© Contragram
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voir aussi: s'employer



'iemand in dienst hebben of nemen, werkgelegenheid verschaffen' 

'fournir un emploi à quelqu'un' 

'to give work to sb in return for payment'

NP ___ NP (LOC) 

NP ___ NP als C2

NP ___ NP (LOC) 

NP ___ NP comme C2

NP ___ NP (LOC) 

NP ___ NP as C2


'iets toepassen

'appliquer quelque chose; utiliser

'to put sth into effect; to use'

>>> gebruiken 

>>> gebruiken

>>> gebruiken

>>> gebruiken

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP à NP

NP ___ NP pour Pinf1

NP ___ NP contre NP

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP for NP/Pger1

NP ___ NP to Pinf1

NP ___ NP against  NP


'zich bij een activiteit van iets bedienen' 

'faire intervenir quelque chose dans une activité; utiliser' 

'to make use of sth when carrying out an activity; to use'

>>> gebruiken / inzetten 

>>> gebruiken / inzetten 

>>> gebruiken / inzetten 

>>> gebruiken / inzetten 

>>> gebruiken / inzetten 

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP pour NP

NP ___ NP pour Pinf1

NP ___ NP contre NP

NP ___ NP comme C2 

NP ___ NP

NP ___ NP for NP/Pger1

NP ___ NP to Pinf1

NP ___ NP against  NP

NP ___ NP as C2 


'één of meer woorden uiten of schrijven om over iets te praten' 

'prononcer ou écrire un ou plusieurs mots pour parler de quelque chose' 

'to utter or write one or several words to talk about sth'

>>> gebruiken 

>>> gebruiken

NP ___ NP 

NP ___ NP comme C2

NP ___ NP (to Pinf1

NP ___ NP as C2


(arch.) 'iets in werking stellen' 

'activer ou mettre en œuvre quelque chose

'to set sth into operation or action'

NP ___ NP 


>>> mettre (en œuvre) / activer 

>>> bring / call / put / set (into action/operation)


'met iets bezig zijn' 

'être en train de faire quelque chose' 

'to spend time doing sth'

>>> zich bezighouden 

>>> zich bezighouden

>>> s'occuper / être occupé 

>>> s'occuper / être occupé

NP ___[Pass] in NP/Pger1 

NP ___[Pass] Pger1






voorbeelden - exemples - examples


Zo'n 550.000 Nederlanders werden tijdens de oorlog in Duitsland tewerkgesteld.
Kalkoene wordt tewerkgesteld in een reparatiewerkplaats van treinwagons.
Maar ondanks de schriftelijke toezegging dat 'u noch in een werkkamp noch in het buitenland tewerkgesteld zult worden', komen de Van Leevens via Westerbork uiteindelijk toch in Theresiënstadt terecht.
Nicole en Lorenzo vertegenwoordigen twee van de negentig nationaliteiten die in Disneyland Parijs zijn tewerkgesteld.

Als therapie werden de echtgenotes tewerkgesteld, wat weer aanleiding gaf tot klachten over slechte soldeerverbindingen.
De textielsektor wordt ervan verdacht veel meer klandestienen te werk te stellen, maar de opsporing is moeilijker dan in andere sektoren waar de aktiviteiten zichtbaarder zijn.
Vanaf 1996 zal daar nog bijkomen, doordat de regering in het kader van het meerjarenplan voor de werkgelegenheid, dat nu in het parlement wordt besproken, de werkgeversbijdragen zal overnemen voor bestaansminimumtrekkers die het OCMW zelf tewerkstelt.

Inmiddels was het op 23 maart 1942 al zover, dat Nederlanders ook verplicht buiten de landsgrenzen tewerkgesteld konden worden.
De dag erna was Lof gedwongen in de bunkerbouw tewerkgesteld en keek raar op toen een tweetal SD-ers hem daar uitnodigden om in een luxe auto plaats te nemen en in de richting van de Steenwijkerstraatweg met hem wegreden.

Tot de ambtenaren die tot de diensteenheid behoren, worden mede gerekend de ambtenaren die bij die diensteenheid ten minste een jaar voor meer dan de helft van hun werktijd tijdelijk zijn te werk gesteld.Er komen nu carrièremogelijkheden voor personeel dat momenteel onder een onzeker statuut wordt tewerkgesteld, aldus Ylieff.

Als straf werd hij na de oorlog tewerkgesteld als kruier op Paddington Station.
Dat zijn vaak verticaal of horizontaal versnipperde organisaties waar zij worden tewerkgesteld als academische meet-, teken- of rekenhulpjes.
In negentien een en negentig ontvluchtten ze het voormalige Oostblok, waar ze als gastarbeiders te werk waren gesteld.


Bien soutenu par le conseil général, le CPIE poursuit son expansion et emploie jusqu'à douze personnes, dont cinq permanents.

Selon son avocat, Me Xavier de Roux, Yves Chalier, "fatigué et désabusé", est "employé comme cadre technico-commercial dans une société de la région parisienne" et "aspire simplement à reprendre une vie normale, anonyme".
Mina, mère de famille philippine de quarante-deux ans, y a été employée comme "bonne à tout faire" chez une femme tunisienne.


The 920-acre mixed dairy and arable holding employs five full-time staff, as well as two students gaining work experience.Lady Anson still employs a chauffeur, housekeeper and personal assistant.
We employ friendly, professional staff who can offer the benefit of many years' experience in the housing market.
The number of people employed by Sedgefield District Council fell by two last year.

All too often research and staff turnover testify to a failure to use the talents of people already employed in the enterprise.
The programme has increase six-fold in the last 10 years and employs more than 2000 scientists at four establishments as well as commissioning research outside.
Brooke was employed in Manchester, and then in Ireland at the time of the rebellion.
Someone employed on the Census in April was forced to resign after trying to sell life insurance as he called at homes in London to collect people's forms!

Special counsellors should be employed to aid this process.
MI6 and the CIA were forbidden by internal guidelines to assassinate, but that did not mean, he continued, that they did not employ “freelancers” to eliminate the odd opponent.
B, a millowner, employed independent contractors, who were apparently competent, to construct a reservoir on his land to provide water for his mill.
The Union employs an Entertainments Manager based at Jordanstown to organize and coordinate an entertainments programme across the four campuses.

Capitanchik: Will it also mean that you will have more training programmes for these people now that they are more permanently employed?
Compradors have usually identified with the interests of the TNCs, whether they are directly employed by them or not, for both encourage the transformation of traditional patterns of consumption and behaviour in developing societies, though post-imperialism theory has yet to confront this particular issue.

Preliminary work began last September following the appointment of two countryside officers who are employed full time on the project.

Impressed with Stan's success rate Dr Panchen offered to employ him as a collector of specimens for the University using a grant from the National Environmental Research Council.
They regularly employed Philip Leapor as a gardener, and the letters sent to him give some insight into his business.
She was to be employed as a cop winder, whatever that meant.
He started his own practice in the following year, and was employed as a surveyor by the builders Grissell and Peto on Hungerford Market.


Le gouvernement des Jeunes Turcs à Istanbul décida de résoudre cette question par la vieille méthode souvent employée de la déportation.
Un autre a même rappelé, publiquement, la pratique clandestine, en certaines occasions, du "vote révolutionnaire, qui consiste à voter pour l'adversaire pour affaiblir l'allié", méthode employée en 1981 au second tour de l'élection présidentielle.

Tous les stratagèmes seront employés à son élimination.

L'Iran, constatant "l'incapacité des Nations unies à employer la force pour mettre fin à l'agression" s'est dit prêt à envoyer des "casques bleus" en Bosnie.
"Le comportement des pouvoirs publics, assurait Jean-Claude Amara, vice-président de DAL, nous contraint à employer des moyens illégaux pour faire respecter la légalité", en l'occurrence l'ordonnance de 1945.

Pour parvenir aux objectifs que les pays occidentaux se sont fixés sur Tuzla, Srebrenica et Zepa, le secrétaire général évoque trois scénarios: le consentement des parties [...] est obtenu ; ce consentement n'est pas obtenu mais on suppose que la force ne sera pas employée contre les "casques bleus" ; ce consentement n'est pas obtenu et les belligérants tentent d'empêcher l'opération par la force.

Those few studies of cinema audiences that do exist have employed the methods of mass sociology and market research, which cannot fully capture the individual, subjective experience of filmgoing, since they miss out idiosyncratic detail and the personal dreamworld.
This was a revolutionary tactic, employing something even more advanced than the most state-of-the-art technology: common sense.
In Tokyo, Mr Miyazawa, Prime Minister, employed a classic Japanese stalling tactic, telling Jiang that they would give "serious consideration" to China's invitation.

This small unit, consisting of highly-skilled soldiers recruited from within the brigade, jumped into Safra in the early hours of this morning. The method they employed for the drop is known as HALO (high altitude low opening).
The rules of presentation and representation change depending on whether the output is an electrical diagram, engineering drawing or site plan. The techniques employed for the geometric representation of three-dimensional bodies vary, as do the methods of storing and retrieving the data.

Socialists will have to say more about how such planning would operate: its mechanisms and the criteria employed for allocating resources.

The primitive church employed mythology to augment and explicate the great truths of the gospel.
THE INTIFADA is a people's unarmed revolution against occupation. Its two main slogans, repeated countless times in the directives issued by the underground leadership, are freedom and independence. It has employed a dual strategy to achieve these two objectives.

In a number of cultures where both mystical strategies are available we find that social inferiors employ possession against superiors whose ultimate authority they grudgingly accept, whereas witchcraft (or sorcery) accusations are reserved for challenging unacceptable authority.


Désormais on emploie des dérivés définis chimiquement et des esters d'origine végétale ou de synthèse.

C'est dans son important fonds de documents originaux [...] qu'a été puisée une partie des éléments iconographiques employés pour le calendrier, les autres provenant des Musées d'Arromanches et de Sainte-Mère-Eglise.

Nous ne sommes pas tenus d'employer des moyens extraordinaires et disproportionnés pour assurer la survie d'un être humain.

Ces bombes sont également employées contre les gros navires de guerre.

Pour se débarasser du mâchefer produit par les usines d'incinération des ordures parisiennes, il faut le concasser et le cribler pour le vendre aux entreprises de travaux publics qui l'emploieront comme matériau routier.


All radiation in the spectrum lies in the visible region, so glass optics can be used, and this offers an important advantage over the IR region, where glass is unusable, and mechanically weaker salt optics or front-silvered mirrors must be employed.
After decanting, the oil can be employed in skin preparations by those prone to allergic rashes.

Australian scientists have suggested that carbonyl sulphide should be used as a benign alternative to methyl bromide, a pesticide employed for fumigating soil, timbers, and grains and fruit after harvest.

The Harp The harp is an instrument of considerable versatility which is not commonly associated with use in church services. It can, however, be employed for simple piano parts, or its occasional rolled chords are an effective accompaniment to choral work.

The detachment forms up close to the main unit where it can offer support, either by using long range weapons such as bows or hand guns, or by employing hand-to-hand weapons to threaten an advancing enemy's exposed flanks.
As a result of this work it could be declared that “All the drugs now used against malaria were found by using experimental laboratory infections: the design of the tests employed to find them, or to uncover their particular attributes and imperfections, was based on knowledge of the life cycle”.

According to Palmer (1983) Nucella lamellosa employs its narcotic against barnacles but not against mussels.

The pool format has considerable merits if it's employed as a round-robin league table qualifier for the knock-out stages as per the '91 World Cup, but in Sicily it was so exhaustive it was almost self-defeating.
The nature of theories will be affected depending on whether universal or particular concepts are employed as basic constructs.
It is true that there are many species with horns or antlers, but those are primarily concerned with offence and are only secondarily employed as defensive armour against predators.


Au gré des déclarations, voire de tel ou tel terme employé par les principaux protagonistes, l'optimisme le dispute au pessimisme.
Dégustant les vins du même nom, il fut charmé par le vocabulaire que l'on employait à leur propos: leur fameuse "robe", leur "souplesse" ou leur "rondeur".

Idem pour tirer les marrons du feu, expression employée sans cesse comme synonyme de tirer son épingle du jeu... alors que leurs sens sont, en réalité, contraires.


If we could succeed in defining accurately and agreeing upon the meaning of the terms which we are employing, then I am afraid the House of Commons would be very largely deserted.
Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word— and on her choice of it; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens, and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces.

Kafka-esque is inevitably the word that will be employed to describe the image-battering confusion and dark horror of this picture of the collapsed state, as much moral as political, of Germany in the weeks immediately following the end of the war.
The term kala was originally employed by the Hindus in the Rig-Veda to denote the "right moment" in connection with sacrificial ritual.

Although precise categories of mental illness are difficult to arrive at, there is at least reasonable consensus about the meaning of the more inclusive terms, "psychosis" and "psychotic". Admittedly, in some popular usage the latter is occasionally employed as a synonym for "psychopathic", particularly to describe individuals who commit grossly antisocial, and often bizarrely motivated, crimes.


Zij doen van tijd tot tijd de scheepsboten te water brengen en de brandblusmiddelen en lensinrichtingen te werk stellen om zich van de goede werking te overtuigen. 
Het belang daarvan omschreef Steiner als 'een bezigheid waarbij alle zielekrachten en het gehele menselijke lichaam worden tewerkgesteld.'


On the other hand, supervisors with poor performance are described as spending more time in ensuring that their staff were busily employed in fulfilling specified stages of work.
The Guild was employed in cabinet-making, decorative metalwork, and the designing of wallpaper and fabrics involving many craftsmen.

But the imagination can and must be controlled and concentration on whatever one is employed in at the moment will counteract the natural animal instinct of fear.

William and Joe were busily employed, hands in pockets, watching the Francis Forbes Barton being winched up the slipway by the old capstan after a practice launch.
They are busily employed “teaching the financiers how to do what they want within the law, advising on the chances they are taking and how to best cover themselves”.