werk verlaten om deel te nemen aan de lessen.
Gaston zou later zijn werk verlaten om zich elders in Willebringen als zelfstandig biersteker te vestigen en werd dus op deze wijze eigenlijk een concurrent.
Na acht jaar zullen de kinderen onze school verlaten om zich verder te ontwikkelen op een school voor voortgezet onderwijs. Ze hebben de keuze uit vele soorten scholen.



Schweitzer ne pouvait pas se maintenir très longtemps à la tête du FMI. Il quitte ses fonctions en 1973.
Jean-François Deniau (UDF-PR), député du Cher, a déclaré, à propos de la situation des soldats de la FORPRONU en Bosnie, dans un entretien à l'hebdomadaire d'extrême droite
Minute [...], qu'" on pourra trouver une solution lorsqu'on aura quitté notre actuelle position d'otage ".
En rappelant que " le rayonnement international de Paris et de sa région est un atout pour la France ", les rapporteurs du Sénat replacent en effet l'actuel débat sur l'aménagement du territoire à un niveau qu'il n'aurait sans doute jamais dû quitter.
D'abord contraint de stopper et d'annuler la spéciale pour les motos, puis de neutraliser un peu tardivement la course des autos, il a, surtout, attisé la polémique sur l'avenir des rallyes-raids et permis à l'équipe Mitsubishi de quitter l'épreuve sur un baroud d'honneur inespéré.

En 1857, il estimait Paul Delaroche parce que cet illustrateur consciencieux et plat avait quitté la peinture d'histoire pour l'art sacré.

Comme s'il cherchait à lui répondre, un onzième médecin se livre dans un autre ouvrage, paru quelques semaines plus tôt : Jacques Lebas explique en long et en large pourquoi et comment il a quitté la médecine humanitaire pour se consacrer aux malades atteints de sida [...].

Champagne, à Ay, le 14 avril 1787 dans une famille de notaires et de vignerons, il fut d' abord placé comme clerc d'avoué dans une étude de la capitale. Il ne tarda pas à quitter le droit pour faire ses études médicales à Reims, puis à Paris où, sans titres hospitaliers, il pensa d' abord s' établir praticien.

Bariéty & Coury in Frantext



The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is calling for a 40 percent cut in North Sea fishing fleets in order to conserve fish stocks, particularly those of cod and haddock, which it warns could disappear from the area within five years if present catch rates continue. It has appealed to the Council of Ministers to agree a range of conservation measures, including a 40 per cent cut in fishing capacity, the introduction of licenses for every fishing vessel, the establishment of financial and retraining incentives to encourage fishermen to leave the industry.
Do not eat mindlessly, do not eat unless you are properly hungry, and do not be afraid to leave food once you are full.
In addition to the `panel" version of longitudinal studies, surveys can be repeated at intervals though with different groups of respondents. Before leaving the topic of longitudinal studies, it is worth pointing out that the Census can be seen as an example. Carried out every ten years since 1801, with the exception of 1941, it has most of the characteristics of the longitudinal survey except, of course, that it is a study of the whole population rather than a sample.

When Dolly arrived at Handley Farm and informed Seb that Anna had regained consciousness he left his work and hurried to the cottage to speak to her.
“Can you leave what you are doing for a while?”
“And whether it's electronics or physics or maths or anything else, when you get to the point where you're dividing by zero, you have to say well now we leave  the mathematical model, and we just go back to the common sense model.”


Er er you see it was all, with me it was when I, at the time I went to work and er I had to leave work to have my baby you see.
Valerie left her job to look after her mother. 
Peter Brooke, who left the firm to enter politics in 1979 and became Chairman of the Conservative party, set up the firm's British base in prestigious but not overtly showy offices in park Lane.


In an interview with the Central European Business Journal, Miles warned, “the Academy must continue to fill the void left by a non-existent private computer industry, until such time as scientists can be gainfully employed in the private sector”.
The tide had ebbed now, leaving a strange quietness along the shoreline.

In August 1910 she suffered a heart attack, and two years later she had a stroke which left her a paralysed cripple.
From now on, the pressure to instigate fast, hard-to-achieve changes is off. No more rigid, over-restrictive diets that leave you hungry and miserable. No excessive exercise regimes that leave you an aching wreck.

Harsh chemicals can leave hair dry and dull but there are gentle herbal based alternatives.
Arthur and Victoria McConnell's daughter Lexie died nine months ago. They watched their happy and healthy daughter deteriorate before their eyes as the drug Prednisilone attacked her immune system. It left her vulnerable to a number of infections which eventually killed her.
The Government is depriving the country of much needed vocational skills and training necessary to revive the industrial decadence caused by the twelve years of Tory control, leaving the potential work force not only unemployed but unemployable.
The anxiety about case loads was accompanied by a concern over the provision of  “cover” together with some concern about the isolation of the development officer's position, which did not fit into any overall management structure at Age Concern England and left them without a full-time support, supervision and management back-up service.
She was punched repeatedly in the face, which left her with swollen eyes and cuts in her mouth.
Valuing Forests for Society argues that a history of subsidised conifer plantations has left timber growers with a surplus of mature trees which cost more to fell and process than they earn as timber.
Soaps to detergents giant Unilever lost 28p to 1081p after disappointing third-quarter figures which pushed the nine-month result from £1.3bn to £1.4bn. Mr Kipling to Bisto group RHM was also weaker, down 4p at 258p, following Hanson's decision to back off. This leaves predator Tomkins, down 2p at 226p, on its own.
THE WHO will be 25 years old next month, and not one of the band looks a day over 50. Actually, not one of its members is a day over 50 (although all of them are coming close) but you might reasonably have expected age to leave Daltrey, Townshend, and Entwistle looking worse than well-travelled.
With an abruptness which left her staggering, he let her go, his dark face incredulous.
The radio cannot demand that we listen to it: even if we leave it switched on, this does not mean we are listening.
He got off the bike at the bridge and left it propped against the suspension cables, then walked to the middle of the swaying bridge, where the gate is.



Jaap Hammer moest in 1995 wegens een langdurige ziekte de groep verlaten en werd opgevolgd door "gouden keeltje" Egbertien van Langeveld. Zij gaf de groep een nieuwe kleur erbij, met haar zang, gitaar en bódhrànspel.
Net nadat Kendricks was vertrokken moest Paul Williams vanwege zijn gezondheid ook de groep verlaten. Williams werd vervangen door Richard Street.


Tom heeft steeds meer moeite met zijn ondergeschikte rol en zal in 1971 de groep verlaten voor een weinig succesvolle solocarriere.
Het is jammer dat veel dames uit dit team volgend jaar stoppen met handbal en/of onze mooie club verlaten voor een andere club (snapt u dat???).




Et vous avez quitté Roxy Music parce que vous n'y êtes pas arrivé ?
Cette même année, le docteur Lagroua Weill-Hallé refusera le titre de présidente-fondatrice du Planning et quittera le mouvement en disant qu'elle avait atteint son but avec le vote de la loi.
Quand Thomas Watson quitte IBM, en 1971, le chiffre d'affaires de la compagnie est passé de 700 millions de dollars à 7,5 milliards !


Du même coup, certains professionnels anciens ou nouveaux des combinaisons politiques, pour lesquels aucun engagement ne compte devant l'opportunité, nous ont quittés,
ou bien nous quittent, pour des antichambres ou des salles à manger.




In 1990, BP Chemicals had a total of nearly 20,500 employees worldwide, but 3,500 of them had left by the end of 1992.


A statement issued by the company's Jayne Bridges read: “Thresher has completed its disciplinary process and John Onanuga and David Newton have again admitted today that they fabricated the story of Mr Lamont visiting our Praed Street branch on Monday, November 16, 1992. As a result the shop manager David Newton has left our employment.”
Jack Handy had been with McKinsey in the 1930s before setting up his own management consultancy and “executive recruitment” business as early as 1944. Handy had left McKinsey over the issue of the status of the executive search function within the organisation.

Very few women left the trade before retiring age for reasons other than marriage, ill-health, or care of a relative. As jobs went, printing was clearly the best option they had. (One of the very few to leave for other employment was Emily Picken, who had been offered a post as matron of a children's home. This was obviously an exceptional case.)
“I regret to report that once the purchase had been completed, there was little I could do for Mr Farraday to prevent all but Mrs Clements leaving for other employment.”

How is it possible not only that children are not listened to when they complain, but that the man against whom they are complaining can leave one employment for another and be given a reference by the very people who have already received complaints about him?
David Green who held the combined post of Overseas Director and Senior Administrative Officer is leaving us for other employment.


Mons, Uitg. Contact, 79 blz., fl.34,90 Moderne parabel waarin een ogenschijnlijk gelukkige man zijn gezin verlaat en op een van zijn reizen een danseres ontmoet die hem vleugels geeft.
Hij zoekt zijn schoolvriendin op die hij op zeventienjarige leeftijd heeft moeten verlaten. Maar de oorlog heeft zulke diepe wonden geslagen, dat de relatie gedoemd is te mislukken.

Maar in 1909, op het hoogtepunt van zijn succes en aanzien, haalde hij zich een schandaal op de hals dat hem uit de boezem van Oak Park zou verdrijven: hij verliet zijn vrouw en zes kinderen voor Mamah Cheney, echtgenote van een van zijn opdrachtgevers.



La jeune femme n'aime plus son compagnon. Elle profite d'une petite escapade à la mer pour lui apprendre qu'elle le quitte.
Il regardait avec gentillesse les bobos de Léon, prenait sous son aile un Russe blanc qu'une Katie avait quitté.
Autre avantage pour le biographe familial, Hildred et Harry, le père et la mère, se sont connus enfants et ne se sont jamais quittés que le temps d'une parenthèse, la guerre de 1914.

La presse dominicale a, d'autre part, reproduit avec gourmandise les propos de l'épouse d'un parlementaire conservateur, qui accuse son mari de l'avoir quittée pour une liaison... masculine.



I lived with a man for 10 years. For most of that time he took drugs. At one time a business proposition came up and, thinking it would help him kick his habit, I agreed to a joint overdraft. He has now left me and I'm stuck with paying a hefty joint overdraft.
Problems can be divided into those requiring a choice between alternatives (e.g. shall I take this job; shall I leave my spouse?) and those requiring the attainment of specific goals (e.g. how can I do my job better; how can I improve the relationship with my spouse?).

A stunning young woman whose husband left her for a woman twenty years older than himself, never forgave him for it.
He has two grown-up children, Dean and Roberta, by his first marriage to a former model, Tina, which broke up in a blaze of publicity after he left her for Stephanie. 
She is a cold, unfeeling and unresponsive woman: she must be, or Hugo would not have left her for me.



When his wife died he began to look around for another; someone who would give him the children he needed. But there were few marriageable girls left. Carewstown had suffered like every other parish in Mayo from emigration. Each year saw the exodus of the young to the El Dorado they called America. The few that were left he had rejected after investigating them and their backgrounds.
Deborah Tarbart of the Australian Koala Foundation warned: “Unless economists join conservationists and recognize the value of our wildlife by considering the environment, the only koalas left will be in the souvenir shops.”


At the end of the day, there are experiences to be shared, new friends to be introduced and tans to be compared over a convivial drink. The young — and those with stamina left to spend! — round off the fun at the sound-proofed Venus disco.
Piggy felt that he had good leadership qualities, and during the voting, he held back to see if anybody was left to vote for him.


As the generations go by, under the assumption of blending inheritance, variation is bound to become swamped. Greater and greater uniformity will prevail. Eventually there will be no variation left for natural selection to work upon.
The idea of a coordinator signals the limits to the generalist class teacher's whole curriculum/whole child capacities. It denotes different levels in the staff hierarchy. It overlaps (and perhaps threatens) the head's role as traditionally defined. And it raises questions about what, once the division of labour between head and coordinator is determined, there is left for the deputy head to do.


“Energy policy is too critical to the future of this nation to leave to the short-term whims of market forces.”
AS MPS began returning to Westminster yesterday, a behind-the-scenes battle over the new Speaker was already well under way, writes George Jones, Political Editor. While Mr Major has signalled that he wants to leave the choice up to backbenchers, he is understood to favour the new Speaker coming from the Tory ranks, dashing Labour hopes that they might be able to nominate the next occupant of the Speaker's chair.
“I'll tell you what, Roger, I'll leave it entirely with you. If you can't afford it so be it.”

Another useful extension of telling and retelling stories is the technique of telling only half a story leaving the pupils themselves to determine what happened next.
Like rather a lot of modern movies, Bye Bye Blues lacks the capacity to formulate its material rather than just present it to the audience and leave them to do the rest.

So I asked him what he was upto and he said he was going to andfro in the earth and walking up and down in it, and then he pushed th" trolley in, and I went in after, and the mother began her howling and shrieking, and Will said,"Well, I'll walk off and leave you to it."
The girl said, `Well, I'll leave you to it, I've got work to do."
`Get a good night's sleep," said Joe, and left her to it.

Policing issues are never long outof the headlines (Chibnall 1977), and this media obsession has been transmitted into a wealth of analyses of policing— which have mostly been carried out by outside observers.Indeed insider accounts have largely consisted of bland reminiscences in the style of “my greatest arrests and cases” and it has been left to investigative journalism to redress some unacceptable police activity, by calling attention to the limits and abuses of police authority, power, and accountability.
The Laming/Foster circular of last year held back from legislating on the purchaser/provider split, leaving it up to authorities to restructure services as they considered feasible.

The Attorney General, Sir Nicholas Lyell QC, said yesterday he had, with counsel, advised ministers in the Matrix Churchill case that they were legally required to claim public interest immunity on behalf of the Crown. He said in a letter to The Times that ministers had to leave it up to the court whether or not the documents should be disclosed.


Wanneer je de bachelorfase hebt afgerond, kun je de universiteit verlaten en op zoek gaan naar een baan. Je hebt ook de mogelijkheid nog een of twee jaar verder te studeren en je aan te melden voor een masterprogramma, waarmee je een mastertitel kunt halen.



" Pascal était un enfant très doué, très sage, toujours dans les premiers, remarque son institutrice. Quand j'ai appris les faits, j'ai cru qu'il s'agissait d'un homonyme. " Car l'enseignante savait qu'après avoir quitté l'école primaire, Pascal avait continué sur sa lancée, passant avec succès un bac C.



“And Morgan J well he was the headmaster when I went to school first and he was there when I left and he retired and he was still here You know going about.”

A great deal has been learned from other environments before the child enters school and much more will be learned after the child leaves full-time education.
Industry has clearly endorsed the concept that every young person should have the opportunity of work experience prior to leaving school.
If you are unemployed and have left Salford within the last two years, Careers can mail you copies of vacancy lists. Even if you are working or have been away from the University for more than two years you can still have Current Vacancies mailed to you for a small charge.


Certains jours, Eugène Mannoni, qui vient de nous quitter, exprimait à lui seul toute la vérité de l'heure, à la pointe d'une phrase conquise de haute lutte, au prix d'une nuit d'insomnie ; dernier des Justes.



“Michael O'Neil,” he intoned thinly from the pulpit in his Cork lilt, “was a terrible man altogether. But a loveable man with it and a smile on him to the last. He leaves a grieving wife and a—" Here he hesitated just enough for everyone to notice," — a fine son."
If a vassal died leaving daughters only, or if an heir who was a minor had sisters, they were also the lord's wards, and he could freely dispose of their hands in marriage.


He ran back past the disused filling station, and there, surely, was a forester, presumably the one who'd left his hat: certainly someone was standing in a thicket by the road and watching Threlfall through the dark green leaves.
“Did I leave my umbrella in the hall? I expect I did, but I never know, I'm so afraid of losing things that sometimes I take them into the most unsuitable places.”
IDEALLY, THE CAR YOU BUY SHOULD HAVE: High security locks or deadlocks on all doors — and the boot— preferably with central locking. Laminated windows A warning alarm if you leave your keys in the ignition …



Without realizing it she's conjured up a kua alaya, the deepest shade of pink, and she leaves it on her dresser for him. (Google [http://www.alienterritory.popullus.net/vmyd.html] )
She leaves the food on the table for him, and places a rose on his book. (Google [www.soapoperafan.com/passions/2004summaries/april3.html] )

“I'll leave you a spare key for the office — then you could lock up for me when you leave.”
On the first occasion Mr Reynolds met the stoma care nurse he was very quiet and seemed reluctant to discuss anything. She talked to him for only a short while and left him a booklet with clear diagrams of the proposed surgery.



“What will you do with the food in the fridge?” she asked, not looking at him. “Bryn Pritchard can collect it after I leave the keys with him.”


Felix had tracked him down through his old address and left a note.
She left a note, drank a cup of water, took an apple and, wild in her heart, entered into the lists of the streets of London. 
He knew Marcia's telephone number; he could have left a message.
`Shall I go inside and see if he's left a message?"
The vast majority of animals leave no trace of their existence after their passing.
She picked up her handbag and left without a word, leaving a faint trace of her perfume behind her.

Gone were the days when she could just get up in the morning, make coffee, leave a note for Mrs Bennett and go off to Brentwoods with, maybe, the anticipation of quite an exciting day.
Will she go and see him or leave a note for him?
I work rather odd hours but you can always leave a message for me here at the cafe.
He would leave a message for her at the desk in the Grand Hotel foyer.


He said, “Where have you been?” Karen laughed. “You sound as if I'd been gone for a few hours and forgot to leave you a note.”
If anybody wishes to leave you a message they simply press a key and enter the message using a very simple and friendly editor.


For the first couple of years I shared a flat with a friend, then my paternal grandmother died and unexpectedly left me a small legacy.
My father died when I was five, and left me a large sum of money in trust until my twenty-fifth birthday.
“This is my last will and testament. I leave everything to my wife.”
On his death Money left the place to his son Michel, who did not live there, but it was looked after by his step-daughter Blanche until her death in 1940.


Carrying just a handgrip, D'Arcy was able to leave them waiting for their luggage and took a taxi direct to the Champs Elysées.
I'd slipped out of bed, leaving Margot the launderess and her sister Phoebe gently snoring (they sleep on either side to keep me warm), and crept downstairs to my secret chamber, behind the high table in the Great Hall.

And with these words she thumped off down the stairs, leaving me to collect my thoughts for the hard task of Testifying.
Israel, in a position of comparative strength, remained unwilling to make any substantial concessions since it was under no costly duress to do so. It considered its gains in the 1967 war as vital to its regional security. As a matter of policy it kept its neighbours in a state of disarray and weakness, although it was frequently able to leave them to achieve this on their own— for example by Iraq's costly attack on Iran in 1950.
The samples were incubated in xylene at 56°C for 10 minutes and vortexed. They were then washed once in 80% ethanol and once in acetone and left to dry for 1 hour.
Put the cream or milk and the saffron into a saucepan, bring just to bubbling point and then leave to cool, stirring once or twice so that the saffron infuses well.


By leaving pruning until after the winter you allow the plant some extra frost protection.
CRITICAL decisions on how employment laws would operate under a Labour government will be left until after the general election, Michael Meacher, the shadow Employment Secretary, said yesterday.
Many field landing accidents occur because the initial decision to choose a field is left far too late.


Natuurlijk, ik ben een echt kind van de kust. Maar dat ik hier, aan de andere kant van de oceaan, tot in mijn diepste vezels wordt overmand door die unieke combinatie van zon, zee en zand raakt me diep. Hier hoor ik. Dit klopt. En het gevoel verlaat me niet meer. Geen moment.
Ik zei tegen degene die voor me stond: ‘Mijn heer, door het visioen verkrampt mijn lichaam, mijn kracht verlaat me.’



Ce livre-là, sur 14-18, est au départ lié à un événement personnel, mon enfance, des souvenirs qui ne m'ont pas quitté, et sur lesquels j'ai fini par me documenter.
Il y a, d'un côté, ce qui appartient en propre à la personne, dans ses gestes ou ses pratiques répétitives, et qui paraît se maintenir. Il y a, de l'autre, ce qui correspond à un monde révolu ou en passe de disparaître, qui serait l'appropriation d'un espace de travail, dont on évoque le souvenir avec amusement, et qui a déjà quitté l'usine, un peu les lieux de vente, et pourrait bien être condamné dans l'univers aseptisé des bureaux fonctionnels.
Afin que l'esprit de la tristesse quitte leur corps, les enfants sont aspergés de gouttes d'alcool de maïs, un don des dieux.


Zodra we de grenzen van Vlaanderen verlaten, is de situatie totaal anders.
Laten we het domein van de ongevallen verlaten. We hebben perfect begrepen dat de beschermingsverzekering, die eerst zo doeltreffend leek totaal onvoldoende is in dramatische omstandigheden. (Google [www.pamoc.be/welcomnl.htm - 8k] )



Les choses se compliquent un peu plus si l'on quitte les frontières de l'Hexagone. Car tous les pays d'Europe occidentale ne sont pas logés à la même enseigne, expliquent nos sociologues, qui distinguent deux modèles.


Avec le temps, cela lui permettrait de quitter progressivement cette image de financier qui lui colle à la peau pour endosser celle, plus noble, d'industriel.



Le recteur de l'académie de Lyon a entériné, lundi 3 janvier, la décision du conseil de discipline du collège Xavier-Bichat de Nantua [...] qui avait exclu, le 4 décembre 1993, les quatre élèves musulmanes qui avaient refusé de quitter leur foulard islamique durant les cours.
Mais ici, Clive Moxon s'arrête : que sait-il d'une fillette de quinze ans qui deviendra un jour sa mère, que faisait-elle quand elle n'arrivait pas à dormir, quels émois étaient les siens lorsqu'elle quittait cette grande couverture de musique dans laquelle elle s'enveloppait ?
Jean-Louis Barrault a baissé la tête, il n'a pas quitté sa flûte de champagne.

FR only in negative sentences

Quitte pas, je regarde mon agenda... Non, désolée, je suis pas libre.


VERS 18 h 30, juste après une leçon de riziculture administrée par Jean-Pierre Coffe, une très brève bande-annonce nous informa que France 2 nous réservait, à 20 heures, une information sensationnelle : on avait arrêté le meurtrier de l'adolescent de la station de métro Porte-de-Pantin, à Paris. Surtout, ne quittez pas l'écoute !


My runner beans were sown in a single 10ft row along the north edge of the plot, leaving a 4ft gap at the western end for four ‘Gardener's Delight’ tomato plants.
When compiling the c.v. leave a small space at the top of the form to enter the job name and reference number, if any, of the job for which you are applying.
The pattern books also come with a unique LARGE PRINT option, plus a one-side only print feature which leaves plenty of room for a knitter's own notes (no more trying to make out what you have scribbled in the margin).


Assuming that these 5,000 "latihaners" go to heaven, one million minus 5000 leaves 995,000 available seats. (Google [http://www.peacetocome.com/excerpts/ch1-22.htm] )
The last time I checked, $600 million minus $1.3 billion leaves a big negative number. (Google [http://cltg.org/cltg/legis/budget.html] )
Four feet minus 126 leaves 122.  (Google [http://www.americanwesternmagazine.com/cowboy/news/equinecolumns/horse2005-01.shtml] )


Ils ne me quittaient pas des yeux, et n'arrêtaient pas de se tordre de rire.



Mr Rushdie's recommitment to the Islam of his birth leaves more room for doubt.
The explanation must leave room for deviant cases, for their existence is undeniable.
Marsh examined a number of whiskers in the electron microscope and found that, for the substances he was using, the root radii of the growth-steps was roughly constant at about 40 Ångströms. He then compared the heights of the worst steps with the measured strength of the whiskers. The correlation was extraordinarily good and left no room for doubt that this is the true explanation of the size-strength effect in whiskers.


A GIRL Friday who quit her job because she could not trust her boss to leave her alone was yesterday awarded £2,390 for sex discrimination.
Within days of arriving they held a press conference, on the understanding that the press would thereafter leave them alone, and it was the most informal such occasion anyone can remember.


“Where's today then, Mr Cottle?” Mary Ann asked, still determined to make the traveller feel at home, though making him feel less at home with every enquiry. Mr Cottle looked panic-stricken. “Where is what today?” he was clearly asking himself. “The itinerary,” Mary Ann pronounced it with care. “Leave him be, Mary Ann,” Stanley said.
A woman fainted when he spoke the previous day, the hall was so crowded. He told them to leave her be, she was in a better state to understand him than anyone else there.


The intrusion of the bureaucratic considerations is likely to lead to solutions which differ in many cases from those an individual should have adopted if left to himself.
The great Latin literatures are implicitly social even when not explicitly that, and they seldom give credence to the view that a sane being in emotional health might reasonably prefer to be left to himself.
After supper, Louise would leave Nora to herself until the nine o'clock news and then she would join her for a nightcap.


The Tokyo stockmarket fell by two-fifths in 1990, leaving some banks no choice but to shrink to fit.
There wasn't any way Evelyn could undo the damage. Rose would feel bound to reject an apology. Evelyn had left Rose no choice there.
The Widdups vowed to stand firm even though the owners of the 11 acres surrounding their smallholding wanted to sell. Now Labour-controlled Bradford council has supported outline building proposals, leaving the Widdups little option but to go.

Such is the bewildering complexity of sectarian politics in Northern Ireland that Mr Vitty — who draws his support from the gut Loyalist working class housing estates on the eastern outskirts of Belfast — has been left in the lurch by the Official Unionist Party despite campaigning on a United Unionist ticket.
“It would serve you right if Jeff walked out on you.If he left you in the lurch when you needed him most.”

Building students preparing for a career in Europe need much more than just a grounding in languages, says John Watson, student representative for the CIOB's Northern Counties Region and press officer for the Tyneside Centre. Here he calls for unified action from education and industry to ensure that the UK's future professionals are not left in the cold.
A second criticism is that the theory assumes that all emotional response is the same. Dr Kenneth Kirk offered this criticism years ago, that some people are moved more easily than others by suffering and death. There are emotional types and there are some who are matter-of-fact and fairly cold in their emotional response. This idea does leave out in the cold some of us who are not moved that much by emotion.

Banking involvement in the MBO scene has contracted sharply as a whole tier of European and Far Eastern banks, which took on MBO debt in the eighties because of the lucrative margins available, melted away and left the field to a handful of long-standing domestic participants such as NatWest, Barclays and Bank of Scotland.
The author was a councillor of Edward IV and is in general a far more reliable source than Mancini. His facts (although not always his glosses) cannot usually be faulted, and he was ideally placed to give the definitive account of events after Edward's death. Although he evidently knew what the king had planned, he nowhere states it explicitly, and his silence has left the field to Mancini's version.

The "celeb" cult leaves me cold.